Sanford L. Smith & Associates – Salon Art + Design
November 9-13, 2023
Park Avenue Armory, New York City
Image courtesy of Galerie Mathivet
NEW YORK CITY — Salon Art + Design, the collectible design and art fair produced by Sanford L. Smith + Associates, announces its 12th edition, taking place at the Park Avenue Armory in New York City, November 9-13. Salon Art + Design has evolved into a destination for showcasing, acquiring and engaging with design and art. A highlight of New York City’s fall arts calendar, Salon is unveiling new exhibitors, paired with special displays of collectible design.
Featuring some 50 exhibitors from around the world, Salon presents leading design — vintage, modern and contemporary — and blue-chip Twentieth Century art. The fair presents an array of material from furniture, studio glass and ceramics, to Japanese art and jewelry.
Salon is welcoming several new exhibitors, many who are much-anticipated up-and-comers in the collectible design space, and some debuting in the United States for the first time at the fair.
New design exhibitors include Achille Salvagni Atelier, bo Design Group, Didier, DK Farnum, Elevated Matter Gallery, Galerie Mathivet, Galerie Philia, Guy Regal NYC, Mercado Moderno, Mia Karlova Galerie, Potterton Books, Rosior, Salon Design, Spazio Nobile, Tuleste Factory and Yvel. Galerie Gmurzynska, Halcyon Gallery and Zeit Contemporary Art join the fair as new fine art dealers.
While the fair is known for paving the way for new exhibitors and voices in design, Salon welcomes back longstanding participants, including Bernard Goldberg Fine Arts, Cristina Grajales, David Gill Gallery, Donzella Ltd, Galerie Marcilhac, Galerie Chastel-Maréchal, Gallery FUMI, Karl Kemp, Liz O’Brien, Maison Gerard, Todd Merrill Studio and Twenty First Gallery.
For the first time, Salon will integrate a select group of special design and jewelry exhibitions on the floor, ranging from exclusive capsule collections from individual designers to smaller curations from galleries.
Special design exhibitors include ABASK, Charles Zana Mobilier, Cox London, DeMuro Das, Humans Since 1982 x Spaceless Gallery, James de Wulf, M. Fisher, Mathieu Lehanneur, Phillip Thomas, Silvia Furmanovich, Thomas Cooper Studio and Trunks Company.
“We want Salon to provide a sense of discovery for our audiences, which includes both seasoned and entry-level collectors alike,” said Jill Bokor, executive director of Salon Art + Design. “While Salon is known for showing some of the most world-renowned galleries in design, we also want the fair to serve as a platform for burgeoning galleries who are showcasing some of the most cutting-edge design, whether that be vintage, modern or contemporary. We’re excited for our visitors to reconnect with the galleries one may expect at the fair, while also discovering the new and unexpected.”
The fair distinguishes itself through its blend of the historic and cutting-edge contemporary collectible design and fine art. Just as esteemed interior designers craft eclectic and cutting-edge spaces for their discerning clientele, exhibitors at Salon Art + Design are encouraged to fashion immersive environments that mirror the dynamic ways we decorate and live today.
Each year, Salon elects an esteemed group of individuals who embody the spirit of the fair to join the Honorary Committee. This year’s committee is co-chaired by Nathalie & Laura de Gunzburg joined by Paul Arnhold, Guillaume Coutheillas, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Christina Ohly Evans, Linda Fargo, Dennis Freedman, Wendy Goodman, Gabriel Hendifar, Julie Hillman, Colin King, Jeff Klein, Carlos Mota, David Netto, Daniella Ohad, Suchi Reddy and Lizzie Tisch.
Salon also announced the fourth issue of Salon – The Intersection of Art + Design Magazine, the fair’s print publication that is available on Salon’s website. Produced in conjunction with Cultureshock Media, the magazine is slated to publish mid-October.
The Park Avenue Armory is at 643 Park Avenue. For information, www.thesalonny or 212-777-5218.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036