Jim Klinko Estate Sale
Sale Date: October 1-2, 2022- Saturday and Sunday
Hours: 10am-5pm
Jim Klinko Estate Sale, featured on ABC “The Great American Tag Sale” with Martha Stewart
Antique Collectors are moving on and are leaving behind spectacular items. With sixty years of collecting, we are offering antique Chinese large Urns, Chinese Plant Stands, Chinese Planter, Chinese Jade Lamp, large selection of Steuben Vases, Steuben Animals, Lalique Figures, Baccarat Crystal, St. Louis Glass sets, Imari Porcelain, China Sets, Mandarin Porcelain, period tall Case Clocks, French Clocks, Several Mantle Clocks, magnificent secretary, pair of huge Japanese wall art with mirrored edges, pair of antique Foo Dogs, multiple Brass Foot Stools, Brass Andirons, Brass Fire tools, large Italian marble with child, antique French Mirrors, large oil painting by H. Boss, several other paintings, country French chairs, country table, antique Kneehole Desk, Antique English Barometers, antique Brass Candle Sets, pair of large metal boy and girl statues, rugs, English Writing Desk on stand, outstanding extra-large Candle Abras and in addition, lots of unusual and interesting items. A SALE NOT TO BE MISSED!!!!
Directions: Follow “Jim Klinko Estate Sale” signs. Sale is in Redding, CT on Black Rock Turnpike (RT. 58)
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036