CT River Book Auction
November 4
949 Main Street in South Glastonbury, CT 06073
With Thanksgiving just a few meals away, Connecticut River Book Auction has assembled a collection of history, art, photography, children, fiction and fine printing to satisfy the hungry appetites of readers everywhere. Here is a sampling of what we have to offer.
For history enthusiasts there is a limited edition copy of “AThrilling Narrative of the Suffering of Mrs. Jane Adeline Wilson Among the Comanche Indians.” There are also first edition copies of DeShields (1991) “Cynthia Ann Parker the Story of Her Capture,” Shipman’s (1926) “Taming the Big Bend: A History of the Extreme Western Portion of Texas from Fort Clark to El Paso,” and LIbbie Custer’s (1885) “Boots and Saddles or Life in Dakota with General Custer.”
Like photography? If the answer to that question is yes then consider Farova’s (1999) “Josef Sudek,” a first edition in slipcase. Or how about these three works by Gowin each is a first edition and signed (1991) “Emmet Gowin Photographs,” (2002) “Emmet Gowin Changing the Earth,” (2006) “Mariposas Nocturnas Edith in Panama.” Then again, it may be the art of “Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Art of the Four,” by Billcliffe (2017) and “Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics,” by du Boiulay (1984) that is more to your liking.
Small press and fine press books are works of art in themselves. Here are a few to tempt the reader: a 1988 printing of “Origin of Our Present Method of Registering Days,” by Jaquish, “The Bookplate Designs of Rex Whistler,” (1973) by Lee “ James Joyce’s Tower Sandy-Cove,” (1975) by Graham, “Pieces,” (1968) by Creeley, and for fun “ A Guidebook to Highway 66,” (1946) by Rittenhouse.
Continuing the idea of reading for enjoyment on these increasingly longer forays into evening darkness, try reading first editions of Twain’s (1897) “Following the Equator,” Terry Southern’s (1967) “Red Dirt Marijuana,” or visit the refrigerator with a signed
copyofSendak’s“IntheNightKItchen.”Tofortifyyourweakening constitution on that trip to the ice box, you might want to whip up a concoction from Elliott’s and Strong’s (1930) “Shake ‘Em Up”APracticalHandbookofPoliteDrinking.”
Now drink in hand, place it carefully aside as you examine “Mr. Hardy Lee, HisYacht, Being XXIV Sketches on Stone, by Chinks.” Privately printed in 1857 by A. Williams & Co. of Boston with very few copies still in existence, this is understood to be the first book on yachting. A humorous view of the sport, it was done by Stedman or was it actually undertaken by Winslow Homer and as such would be his first published work?To that unsolved mystery who was the artist working on a WWII poster using the 3 Stooges to characterize Axis leaders and for that matter is it possible to identify the illustrators for the several other WWII posters we have for sale Friday, November 4th in South Glastonbury?
For more information on this
6 pm, Friday, November 4th book auction to be held at the South Congregational Church, 949 Main Street, South Glastonbury, CT 06073
visit ctriverbookauction.com
or callTom at 1-860-908-8067.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036