Roberson’s Auctions – Outstanding Estates Antique Auction
December 3 at 2 pm
19 Recreation Pk. Road Pine Bush, NY
PINE BUSH, N.Y. — Roberson’s Auctions will conduct an auction of antiques from two local New York estates on Saturday, December 3, starting at 2 pm at the firm’s gallery. The diversified auction includes the personal collection of the late Richard (Dick) and Viola Benjamin of Monticello, N.Y. The Benjamins were well known as collectors and dealers of antiques for the past 50 years. This sale will only include their personal home collection.
The auction starts with a lifetime collection of antique dolls from a Monroe, N.Y., home, including Jumeau, Heinrich Handwerck, Schoenau Hoffmeister, Kestner, Kammer & Rhinehart, Adolf Heller, Simon & Halbig, vintage dolls and related items.
The sale continues with a collection of coins and then a selection of antiques that the Benjamins have treasured for years to include several artworks featuring Chas. C. Curran, Leon Richet, Edwin Deakin, A. DeBreanski, O. Farsky, D. Caggiano, J. Quinlan, Mary Anderson, Marjorie Reed, Albert and Veronica Nemethy, two early portraits, plus many more.
Also on offer will be antique and vintage Christmas items, early and mid-Nineteenth Century and Victorian antique furnishings, advertising, postcards, country accessories, counter top showcases, carved full-size cigar store Indian, several bronze figurals and portrait porcelains and unique and unusual collectibles. The sale catalog is up on LiveAuctioneers two weeks prior to the auction.
Roberson’s Auctions is at 19 Recreation Park Road. For information, 845-283-1587 or
Preview – Thurs., 12/1 & Fri. 12/2 – 12 noon-5pm • Day of Sale – 12noon to Sale Time at 2 pm
Don’t Miss this Sale, The Selection of Antiques is Amazing!
Selling from 3 Super Local Estates featuring the Private Antique Collection of Late Richard (Dick) & Viola Benjamin, Monticello, NY
See “Liveauctioneers” for Catalogue – Register & Start Bidding
Audience is welcome in the hall for the auction
2 Charles C. Curran Paintings
incl. this unframed 12x26in. Black Americana O/C
Santa Toys incl. this Vintage Metal
Windup sleigh w/Santa & Reindeer (working) by Trauss Mechanical Toy Co.
18thC. Tiger Maple 6 drwr. Chest on Frame w/graduating drwrs.
Super Artworks by Listed Artists incl. this 10 1/2x16in. signed Leon Richet Evening Landscape
Wonderful Selection of Antique Bisque Head Dolls incl. 2 French Jumeaus
Many Quality Artworks incl. this 24x16in. O/C signed Edwin Deakin
– Still life of Grapes titled “Study from Nature”
The Unique & Unusual incl. this C. 1900 “Extracts & Spices” Wall Hanging Cabinet
w/ Wooden Spice Jars
Great Hanging Wall Cabinet w/ Advertisement for “Monell’s Teething Cordial for Children – Price 25 Cents”
Hepplewhite 4 drwr. chest w/mahog. frame & tiger maple drwr. fronts, Sandwich Glass Pulls
Quality Lighting incl. this Rare C. 1880 Flume & Atwood Harvard Dbl. Arm Kero Student Lamp
40 Lots of Coins incl. Gold, Silver, Silver Proof Eagles & Proof Sets
Large Selection of Quality Advertising incl. this Dbl. Lens Fleet Wing Gas Globe
Several Signed Bronze Figurals incl. these by Van der Straeten & L. Savine
Quality Country Furnishings incl. this Early 19thC. Cherry Dry Sink w/Lift-Top
Over 100 Lots of Antique & Vintage Dolls Plus Related Items
Santa Convention at Robersons – Many Great Victorian & Vintage Single Pcs. & Lots of Santas of Every Size & Description
Several Beautiful Portraits on Porcelain incl. these 2 Shown
