Americana Auctions – Exceptional Winter Estates Auction
Sunday, Jan. 28, 2024 at 11am
380 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth MA 02769
REHOBOTH, MASS. — Americana Auctions will present an estates auction on Sunday, January 28. It will feature the estate of Dr Sheldon Kaplan of Warwick, R.I., who collected American and European art glass, Chinese and Japanese items, sterling silver and rare Royal Worcester pieces. Other partial estates include Albert Hydeman of Martha’s Vineyard (a wealthy businessman originally from Pennsylvania), who collected Chinese mid-Twentieth Century artwork. This includes two watercolors by Lin Fengmian (1900-1991), who was a pioneer of modern Chinese painting for blending Eastern and Western styles and was an innovator in Chinese art education. The scenes portray similar subjects and are approximately 26 by 26 inches — a seated Chinese lady in an interior, one beside a vase of blue flowers. They each carry estimates under $100,000. There are eight other Chinese watercolors being offered from this collection.
The Kaplan estate includes two Pairpoint Puffy table lamps, Tiffany candlestick lamp and vases, French art glass by Galle and Daum, English art glass, including a rare Moss Agate vase by Stevens & Williams and an enameled pitcher by Moser with salamander handle. Significant porcelain includes a rare 18-inch Meissen charger painted with chrysanthemums, Sevres bronze ewer and trembleuse cup and the Royal Worcester group — a pair of large naturalistic candelabras with reptiles, orchid-painted jardiniere by F. Roberts, set of six Menu Men, plus figural vases, pitchers and bowls. Also offered is a whimsical collection of about 55 mushrooms by noted artist Maria Maravigna, known as the Mushroom Lady. She produced these colorful ceramic fungi with exacting details, and each is identified as to species and noted whether edible or poisonous.
Also featured in this sale will be several drawings by the Mexican artist and renowned feminist Frida Kahlo. Included are two books that she owned, a medical textbook with drawings and doodles and a notebook with a self-portrait on the cover having the Communist symbol of the hammer and sickle. Kahlo considered a career in medicine at one time (she had lifelong medical issues surrounding childhood polio and later a horrific tram accident in her teens) and was a member of the Mexican Communist Party. There are several small abstract drawings, another self-portrait, some handwritten notes and a charcoal drawing of a girl selling corn by her also-famous husband Diego Rivera.
There are numerous items in the nautical field as well. Included are sailor-made whale bone items, 10 assorted canes, scrimshaw whale teeth, boxes, three valentines, chess set with board, two swifts, etc. Also, a rare 7-foot-long narwhal tusk, bronze naval cannon, telescopes, four ship wheels, Mel Fisher signs, 55-pound copper ingot from the Atocha wreck, 12-foot Herreshoff yacht pennant, an 1836 whaling log from the Stephania, New Bedford, ship models, marine and China Trade paintings rounds out the nautical category.
The Kaplan collection has some Japanese Satsuma and cloisonne examples. Included is a 24-inch Thousand Faces vase, 18-inch highly detailed moon vase, 8-inch scalloped plate, Koro and miniature pieces. Cloisonne includes a ginbari bowl with bright red koi fish, pairs of vases with roosters and dragons, miniature vases and more. Also, several lots of Chinese ceramics, highly carved Chinese cabinet and tables, Hundred Birds silk and hardwood fire screen, antique bronzes and silk robes will be sold to the highest bidder.
Silver includes a 5-pound sterling Tiffany & Co yacht trophy, 1868, with notable engraved names, Gorham mixed metal aquatic bowl, Howard, N.Y., teapot with rare repousse hunting dogs, Cartier diminutive tea set, unusual Japanese silver and enamel vase, Georgian silver and Russian enamel pieces. As usual at Americana Auction sales, there will be a wide selection of gold jewelry and watches — 14 carat opal and diamond ring, diamond solitaires, several lots of 10-18K gold, Rolex and Omega watches and gold pocket watches.
There will be something for every collector at this 550-lot sale — period furniture, Oriental rugs, antique guns, decoys, stoneware and a rare Zuber 18-foot historic Boston wallpaper panel.
