Mazzone’s Auction Service – Exceptional Antique Auction
September 25 at 10 am
Guilderland, NY #16751
Preview at 9 am
Partial Listing: variety of period furniture, mahogany 35” wide two over two bow front dresser, 36“ cherry three drawer bedroom federal dresser, 30” hepplewait one drawer stand, set of 6 Chippendale chairs, four early blanket boxes, ornate blanket box with brass trim, country work tables, early 1860 iron hall tree, Victorian walnut with marble hall tree, Victorian cylinder roll desk with bookcase top, Victorian marble tops, oak 3 drawer icebox, oak and mahogany stacked bookcases, Victorian MT half commode, oak bow glass china closet, Lincoln blanket box, early stands and much more furniture. Collectibles: 5 lb. sterling flatware set, Asian propo- ganda bronze, costume jewelry, group of miscellaneous fountain pens, variety of early iron doorstops, large variety Wagner/Griswold cast iron cookware, clocks, quilts, homespuns, blue decorated stoneware jugs, many primitives, advertising items, variety of lamps, Miller 6-panel, student lamps, artwork, Adirondack wicker fishing backpack, early tackle box (full), fly rods, hunting clothes, trains found in attic boxes, large variety with accessories and much more!
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036