Americana Auctions – Super October Estates & Nautical Auction
October 2 at 11 am
380 Winthrop St, Rehoboth MA 02769
508-771-1722 or 508-223-9471
REHOBOTH, MASS. — Americana Auctions will conduct a diverse estates and nautical auction on Sunday, October 2, at 11 am, at the firm’s gallery, encompassing a wide variety of items, most from Cape Cod and islands estates. The live-on-premises sale will offer close to 600 fresh-to-the-market antiques and collectibles to satisfy most dealers and connoisseurs. It will also be showcased online at and
Highlighting the maritime portion of the sale will be a pair of J.E. Buttersworth yacht race paintings. They have some past restoration but are considerably larger than the artist’s typical works at 20 by 32 inches. James Buttersworth (1817-1894) is considered a preeminent marine artist from the New York/New Jersey area and was noted for many yachting and clipper ship subjects. There are several China Trade paintings incorporating British and American ships, most notably a monumental oil on wood panel of Hong Kong harbor with various international ships as well as Victoria Peak, prominent in the background. The work was consigned by a Virginia collector with other notable paintings. Rounding out the maritime-themed artwork includes FS Cozzens (two watercolors of beached boats), two Louis Dodd historical paintings of ships in harbor (Hawaii and Boston), Graham Flight painting of the Confederate ship Alabama, whaling subjects and more.
Other listed artists in the sale include a George Wharton Edwards monumental impressionist painting of a horse-drawn sleigh exiting the W. Cornwall Bridge in Connecticut, probably the artist’s magnum opus. Other notable works include David Lazarus (six paintings and 25 prints) Reginald Nickerson, William A Walker, Antonio Cirino, C. Gordon Harris, W. Morrell, Stacy Tolman, John Hare, W. Petroff, Harry Sunter, W. Clausen, C. Muller, L. Scweiger and PJ Loutherbourg,
There is a plethora of nautical items, including six half-hull models (largest almost 6 feet long), old ship figurehead of a lady, three British wool work pictures, an unusual butler’s “ship wheel” table with large bell base and ringer, carved wood whale plaques, eight bronze portholes, ship medical boxes “Cocaine” and “Opium” and more.
A Robert Dollar carved dolphin ship trade sign from his US Presidents passenger line, circa 1930s, will be offered. Also included are several scrimshaw whale’s teeth, rare 8-foot-long narwhal tusk, pair oxen horns with Inuit scrimshawed sea animals and sailor made items (game boxes, whale bone chess set, mini cordial set, two fine busks and more). Weathervanes include two Frank Adams metal clipper ships, folk art wood and copper fish weathervane signed J. Dean 1869 and an antique iron and copper jockey on horse vane. There is a George Kneass of San Francisco brass yacht binnacle with dolphin-carved base made for EE Dickinson of Essex, Conn. (Witch Hazel maker), as well as whale harpoons, sailor-made whale bone canes, eel spears, nautical charts and shell valentines.
A grouping of clocks is highlighted by a Simon Willard mahogany tall clock from a doctor’s home in Newport, R.I. It belonged to a Boston merchant, circa 1800, and has a rotating ship dial. Deaccessioned from a small local museum is a period Aaron Willard Bride’s mantel clock, A. Willard Jr & E. Stennes banjo clocks and E. Howard #1 regulator clock (largest one made at just over 4 feet tall). Also, a large E. Howard #69 brass marine wall clock, Hamilton ship chronometer and several Chelsea ship’s bell clocks round out the clock category.
Other interesting items include a Revolutionary War sword with scabbard carried by British officer Henry Hypp at the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 where he was mortally wounded. It has written provenance and descended to a relative on Cape Cod who was relocating, reluctantly consigning it for auction.
Other items include a prototype cannon dated 1872 by Nathan Thompson of New York, Civil War porthole recovered from the CSS Rob Roy 1865 (with COA), presentation-grade Civil War officer’s sword by Horstmann, Sharp’s 1852 carbine and two Springfield Civil War muskets. More recent military items include World War I and World War II field equipment.
This auction also includes period furniture from Newport, Maine, Baltimore, Boston and other areas, about 40 antique Oriental rugs, including a Karachopf Kazak, several lots of gold jewelry as well as Native American silver jewelry. As usual, there is much silverware offered, including a rare Eighteenth Century sugar urn by New York silversmith Ephraim Brasher — a Revolutionary War patriot, neighbor of George Washington and designer of the Brasher Doubloon in 1787. Also hitting the block will be a 1732 English silver teapot by W. Kay, a 1770 English sterling salver by John Carter II, sterling silver tea sets and hollowware and several flatware sets by Tiffany and other makers.
