Dana J. Tharp – Furniture, Asian Exports & Sterling Silver Auction
September 24 at 9 am
4740 Beidler Rd. Willoughby, Ohio 44094
Dana J. Tharp Auctions presents our 2022 Autumn Catalog.
Featured is antique furniture, Asian exports, sterling silver flatware, gold, sterling, and costume jewelry, civil war era guns, sports memorabilia, film reels, and decorative arts. See our entire catalog at danajtharpauctions.com.
Arm Chairs
Whitney Navy
Foo Dog Roof Tile
Fenton Lamps
22k Gold
Stadium Seats
Sevres Manner Vase
Floor Vase
Golden Medici Sterling
Sterling Charm Bracelet
Duck Decoy
Civil War Holster
Lloyd Buxton
Dragon Jardiniere
Stag Punch Bowl
Leather Executive Chairs
Po Shun Leong
Gentleman’s Smith London Pistols
Chicago Palm Pistol
Bison Bronze
Van Briggle
Civil War Holster
Khedive Helmet
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036