Moggies Comic Extravaganza: Certified, Raw, Comic Cards, Graphic Novels Pre-Code Horror and Golden Age
May 7 at 11 am
This is an ONLINE auction only!
This auction offers: Pre-Code Horror, Golden Age Comics with 100+ Certified Books: Blue Bolt #113, Mister Mystery #17, Skeleton Hand #1, Strange Worlds, Flash Gordon, Slave Girl #1, Space War, Space Adventures, Frankenstein, Jumbo Comics, Classic Comics and Classics Illustrated (lots of two each), Nice groups and runs of Raw Comics: War series, The Fly, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Cartoons, Batman, Conan, Over 20 lots of Graphic Novels: including Walking Dead, Official Handbook Marvel Universe sets
Please go to or our website, for more details and pictures.
Left and Phone Bids accepted. Buyer’s Premium: 15% for left bids with cash or check, 23% online purchases, discounted to 20% with cash or check pick up. We accept MC, Visa, cash, and approved check. Auction subject to errors and omissions. Statements made on day of auction take precedence over previously written materials.
Brandt W. Onorato – Owner, Auctioneer NH #6052 Christine Becotte – Owner, Manager
Preview: 650 Park Ave, Suite 2, Keene, NH by appt or Sun. May 7, 2023 9:30am till auction start – left bids accepted prior to auction.
COMIC EXTRAVAGANZA: Certified, Raw, Comic Cards, Graphic Novels Pre-Code Horror and Golden Age
Sunday, May 7, 2023 starting at 11:00 am
Call for info 603-494-5964 (auctioneer ID 31260)
Always buying and/or accepting quality consignments, one piece or estates.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036