Brzostek Auction Service – Antiques and Collectables Auction
114 Sun Harbor Drive, Liverpool, NY 13088 (Located off Route 370)
SUN., JULY 23,10 A.M. – Preview 9-10 A. M. 800-562-0660
Auctioning for Mark Wilder to include-Furniture: Auctioning for Mark Wilder to include-Furniture: Set of 4 Empire Needlepoint seat chairs, Mahogany library table, Oak coffee/end table set, 5 drw. Dresser, sewing chair, 3 metal folding tables.. Grandfather clock, English Walnut cabinet, Victorian corner whatnot, slant front ladies desk, caned seat ladies chair, Victorian Ladies & Gents chairs, Victorian candlestand w/deer head & Victorian shelf w/deer head, Oak Northwind chair, night stand, Veneer 2 dr. 1 drw. Cabinet, hall tree, 3 drw. Oak dresser, Oak lift top commode, Oak chairs, Fancy carved Victorian bed w/new mattress & box spring, Armoire, Oak spindled rocker, Bird’s-eye Maple sleigh bed, dresser w/mirror, rocker & chair set, 2 end tables, Mahogany etagere; Collectibles: Postcards, old photos, stereo viewer & cards-Griffith & Griffith ca 1900 American scene, Chicago Fire, San Francisco fire, Underwood & Underwood 1900’s Wright Bros., erector set, Coca Cola wooden crate, Onondaga Co. 1868-96 directory, Baldwinsville 1895 directory, Political buttons, silver plate, spoon holder & spoons, eye wash collection, towel bars, comic books, Arts & Crafts pen holder inkwell, calendar, bottles; shaving mirror, Sinbad toby, Whig Bang magazines, OPC Syr. China turkey China set, Tulip lamp, crocks, Blue glass, M. Salzman Co., jug, Mice cookie jar, flatware set, Auction Poster 1921 Wm. O’Brien, J. M. Durrow butter crock, 2’ tall blue decanter, wash bowl & pitcher set, ladies mesh bags, Lincoln Topper, Bicentennial architects of Democracy 4 plate set in case, 3 sec. shaving mirror, 1943 Norman Rockwell war poster, Celestron scope w/tripod, Vintage wedding dress, Christening outfit, Vintage clothes, Arabia slippers, 2 Torchiere floor lamps, wicker tray, quilt w/pillow cover, Planter’s peanut jar, spittoon, kerosene lamps, Cathedral mantel clock, antique jewelry-stick pins, mirrored dresser trays, Cal Ripkin Jr. First Day Covers framed; Duck prints-sgn. Lynn Beam, A careless word… a Needless sinking poster, Antique oil painting, Hunt scenes framed prints, Ships of the State-framed; Household Furnishings: Quartz heaters, new & used camping gear, Christmas decorations, floral arrangements, Halloween decorations; Tools: Delta Rockwell sander/grinder, Delta bench jointer, Craftsman 10″ band saw-Model 124, 21400, Jet sander-grinder w/extra blades, calipers, box ofclamps, old wrenches, metal detector, plus more!
Terms: Full payment due day of Auction by Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Debit Cards. Checks w/Bank Letter of Guarantee. 15% Buyer’s Premium. All items sold in “AS IS” condition. Subject to errors and omissions. Driver’s license required for bidding number. Bring your own lunch. All statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Auction: #8387/23.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036