Bill Spicer Auction
October 26 at 5 pm
Washington Lodge Masonic Temple: 1515 Ten Rod Road, North Kingstown, RI
Viewing at Noon
FURNITURE/CLOCKS/RUGS: child’s Shak- er rocker; Shaker sewing box; period low boy; period inlaid server; pr 19th cen- tury Windsor chairs; early candle stand; oval inlaid stand; multi drawer machin- ist chest; machinist toolbox; oak coffee table; oak cupboard; oval glass top table; 2-door bookcase; Mission Oak bookcase; marble top table; oak rocker; leather arm chair; library folding stairs; wicker table multi drawer cabinet; 2 Oriental runners; 5 Oriental rugs; 16’x2 1⁄2” Oriental runner
MISC: Regina music box with 39 disk records; pantry box; Heinz Art Co desk set; Dallin bronze Indian “Massasoit”; 3 busts of women by Serafina Garrigo Carneiro; 3 wood carvings by G. Luna & G. Arias; “Black Fish” by Vin Pickard; folk art collage by Robert Kews; 2 Chinese murals; 2 busts by Florence Brevoort Kane; “Patton” plaque by F. B. Kane; 2 sculptures of women by Florence B. Kane; metal gun sculpture; book press; telescope; Spencer Lens Co microscope; W & L Gurley N.Y. transit; old pump mounted on board; arrowheads; dress form; Northwest Coast: bird bowl, bird carving and Osprey & Cotto by Jim Gilbert; ; 8 early cloth dolls; Spanish wheat thrasher; Manioc root thrasher; Brazilian animal bench; 2 wooden trenchers; lot of records; adv. Tins; inlaid tea caddy; 2, purple decanters; Haviland dishes; 3 pcs Moorecroft; 19” Roseville vase; Rosewood tea caddy; 3, 1890’s tea caddies; Asian dishes; #200 coffee grinder; 18th cent. Chinese export mug; Chinese export dishes; Yashica camera; Hubley footman doorstop; James Dixon & son pewter pitcher; other early pewter; Singer feather weight; “Pioneer Mode” banjo; guitar; lot early golf clubs; Amphora large basket; 5 cast iron pans; 13 local milk bottles; framed tapestry 52”x46”; 5 hooked rugs; Hobart coffee grinder; African lady spoon; Chinese horse & rider; mortar & pestle; Polynesian mask; African mask; whalebone cane; sheet music; 8 tapestries; 5 Cory Kilvert hankies; 2 boxes of Avon products; crock with blue; more jugs and crocks; batter bowl; 10 yellowware bowls; 2 copper lamps; Bradley & Hubbard slag glass lamp; possible Handel lamp; angle lamp; Deco figural lamp; 4, A. Peltier birds; shore bird & decoys; door knobs & hardware; Budweiser neon guitar lamp; Schlitz light; Moxie metal sign; 1956 tail lights of Plymouth car; Ed Maynard baseball bat; pocket knives; 2 bull frog anatomies; boy scout lot; marbles; wall box with heart
EPHEMERA: 12 cent comics; 1861 Narragansett letters; 2 fashion books “La Mode Feminine” 1490-1795; 1878 ship license of George James Vidler; Narragansett RI race track photos; RI historical photos; 9 boxes of post cards; Titanic sheet music & post card (original); 7 RI post cards albums; over 1000 RI post cards; 4 stamp albums; excellent scrapbooks & photo albums of Florence Brevoort Kane; Olnyville, RI Trojans baseball photo
JEWELRY/STERLING: Mexican jewelry; sterling Indian jewelry; pearl necklace; bone jewelry; pocket watches
MILITARY/FISHING: Garcia fishing rod; 2 bamboo fishing rods; antique wooden bobbers; 4 fishing creels; fish- ing reels; 4 tackle boxes full of lures; salt water fishing plugs; lg selection of fresh water fishing plugs; Browning 20 gauge shotgun; 12 gauge shotgun; two, 22 rifles; boxes of ammo; U.S. cartridge civil war box; 1861 Confederate canteen; Civil War canteen; U.S. RI cartridge box; Voere Vonrenbach German rifle; La Fury cal. 25 pistol; J. Stevens 1864 single shot pistol; ; “Robin Hood 1” pistol
LICENSE PLATES/FIRE: RI 33060 porcelain license plate; Ma 1914 porc. lic. plate; RI “Racer Tow” #184 license plate; 2, 1029 vol. fire dept license plates; 6 RI lic. Plates (2, 1938); “Valiant hose #2” fire plaque; 2 fire hydrants; fire nozzles; F.I.C. fire plaque 2 fire alarm boxes
PAINTINGS: picture of George Wash- ington; oil/c battle scene in field; oil/c 3 men, flag, drums; picture 1863 camp of 11th reg. RI vol by R. W. Rock; oil/c by R. H. Sanboan; oil/b man & woman by H. Pille; w/c sailboat by E. Benvenuti; paintings by Serafina Garrigo Carneiro; abstract painting by Cynthia Klein; early oil/c woman; painting by S. R. Chaffee; 2 period silhouettes, one of Rebecca Rawson; man silhouettes; period lg oil/c portrait woman; painting “Fishes” by Max Macabe; oil/b beach scene by Marguerite falconer; ethnic painting by May Kuglier 11”x9”; many paintings by Florence B. Kane; painting by C. Gordon Harris; paint- ing by Hide Collins; portrait Wellington Crosby; oil/c signed H. Rohde
TOYS: cast iron truck; 2, cast iron horse drawn toys; American Flyer trains & transformer; Murray pedal cart tractor, needs work; some lead soldiers; toy trucks; 7 pc Wizard of Oz toys
Cash. RI or known check only. Mastercard/Visa.
15% buyer’s premium –
3% discount cash, check or debit DEALERS – BRING PROOF OF TAX NUMBER
Exeter, R.I. 02822
401 265-5104
DIRECTIONS: FROM CT, take 95 north to exit 5A (102 S). Follow 102 S, cross over Rt 3 and continue on 102 for approx 9 mi. Temple is on left.
FROM MASS: Take 95 south to exit 9 (Rt 4), follow Rt 4 to exit 3B (102 N).
Stay on 102 for 1⁄4 mile. Temple is on right.
Rare Ed Maynard baseball bat
Browning 20 gauge shotgun
Northwest Coast bird carving
Period large oil/c portrait of woman
U.S. cartridge Civil War box
Bust by Florence Brevoort Kane
12 cent comics
Many boxes of fishing plugs
Deco figural lamp
Moxie metal sign
“Pioneer Model” banjo
Machinist chest
RI and MA porcelain license plates
3, wood carvings by G. Luna & G. Arias
16’ x 2 1⁄2’ Oriental runner
Early portrait of a woman
F.I.C. fire plaque
Photos of sculptures by Florence B. Kane
Possible Handel lamp
Regina music box with 39 records
Sculpture by Florence Brevoort Kane
46” x 52” tapestry
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036