Starting at 2pm with the doll collection of over 100 Antique Bisque & Vintage Dolls featuring 2 Beautiful 19in. & 26in. French Jumeaus; 4 SFBJ French Dolls; Kestner; Kammer & Rhinehart; Heubach Kopplesdorf; Simon & Halbig; Schoenhut; Karl Hartmann; Arranbee; Kathe Kruse; Armand Marseille; K*R S&H Mechanical Eye Doll; Vintage Ideal; Knopf Clockwork w/key Walker; Effanbee; Mattel Ken w/trunk & Clothes; Adolf Heller; Bye-Lo’s; Lenci; Super Top Victorian Doll’s Trunk; Tray lots of Miniature dolls; Doll clothing lots… Contemporary Steiff Teddy Bears; C. 1919 wooden French child’s wagon marked Paris Coaster; Early Nouveau style child’s tricycle; Early 2-wheel baby stroller; Victorian 4 Wheel Wicker Baby Carriage; Contemporary Horse tricycle… Continuing with 40 Lots of Coins incl. 2 – $10.00 Gold Coins; 3 – $5.00 Gold Coins; 2 – $2.50 Gold Coins; Silver Dollars, Halves, Quarters & Dimes; Silver Proof Eagles & Proof Sets… And then the wonderful Array of Antiques & Accessories to feature Antique Furnishings incl. 18thC. Tiger maple 6 drwr. Chest on Frame w/graduating drwrs.; Hepplewhite 4 drwr. chest w/mahog. frame/ tiger maple drwr. fronts & Sandwich glass pulls; 3 Victorian MT parlor tables; 19thC. cherry dry sink w/lift top; Single dr. cupboard in old blue pt.; 3 early 1 & 2 drwr. stands; Set of 10 Fancy spindleback oak chairs; Unique twist carved coffee table w/ brass eagle heads; Oak Victorian Spindled platform rocker; 4 stack Barrister bookcase; Slant top counter oak desk; Vict. Rosewood tufted Medallion back sofa; 4 counter top showcases; Early Lg. & Small Blanket boxes w/tills; Grain Ptd. Miniature Cabinet; 2 Hoosier Cabinets; Sm. oak ice box w/top dr.; Walnut corner cupboard; 3 Tier half-moon crock stand; Oak Windsor youth chair… Exceptional Artworks feature an unframed 12x26in. O/C signed Chas. C. Curran Folk Art of 2 Black Children eating a very lg. watermelon; 12x9in. signed Chas. C. Curran O/B of “Child in Pumpkin Patch”; 24x16in. O/C signed Edwin Deakin on Reverse canvas of Still life of Grapes titled “Study from Nature”; 10 1/2x16in. signed Leon Richet of “Evening Scene w/Man by River”; 20x30in. O/C signed A. De Breanski titled The Quarry Woods Near Marlow “; 13 3/4x11in. O/Wood signed Chas. A. Hulbert; 20 1/2x16in. O/C of Santa Seeing Children”; 16x20in. O/B signed Majorie Reed of “Western Cowboy Scene”; Unsigned “Roses” stillife; 2- 19thC. Portraits of Gentleman & Woman w/Boy Child; Lg. Marius Smith titled “Old English Garden”; 17x26in. O/C Scenic signed O. Farsky; 8x10in. O/C signed Albert Nemethy Sr. of “Tug
Boat Ice Cutter”; O/B titled “Lake Michigan signed G. Glenn Newell; Oil /Masonite titled “Terwilliger House” signed Mal’ Griswold; 2 Sm. Stillifes of Strawberries; 8x10in. O/B signed D. Caggiano of Boy hiding Smoking Pipe; 10x8in. O/C Stillife of “Basket of Cherries”; Several Primitive Oils; O/B Folk Art ptg. of “Basset Hound”; 8x10in. Unsigned O/B River Scene w/Military Men in rowboat; Lg. O/C signed Veronica Nemethy of ‘Washingtonville, NY- Main St. 1916”; O/C of hilltop House by Forest signed F. Gordero; 7x10in. W/C signed J.A. Maxfield of “Rough Sea Scene”; 31 1/2x23in. O/C signed P. Sermont of “Victorian Girls at Stream”; Several Bronze Figurals incl. Bust of Victorian Lady marked Van der Straeten Paris ’85; 12 1/4in.H. Bronze figural of woman holding Leaf branch & sickle signed “L. Savine”; 14 1/2in.H. Nude of Woman Hiding face signed A.V. Saabye; Figural inkwell of woman pushing cart w/child & others… Quality Lighting features an 18thC. single arm “Perfection” student lamp, all original; Dated Nov. 22 ’81; Rare C. 1880 Flume & Atwood Harvard Dbl. arm Kero student lamp (no shades or burner covers); Lg. C. 1970’s Leaded glass lamp & base