Americana Auctions is at 380 Winthrop Street. For information, 508-223-9471 or
Preview: Live in Rehoboth: Sept 29th & 30th & Oct. 1st (Thurs/Fri/Sat.) from 10-4 pm & Sunday Oct 2nd 9-11 & by appt.
Large ship trade sign
Geo. Wharton Edwards
Napoleonic bell
No. Shore card table
Simon Willard tall clock
1872 prototype cannon model
Much sterling silver
Fine scrimshaw items
Bunker Hill sword
Collection of canes
Graham Flight – Confederate ship
Chinese silk robe
James E. Buttersworth (1 of 2)
J. Dean 1869 weathervane
Whale bone cordial set
Huge E. Howard #1 clock
Whale tooth chess set
Sailor Valentines
FINE ART: 2 oils by James E Buttersworth – yacht races; 2 Louis Dodd historic marine oils – Nantucket ship in Hawaii & US Brig in Boston; Geo. Wharton Edwards – 35 x 45 Conn. covered bridge & sleigh; 4 Chi- na Trade of ships incl. 30 x 50 Hong Kong harbor; American clipper & Peacock steam ship oil; Graham Flight – Confederate ship Alabama; SS City of Key West sidewheeler; 8 Nantucket paintings by David Lazarus & 28 ass’d etchings; Fred Cozzens ships (2); T.G. Dutton; Harry Sunter 1886; Ludwig Schweiger; Stacy Tolman; C. Gordon Harris; A. Cirino; W. Morrell; J. Howes; Chas. Vermoskie (5); HE Tozer 1881; H. Thomp- son; Civil War ironclad battle; WA Walker – Sharecroppers; HJ Peck; Wladimir Petroff – Sophia mosque Istanbul; Carl Muller; PJ Louther- bourg II; John Hare; Hank Walker – hunt; A. Yaskil; J. Secor; Clausen portrait; Huge Chinese ancestral portrait w/14 figures; Pr. mini bronze fencers by Hagenauer Austria; 25” Cupid bronze. PRINTS: Rare 1698 Eddy-Stone Lighthouse by Winstanley; Pr. Armstrong color lithos of lifesaving scenes; Currier & Ives MA & RI steamship; 3 “Sperm Whal- ing/Arctic Whaling & Varieties” prints after Russell.
NAUTICAL: Important French bronze bell NAPOLEON – MAR- SEILLE likely from Palais du Pharo; 6 good half-hull models to 68”; 2 old tin ship medical boxes – Opium & Cocaine: Superb Robert Dollar dolphin-carved & painted USS Presidents ship sign; Antique ship fig- urehead of lady; 4 Ship models – HMS Horatio etc; 2 ship weathervanes by Frank Adams; 60 lb. ship’s wall telegraph sgd. C. Cory NY; Rare porthole from Confederate blockade runner Rob Roy (COA) plus 6 other bronze portholes; 2 sailor shell valentines; 3 British ship “woo- lie” pictures; 4 Ken Beckenhaupt whales; 8 antique eel spears; Whale harpoons; Ship wheels, one w/bronze butler’s bell base; Sailor made bone-inlaid box; Fisherman & lighthouse doorstops; Folk art wood mermaid in barrel; Several nautical charts – 1868 Atlantic by Simpson USN, 1895 Caribbee Islands, Ireland & English Channel 1894 by Imray, G. Eldridge 1905 Cape Henry to Mt Desert; 1750 Boston custom house ship document.
SCRIMSHAW & RELATED: Rare whale tooth chess set w/board; 8-foot Narwhal tusk; 15+ old whale teeth, many w/scrimshaw incl. 26 oz. Hawaiian hut, whaling, Pegasus, eagle-head, raw; 2 POW whale- bone game boxes w/dominoes; Pr. scrimshaw musk ox horns w/sea an- imals; Reyes Nantucket basket w/whale; 6 pc. whalebone cordial set w/ ships; whalebone sail rubber & pie crimper; Whalebone 15” seal figure; 13” whalebone needle; Pr. whale eardrums; 2 whale busks w/scrim- shaw; Inuit kayaker sgd. J. Koluluk
CLOCKS: Simon Willard inlaid tall clock, Aaron Willard bride’s man- tle, & A. Willard Jr. banjo; Rare 4-foot E. Howard #1 wall regulator & 12” brass #69 marine clock: E. Stennes Experimental No. 5; 5 Chelsea ships clocks & barometer sets; Cartier Art Deco desk & travel clock; Movado Calendograph & other gold watches.