The auction gallery is at 380 Winthrop Street. For more information, 508-223-9471 or
In-person sale in Rehoboth & Online via &
Estate of Dr. Sheldon Kaplan of Warwick, RI & Batchelder of MA estate plus other fine curated items from NE homes.
Ed Tessier, Auctioneer
Preview: Live in Rehoboth: Jan. 25th to 27th (Thurs/Fri/Sat.) from 10-4 pm & Sunday from 9-11 am – Phone & Absentee bids welcome!t. Private appts!
ARTWORK: 10 Chinese mid-20th c. incl. 2 w/c of Asian ladies by Fen^mian Lin & other signed.landscapes, Tiger Buddlia. etc; Original Frida Kahlo art (10) – 2 books w/drawings, self-portrait, abstracts, notes, etc; Diego Rivera – pencil of com seller; 5 Cliina Trade oils (two w/tea & porcelain export); George Inness; W.P. Phelps – panoramic landscape; A.F. Bellows; J. Pringle; J. But-tersworth; Geo. Chinnery (attr); W. Stubbs – yacht UNIQUE; 2 Nantucket whaleslrips in Arctic; G. Dume: W.H. Littlefield – Woods Hole MA; W. Dinmage 1861 – slrips; Ch. Gruppe; PP Ryder; T. Chambers; J. Reynolds – NE village (Vose label); JJ Pauplis; J. Subowski – genre; M. Meredith – Nantucket large still life; Rev. War oil of battle scene in squar e. PRINTS: Jim Dine -Hearts litho; Pr. Russell/Buford whaling lithos.
CHINA & GLASS: Fine art glass – Tiffany (Candlestick lamp, vases, bottle), Quezal; Galle cameo (4), Daum Nancy (6) incl. 2 rare mini pcs, Deco bowl, cameo; Mt. Washington Royal Flemish ewer & Burmese bowl; Webb cameo vase & Alexandrite toothpick; Incredible enamel Moser pitcher w/salamander & fish vase; Stevens & Williams – great 2 color cut bowl, rare Moss Agate, enamel vases, etc; Superb Meissen 18” charger w/mums; Vienna pitcher sgd Bohrner; Sevres bronze ewer & Trembleuse cup; Collection Royal Worcester w/rnany rare pieces -18” botarrical RW candelabrum & F. Roberts orchid planter & set 6 menu-men & fig-ural vases; 18” ABCG orchid vase; Rookwood Zettel vase; Wedgwood Fairylarrd Luster; Capodimonte tankard; Doulton Flambe; Rar e Bull Run redware plate; 3 stoneware jugs w/decor; 55 Maria Maravigna ceramic mushrooms; Herend; 7 Lladio figures;
ASIAN CERAMICS, CLOISONNE, ETC: The finest Japanese Meiji Satsuma & cloisonne pieces – 24” Thousand Faces vase, Incredible 19” moon vase & 8” plate; Cloisonne – Koi fishbowl, vases, miniature pcs, 14” charger, more! Rose Medallion & Canton; 2 prs. Chinese lift silk wall panels & 19th C. silk embroidered robes (3); Japarrese bow w/inlaid quiver & arrows; Cliirrese bronze buddha figures.
LAMPS & FOLK ART: Tiffany Twilight glass lamp; 2 Pairpoint Puffy – Poppy base & boudoir; 5 Italian alabaster bird & eagle lamps, 2 on pedestals; German 5 panel lithopane. FOLK ART: 4 Wlrirligigs, antique weathervanes, Great 19th c. pig wood butcher trade sign, early boxes, rare BULL RUN redware plate; Stoneware jugs; R.P. Kreider carved wood plaque; early ice skates; 3 game boards.
SILVER & JEWELRY/WATCHES: Outstanding Silver!! Tif-fany 1868 NY Yacht Club trophy – 5 lbs! Gorham mixed metal aquatic bowl; Howard NY teapot w/hunt dogs; Cartier diminutive tea set; Japanese enamel vase, sgd; 2 Russian enameled spoons & pen tray; 1765 London salver; 18th C. Georgian wirre coasters; Kennard & Jenks repousse bowl; 112 ozt Gorham tea set; 97 one ozt silver bars; Wallace Exemplar- tea set & Grand Baroque flatware & others. JEWELRY: 14 ct opal ring w/diamonds; 1 ct. diamond rings; Fine 10-18k gold jewelry incl. Victorian; Civil War gold id’d mourning pin 1862 Roanoke NC; Chinese jade & 14k pendants; 24 ct gem cross; Southwestern silver; more. WATCH-ES/CLOCKS: 1820 Joshua Wilder of Hingham dwarf case clock; E. Howard copper slave & Chelsea ship; 2 Omega watches, one 18k; A. Perrenoud 18k wristwatch; Baiun & Mercier 18k ladies’ watch; 5 pocket watches; Spanish Real coins; more.
