Roberson’s Auctions – Antiques & Collectibles Auction
October 1 at 4 pm
19 Recreation Pk. Road Pine Bush, NY
View – Thurs., 9/29 & Fri. 9/30 – Noon-5pm, Day of Sale 12-4pm • Audience is Welcome in the Hall
Country Furnishings & Accessories incl. this Early Stepback Cupboard
3 Good Room Size Semi-Antique Oriental Rugs
Quality Furnishings incl. this L.& J.G. Stickley 3 Dr. Bookcase
Many Unique Advertising Signs in Wood, Iron, Metal, etc.
Great Selec- tion of Jewelry incl. this Man’s 18K Gold Santos De Cartier Wrist- watch
Exceptional Selection of Victorian & Vintage Toys
Huge 1950’s Train Collection incl. Over 12 Cars & Many Accessories
Will be sold in Single Pcs. & Group Lots incl. Early Silver Pcs., Sets of Mint Proof Coins & Paper money
Lg. Selection of Schrade Knives incl. this IXL 1980 Set in Factory Display
Great Graphic “Bluejay Corn Plasters” Country Store Display
Super Swiss 10 Tune Cylinder Music Box w/3 Bell Strikers
Good Artworks incl. a Lg. 24 1/8in. H.x36in. O/C by A. Nemethy of Hudson River Scene
Starting the Sale with 63 lots of Coins, the 2nd part of the lifetime collection … Will be sold in Single Pcs. & Group Lots incl. Early Silver Pcs., Sets of Mint Proof Coins & Paper money … Also selling Antique Furnishings incl. a super L. & J.G. Stickley 3 Dr. Bookcase w/Stamp; Arts & Crafts Mission ft. stool; Early stepback cupboard; 2 country store curved glass candy showcases; Lg. early camelback sofa; Oak 2 dr. China closet; Lg. Oak postal box window front; 3 room sz. Semi-an- tique Oriental rugs; Several sm. early document type chests; Leather- maker’s bench; Spinning wheel; Victorian child’s push sleigh; Rd. top oak pedestal stand & more… Quality Artworks incl. Oils, Watercolors, Prints incl. a Lg. O/C by A. Nemethy Hudson River Scene, 3 Oil on Boards of Winter Scenes by C.I. Dreisbach; Sm. Oil of Farmhouse/Barn Winter Scene; W/C of Horses pulling hay wagon signed Geo. B. Cam- pion; Early framed paper print “D. Biddlecom Saloon”; Orig. “Wood- stock” poster & others… Collection of Schrade Knives & others incl. a “Case” Bradford, PA 1989 display Knife; 1975 Schrade Rawhide in orig. case; Schrade IXL 1980 set in wood factory display; Schrade Heri- tage set in wood factory box & more; Wenger mechanical Swiss Army Knife advertising display & a Case knife display cabine … Exceptional Advertising in various forms incl. Glass, Tin, Iron, Porcelain, Wood, etc. incl. a wooden “Shorty’s Shoeshine & Hat Cleaning sign w/prov- enance; Iron sign – “Speed Limit – Horses at a Walk”; Vintage cardbd. Display w/drwrs. for “Blue=Jay” Corn Plasters by Bauer & Black; Lg. glass “Dime Bank” door panel sign; Wooden “Corseteria – Clara K. Fultz” sign; Lg. wooden “Martinsburg Motors – Packard – Hudson – Essex” sign; Vintage “Bob’s Barber Shop” glass sign; Metal “Walk Over Shoes-Caleb, Birch & Son – Walden, NY; Metal sign “Rock Ridge Lake, Denville, NJ” & many more… Great Accessories incl. an interesting tabletop Swiss 10 tune cylinder music box w/3 striker bells of 2 Butter- flies & a Bee (working); Early iron fireplace trammel dated 1829; French Marble figural shelf & Wall hanging clock w/H.P. scene; Lg. stained glass “Sodas” soda shop sign; 2 Lg. jeweled stained glass windows; 2 Sm. iron safes incl. “The Hall’s Safe Co.” floor safe on wheels; 2 Vintage Postal stamp machines; Early Singer featherweight; Early lot of pens/ pencils incl. a rare “Paul E. Wirt” fountain pen; Arrowheads; Vintage comic books w/metal holder; Early figural iron fireplace front;12 “Or- ange Co.,NY Agricultural Society” Badges 1919-1935; 11pc. Vanity set in velvet case;2 Capiz shell art lamps; Victorian slipper holder; Brass Dietz lantern; Native Amer. Wool rug; Bell telephone hotel dial phone; Military bugle; Lot of Eisenhower draperies & valances; Carbide jew- eled lamp; Brickerton portable bike… Many Country Accessories incl. Ironwares; Copperwares; Woodenwares; Diminutive trencher; Early standing drying rack; Early stenciled diminutive chest; Lobster trap; Early FP peel & fork; Sm. wooden butter churn w/paddle; Early mor- tised bench; Industrial coffee table … Wonderful Victorian & Vintage Toys, Games, etc. incl. several mohair animals incl. 13in. w/Steiff but- ton & 16in. mohair humpback teddies; Early mohair dogs; Early metal toys incl. an early metal fire truck marked “City Fire Dept.”; Early met- al steam shovel on wheels in orig. pt.; C.1919 Wolverine “Sandy Andy No.61” tin litho hopper car toy; C.1900’s tin windup clown w/spinner toy in old pt.; C. 1918 Wolverine tin “Bizzy Andy Trip Hammer” toy in orig. pt.; Wooden Pinocchio Jtd. Disney Toy; Vintage mechanical Mick- ey Mouse toy; Lg. train collection (mostly Lionel); Children’s pedal fire engine (like new) & Vintage Castelli tractor; Marbles; Early games w/super graphics incl. McLoughlin Bros., NY “Cats & Mice Gantlope & Lost Diamond Board game; Early “Milton Bradley “Game of Mill” Board game; McLoughlin Bros. “Kris Kringle” Picture cubes (6 pics) … Several Antique Lg. & Sm. Bisque Head Dolls plus Accessories incl. 24in.H. CM Bergmann German Bisque/compo body; 12in.H. sm. German bisque / compo in orig. outfit; Victorian doll trunk w/insert, full of clothing & access.; All orig. “Toni Doll”; Early bisque & porcelain miniature dolls; 15in.H. Kathe Kruse doll; 2 Early wooden Schoenhut “Humpty Dumpty Circus” clowns w/chairs… Super Estate Jewelry incl. 18K Gold Santos De Cartier man’s wristwatch; 14k yg Hunter case pocketwatch; Hunter case 25yrs. Waltham PS Bartlett movement pocketwatch; 14k filigree cameo pin/pendant; 14kyg bracelet w/stones & pearls; Benrus lady’s 10k yg wristwatch; Gold rings; Sterling Silver alligator bracelet & tray lots of rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc; Several lots of Native American Sterling jewelry; Tray lots of costume, etc…
This is a partial listing, still cataloguing…
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036