JEWELRY & SILVER: Over 100 lots! Ephraim Brasher 18th C. Amer- ican sugar urn; W. Kay London 1732 teapot; J. Carter 1770 English salver; 194 ozt. 6 pc Kentshire tea set; Ca 1820 Palmer classical coin teapot; Austrian Deco enamel box; G. Jensen presentation cup; Spratling brooch & martini pot; Gorham fancy bowl & tea set; Tiffany flatware incl. Beekman; Towle “Old Master” & Gorham “Strasbourg” & “Green- brier” sets; 117 pc Wallace “Concord” flatware; Whiting Pompadour; Int’l Prelude teapot; Christofle flatware & pr. Sabatini vases. JEWELS: 14K gold mesh purse & 2 charm bracelets; 14k gold Masonic medal, Hope Lodge, NJ 1945; Vera Wang diamond ring (retail $4K); Many 14K rings, brooches, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc. w/gems; 14K gold Longines watch & Movado Calendograph watch; Southwest silver jew- elry – 3 concha belts, cuff bracelets, rings; 18th C. buckles; Chinese jade necklaces; Pearl & gold jewelry.
ASIAN & NATIVE AMERICAN: 2 antique Chinese rank badges – military w/panther & civilian purse; Fine Chinese silk robe w/cranes; Huge Chinese ancestral portrait; Chinese Imperial Bird & Canton dinner ware & Green Fitzhugh set; Hindu painted cloth Pichwai; 9 signed Chinese rice bowls; Antique Chinese jars; Portable Chinese temple; 2 Balinese bride’s headdresses; 16” Imari punchbowl; NA- TIVE: Rare NW Coast cedar carved bird staff & Tlingit whalebone figural dagger; Algonquin wood drum; Several Zuni fetishes; Papua New Guineau shell necklace; Inuit kayak by J. Koluluk; Inuit scrimshaw musk ox horns; more.
FURNITURE & RUGS: Fine period incl. Newport tilt table; MA & RI bow front chests; QA 1750 drop leaf table; PA tall chest; No. Shore MA Federal card table; QA cherry highboy; QA corner chair; Folding cellarette; N.E. Chippendale Desk; Steer horn hall tree; Inlaid mahog. Baltimore / NY chest; Nantucket sea captain desk; 6 lots of mini furni- ture & sales samples; Anglo-Indian 3-part campaign secretary; MacK- enzie-Child’s stool; Antique beds; 18 drawer apothecary chest; more. ORIENTAL RUGS; About 40 fine antique & vintage rugs – Heriz, Bidjar, Caucasian, Sarouks, etc.
MILITARIA & CANES: Rev. War sword for British Sgt. Henry Hypp who died in Battle of Bunker Hill 1775 (w/provenance); 1872 Thomp- son NY prototype cannon model & 33 inch 12 gauge cannon; Presen- tation grade Civil War Model 1850 sword by Horstmann; German lion head sword; Sharp’s 1852 carbine; 2 Springfield C.W. muskets; Tiger maple Kentucky rifle; Harold Knapp & Major Rogers WWI field equip & medals; WWII Signal Corps tank radio; Red Cross & Nazi Krieg- smarine flags; Luftwaffe hat; 3 WWII Star of David ghetto armbands. CANES: Gadget canes incl. Lincoln top hat; flute; vinaigrette; whistle; flick dagger; sword; gun cane; Sailor made – whalebone captain’s & whale tooth handle; Also ivory parrot & dog head; fist & snake; Minot’s Light 1851; 14k gold; etc.
MISCELL: 49” gilt wood eagle sculpture & Am. eagle plaques; 2 wood liquor barrels – Lowenbrau & Jack Daniels; Rare wood & copper fish weathervane sgd. J. Dean 1869; Antique jockey on horse weathervane; 1872 Nathan Thompson NY signed bronze prototype cannon; Rare pressed trade tobacco, Lenin era Russian; Hartmann Belting leather deluxe attaché; 1797 Sampler; 1840 Maine paint decor box; Antique Medusa door knocker; Coca-Cola cooler; Over 50 antique wood tools, many signed (sold in lots); Nantucket baskets, one by Jose Reyes; D. Calla Shaker box by Orleans Carpenters; Piece of Lincoln Rail 1896; Bronze frog statue; Sandwich green overlay banquet lamp; 3 antique coverlets, 2 signed; Buffalo hide buggy blanket; Black Labrador and- irons by Liberty of St. Louis; 5 Amish iron garden ornaments.
