Douglas – Antique Auction
(413) 665-2877
Route 5, South Deerfield, Mass. 01373
Furniture: Early: 2 pc. Step back cupboard, Sheraton chest and stand, 3 and 4 drawer pine chests, 1 drawer blanket chest, wash stand, English Windsor armchairs, tack decorated Kuwaiti chest, spiral leg tavern table, marble top secretaire abattant and an inlaid ebonized example, 3 and 4 drawer Cliippendale chests, oval painted fire screen, 4-fold lacquered screen and another with portrait panels, 1 pc. step back cupboard, sea chest, Custom & Modern: teak carved table and stands, Chinese rosewood side chair, maple tea table, curly maple king size bed, Queen Anne cherry dr op leaf table, farm table, large Pennsylvania style pewter cupboard, and more.
Fine Art: Paintings: Oliver Clare (2), William Stubbs, Levi Wells Prentice, Doug Brega (2), George Hathaway, Elton E. Thresher, Ben Drabeck (10), Elice Pieropan (5), Polly Nordell, M.J. Powers, Mary Bailey, Linda Tilson, Cuzco School, Mariaasti?, Elizabeth W. Morison? Taylor, Oswald Garside, John W. Hatch, Glasier, Ralph D. McLellan, S.V. Grant, Stone, Kurtz, Lottie Meyer Catok, H. Wold, Wendell Rogers, Elizabeth Williams?, H.G. Cohen, I. Zwerlmg, Zvi Raphaeli, E. Joffe, Jolin Hare, and more. Prints: Japanese woodblocks by Utagawa Huoshige, Inazuma Taisei and Miyagawa Chosun, Ben Shahn, Renee V. Anderson, Barry Moser, Charles Wysocki, Dennis Corrigan, Thomas Cornell, G. Silsi?, Francois Vivares, Danny Eastwood, Leon Azoulay, N. Currier, Fox Hunting, Keuleman and Elliot bird prints, Louis Icart, Bradley, Leni, Richard James Doyle, Palle From, Peter Chan, Reuven Rubin, Dr. Ferdie Pacheco, Tully Filmus, Sandu Liberman, Jean Jacques De Boissieu, Johann Cliristoph Nabholz, Ernest David Roth, Mervin Jules, Cunier and Ives, and more. Sculpture: standing nude woman, Tiffany presentation bronze by Emile-Louis Picault, Arab water carrier bronze by Jean Didier Debut, and more.
Sterling: 40 pcs flatware by Fine Arts “Processional”, 36 pcs Lunt “Modem Victorian”, English and American holloware, and more.
Dolls: A fine collection of 25+ lots including: Kestner, Kleg & Hohn, C.M. Bergmann, Gebruder Kuhnlenz, Armand Marseille (3), Alt, Beck & Gottschalk, china head and more.
Glass and China: Otto & Vivika pottery, Edna Hibel plates, Josh Simpson glass, Rookwood pottery, Wavecrest, Nippon, Old
Paris Ums, sets of service plates, Lladro, Hawkes vase, and more.
Asian: Doctor’s lady, Chinese carvings including netsukes, earthenware tea set, alter table scarf, silk needlework, blue and white porcelain, bronze vase, Clnrrese chairs, tables, snuff bottles, polychrome rooster, room screens, decorated chest, and more.
Accessories: 18 mortars and pestles, bronze wall sconces, Indian basket bowl, needlework shawls, quilts including: flag example, paisley, patriotic eagle needlework, 2 copper relief women plaques, large Victorian needlework, banjo barometer, sailors valentine, teeth, outstanding swift, lap desk, carved coconuts, baskets, stoneware, stereopticon cards, pan of overlay lamps, Meerschaum pipe, pewter, toys, clocks, Egyptian bronze figure, reverse painted lamp, Samovar, samplers, Oriental Rugs: 2 silk prayer mgs, a quantity of antique scatter and room size mgs, and more.
Absentee and Phone bids accepted • View Numbered Catalog Online
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036