in the Lily pad design… Decorated Stoneware incl. 2 Gal. jug w/bird on branch; 4 Gal. Crock w/floral décor.; 2 Gal. jug marked “Douglass & Co. Portland, ME”… Exceptional Accessories incl. Carved wood 68in.H. Cigar Store Indian; Primitive wooden Canadian Goose weathervane; Exceptional carved oak wall Thermometer & Aneroid Barometer; Several wonderful Portraits on porcelain; Singer featherweight sewing machine; Lg. stained glass window w/candle design; Roseville Pottery; Lg. 15in.H Bisque Piano Baby; Iridescent perfumer; Spatterware Bowls; Sm. Sz. No. 2 Enterprise coffee mill; Several Daguerros & Tin Types; Very Lg. Album of Christmas greeting cards; Victor table top phono; Oak wall telephone; Early chopper w/heart motif tiger maple handle; Salinger Bayonet; Ornate Framed Bradley & Hubbard thermometer; 30 Unique tin types; Military tin types; Several early folky wall boxes; Maple butter stamp w/Swan Imprint; 7 Pc. Royal Bayreuth Sunbonnet babies tea set; Pr. Vaseline glass candlesticks; Contemporary lg. table top disc music box; Pr. of figural brass Girondoles; C.1960’s Black man mechanical bank; Wooden apple crate” C.A. Durr, Utica, NY; 2 vintage demijohn bottles; Sm. early curved runner sled; 2 early still banks; Lot of vintage leather football helmets & catcher’s masks; Schrade Knives incl. Commemoratives & Limited Editions; Metal toy steam engine other metal & iron toy lots… Quality Advertising incl.
a 18in.D. Dbl. Lens “Fleet Wind” Gas Globe; Hanging wall cabinet w/ Advertisement for “Monell’s Teething Cordial for Children – Price 25 cents; Super C. 1900 “Extracts & Spices” wall hanging cabinet w/10 wooden spice jars; Reverse Painted on glass sign “Laffargue & Co. Pianos”; Advertising box for “Aunt Lydia’s Carpet & Button Thread”; Chas. A. Pillsbury Poster in Frame; Print for “Standard Plumbing”; Porcelain Eveready Sign; Lighted “Gilbert’s RCA TV Sign; Sm. Sinclair HC Gasoline sign; Lg. “Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer” sign; Dbl. sided Barber shop sign for “Vam” Hair Tonic; 1960’s Fire Chief Gas sign… Clocks incl. Open escapement beautiful Bonn Germany china shelf marked on back “La Palma”; Royal Bonn open escapement pink floral shelf pc; Waterbury shelf clock w/repousse pendulum; China Shelf w/open escapement marked “Reporter”; Miihtheim Oak Wall clock… It’s a Santa convention at Robersons!! featuring Super Christmas Santa Collectibles & Related incl. Lg., Small & Miniature Santas of all descriptions – Composition, Paper mache, Mask faces, Clay, Glass, Felt, Cloth in Figurals, Candy containers, Light bulbs, w/ Sleighs, Holding Trees, Belsnickel Pcs.; Rare mechanical Santa Bank; 3 Toy Sleighs incl. a cast iron Santa & reindeer on wheels pull toy, Metal sleigh w/reindeer windup(working)by Trauss Mechanical Toy Co. & a unique cardboard car w/Santa; Mechanical Santa on House Toy; Also, Victorian/ Vintage figural & ball ornaments; 7 Kugels; Iron Santa Candy Molds; Santa & Snowmen bobbleheads; Several vintage blow molds of Santa, Angel, Snowmen, Wooden Soldiers, etc. Jewelry incl. Several tray lots of Sterling w/earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc… PLUS 2 Pedestal cast iron Flower urns…
This is a partial listing, there are many more unadvertised Goodies… This is a treasure trove of the unique & Unusual!!!
for link to “LiveAuctioneers” catalogue plus terms & conditions. You can also see link to Auctionzip for photos & listing REGISTER EARLY
to be approved on “LiveAuctioneers” and start bidding
Lou & Del Roberson 845-283-1587 • 845-283-1578
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036