FINE ART: 2 oils by James E Buttersworth – yacht races; 2 Louis Dodd historic marine oils – Nantucket ship in Hawaii & US Brig in Boston; Geo. Wharton Edwards – 35 x 45 Conn. covered bridge & sleigh; 4 China Trade of ships incl. 30 x 50 Hong Kong harbor; American clipper & Peacock steam ship oil; Graham Flight – Con- federate ship Alabama; SS City of Key West sidewheeler; 8 Nan- tucket paintings by David Lazarus & 28 ass’d etchings; Fred Coz- zens ships (2); T.G. Dutton; Harry Sunter 1886; Ludwig Schweiger; Stacy Tolman; C. Gordon Harris; A. Cirino; W. Morrell; J. Howes; Chas. Vermoskie (5); HE Tozer 1881; H. Thompson; Civil War iron- clad battle; WA Walker – Sharecroppers; HJ Peck; Wladimir Pet- roff – Sophia mosque Istanbul; Carl Muller; PJ Loutherbourg II; John Hare; Hank Walker – hunt; A. Yaskil; J. Secor; Clausen portrait; Huge Chinese ancestral portrait w/14 figures; Pr. mini bronze fenc- ers by Hagenauer Austria; 25” Cupid bronze. PRINTS: Rare 1698 Eddy-Stone Lighthouse by Winstanley; Pr. Armstrong color litho’s of lifesaving scenes; Currier & Ives MA & RI steamship; 3 “Sperm Whaling/Arctic Whaling & Varieties” prints after Russell. NAUTICAL: Important French bronze bell NAPOLEON – MAR- SEILLE likely from Palais du Pharo; George Kneass dolphin-carved yacht binnacle from EE Dickinson estate Essex CT; Hamilton ship chronometer; 6 good half-hull models to 68”; 2 old tin ship medical boxes – Opium & Cocaine: Superb Robert Dollar dolphin-carved & painted USS Presidents ship sign; Antique ship figurehead of lady; 4 Ship models – HMS Horatio etc; 2 ship weathervanes by Frank Adams; 60 lb. ship’s wall telegraph sgd. C. Cory NY; Rare port- hole from Confederate blockade runner Rob Roy (COA) plus 6 other bronze portholes; 2 sailor shell valentines; 3 British ship “woo- lie” pictures; 4 Ken Beckenhaupt whales; 3 antique boat motors – Champion & Wayne Craft hand op. & Fichtel & Sachs; 8 antique eel spears; Whale harpoons; Ship wheels, one w/bronze butler’s bell base; Sailor made bone-inlaid box; Fisherman & lighthouse door- stops; Folk art wood mermaid in barrel; Quarterboards; 3 wood eagle plaques; Several nautical charts – 1868 Atlantic by Simpson USN, 1895 Caribbee Islands, Ireland & English Channel 1894 by Imray, G. Eldridge 1905 Cape Henry to Mt Desert; 1750 Boston cus- tom house ship document.
SCRIMSHAW & RELATED: Rare whale tooth chess set w/board; 8-foot Narwhal tusk; 15+ old whale teeth, many w/scrimshaw incl. 26 oz. Hawaiian hut, whaling, ships, Pegasus, eagle-head, raw; 3 POW whalebone game boxes w/dominoes; Pr. Inuit scrimshaw musk ox horns w/sea animals; Reyes Nantucket basket w/whale; 6 pc. whalebone cordial set w/ships; whalebone sail rubber & pie crimper; Whalebone 15” seal figure; 13” whalebone fid; Pr. whale eardrums; 2 whale busks w/scrimshaw; Inuit kayaker sgd. J. Koluluk; CLOCKS: Simon Willard inlaid tall clock, Aaron Willard bride’s mantle, & A. Willard Jr. banjo; Rare 4-foot E. Howard #1 wall regu- lator & 12” brass Howard #69 marine clock: E. Stennes Experimen- tal No. 5; 5 Chelsea ships clocks & barometer sets; Cartier Art Deco desk & travel clock; Movado Calendograph & other gold watches. JEWELRY & SILVER: Over 100 lots! Ephraim Brasher 18th C. American sugar urn; W. Kay London 1732 teapot; J. Carter 1770 English salver; 194 ozt. 6 pc Kentshire tea set; Ca 1820 Palmer clas- sical coin teapot; Austrian Deco enamel box; G. Jensen presentation cup; Spratling brooch & martini pot; Gorham fancy bowl & tea set; Tiffany flatware incl. Beekman; Towle “Old Master” & Gorham “Strasbourg” & “Greenbrier” sets; 117 pc Wallace “Concord” flat- ware; Whiting Pompadour; Int’l Prelude teapot; Christofle flatware & pr. Sabatini vases. JEWELS: 14K gold mesh purse & 2 charm bracelets; 14k gold Masonic medal, NJ 1945; Vera Wang diamond ring (retail $4K); Many 14K rings, brooches, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc. w/gems; 14K gold Longines & Movado Calendograph watches; Southwest silver jewelry – 3 concha belts, cuff bracelets, rings; 18th C. buckles; Chinese jade necklaces; Pearl & gold jewelry. ASIAN & NATIVE AMERICAN: 2 antique Chinese rank badg- es – military w/panther & civilian purse; Fine Chinese silk robe w/ cranes; Huge 14 figure Chinese ancestral portrait; Chinese Imperial Bird & Canton dinner ware & Green Fitzhugh set; Hindu painted cloth Pichwai; 9 signed Chinese rice bowls; Antique Chinese jars; Portable Chinese wood temple; 2 Balinese bride’s headdresses; 16” Imari punchbowl; NATIVE: Rare NW Coast cedar carved bird staff & Tlingit whalebone figural dagger; Algonquin wood drum; Several Zuni fetishes; Papua New Guineau shell necklace; Inuit kayak by J. Koluluk; Inuit scrimshaw musk ox horns; more.
FURNITURE & RUGS: Fine period incl. Newport tilt table; MA & RI bow front chests; QA 1750 drop leaf table; PA tall chest; No. Shore MA Federal card table; QA cherry highboy; Maine inlaid chest; QA corner chair; Folding cellarette; N.E. Chippendale Desk; Steer horn hall tree; Inlaid mahog. NY chest by Richard Allsion, ca. 1810; 6 lots of mini furniture & sales samples; Anglo-Indian 3-part rose- wood campaign secretary; MacKenzie-Child’s stool; Antique beds; 18 drawer apothecary chest; Set 6 antique mahog. Chippendale dine chairs; more. ORIENTAL RUGS: About 40 fine antique & vintage rugs – Karachopf Kazak, Lesghi, 2 Heriz, 2 fine Bidjar, 2 Art Deco Chinese, Caucasian, 25 panel rm size w/animals; etc.
MILITARIA & CANES: Rev. War sword for British Sgt. Henry Hypp who died in Battle of Bunker Hill 1775 (w/provenance); 1872 Thompson NY prototype cannon model & 33 inch 12 gauge cannon; Presentation grade C.W. Model 1850 sword by Horst- mann; German lion head sword; Sharp’s 1852 carbine; 2 Spring- field C.W. muskets; Tiger maple Kentucky rifle; Harold Knapp & Major Rogers WWI field equip & medals; WWII Signal Corps tank radio; Red Cross & Nazi Kriegsmarine flags; Luftwaffe hat; 3 WWII Star of David ghetto armbands. CANES: Gadget canes incl. Lincoln top hat; flute; vinaigrette; whistle; flick dag- ger; sword; gun cane; Sailor made – whalebone captain’s & whale tooth handle; Also ivory parrot & dog head; fist & snake; Minot’s Light 1851; 14k gold; etc.
MISCELL: 49” gilt wood eagle sculpture & Am. eagle plaques; 2 wood liquor barrels – Lowenbrau & Jack Daniels; Rare wood & copper fish weathervane sgd. J. Dean 1869; Antique jockey on horse weathervane; 1872 Nathan Thompson NY signed bronze prototype cannon; Russian pressed trade tobacco ca 1900; Hart- mann Belting leather attache; 1797 Sampler; 1840 Maine folk art box; Coca-Cola cooler; Over 50 antique wood tools, many signed (sold in lots); D. Calla Shaker box by Orleans Carpenters; Reyes Nantucket basket; Piece of Lincoln Rail 1896; Bronze frog statue; Sandwich green overlay banquet lamp; 4 antique coverlets, 2 signed; Buffalo hide buggy blanket; Black Labrador andirons by Liberty of St. Louis; 5 Amish iron garden ornaments; Camphor- wood brass bound C-roll top walnut ship’s travel desk.
Fine scrimshaw items
Robert Dollar trade sign
J. Dean 1869 weathervane
Chinese silk robe
Collection of canes
James E. Buttersworth (1 of 2)
Louis Dodd (1 of 2)
Geo. Wharton Edwards
Graham Flight – Confederate ship
Karachopf Kazak
Chinese rank badge
Sailor Valentines
Much sterling silver
Whale tooth chess set
Simon Willard tall clock
No. Shore card table
Huge Chinese portrait
Kneass binnacle
Huge E. Howard #1 clock
Bunker Hill sword
Whale bone cordial set
Napoleonic bell
Ephraim Brasher silver urn
1872 Thompson cannon
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036