NAUTICAL/DECOYS: 60 lots whaling – 10 canes, scrimshaw teeth, 6 bone-inlaid boxes, ship models incl early halfhulls, 2 bone swifts, rum dippers & implements, plane tool & crimpers; 3 ship wheels to 6 ft; Narwhal tusk 7 ft long; Bone chess board & pieces; 22” scrimshaw walrus tusk; 3 shell valentines, one w/merrnaid after Cahoon; Whale jaw bones; Ca. 1860 baleen oval box w/Nantucket provenance; Brass astrolabe; Whaling log from ship Stephania of New Bedford ca 1836; Mel Fisher Treasures sign & 6 ft wood eagle from FL museum; 55 lb. copper slab from Atocha wreck; 12 ft Her-reshoff yacht flag; 2 bone mini globes, one on dragon stand; Lg. Jonah & whale whirligig & others; Beverly Yacht Club,
Marion MA glass sign; Chelsea & E. Howard clocks; 19th C. Bronze cannon; H.J. Green NY bronze gimbal ship barometer; 5 early telescopes & huge celestial scope sgd. Moore; 2 Buf-ford/Russell whaling. DECOYS – A. Crowell slat goose; Joe Lincoln; P. Peltz.
ANTIQUE WEAPONS: Kentucky rifle, Tower musket, Springfield Trapdoor, 2 English pocket pistols & Colt’s patent 1849 w/stagecoach robbery; Winchester Model 94 carbine; Sharp’s pepper box; Hawken’s Plains rifle; C. Weber of Lapeer MI rifle; American Rev. War sword; J. Starkey naval sword; 19th C. Bronze camion & iron signal camion; 19th c. Jap. bow w/arrows & inlaid quiver.
FURNITURE & RUGS: Period – 1770 Phila. Chipp. tea table w/b&c ft; No. Shore Hepplewhite sideboard & chests; 3 secretaries; Fine Duncan Phyfe 3 part dine table; QA diminutive desk; Tiger maple chest & beds; Elaborate Anglo-Indian corner cab; Viet. Renaissance Revival walnut triple bookcase w/ lion head; Rococo French oak cabinet w/painted tiles; more. ASIAN: Chinese 6 ft. elaborate hardwood cabinet; Great Anglo-Indian hi-carved comer cabinet; 5 good 19th C. Chinese tables, one w/Famille Rose top; Superb “Hundred Birds” silk & hardwood Chinese fire screen; Chinese bamboo chair & bench; RUGS: Fine antique Oriental nigs incl. Eagle Kazak; 6 Sa-rouks; Caucasian; early Bakshaish; Bidjar; Oushak; Ardebil; Heriz; etc
MISCELL: Victorian 40” leaded glass window w/dolphins; Ca. 1860 J.F. Browne & Co NY 6 ft. pedal harp; Tiffany Studios bronze octopus inkstand; 5 telescopes incl. EC Moore 5 ft brass celestial; Ca. 1800 pewter sundial; R.P. Kreider folk art plaque; Lg. copper aivow weathervane; Several good whirligigs; Pr. 1790 Hepplewhite knife boxes; Fine early mirrors, three from 18th c; Large 18th C. olive glass bottle; 3 cobalt decorated stoneware jugs. 18 ft x 8 ft three panel Zuber historic wallpaper of 18th c. Boston Rev. War scenes (as is).
Tiffany art glass
60 Whale bone items
Nautical Paintings
Omega watches
1 of 3 seashell valentines
Four 11 ft Chinese panels
Lin Fengmian (1 of 2)
Super Japanese Satsuma pieces
Tiffany 5 lb sterling trophy
Fine Japanese cloisonne pieces
Joshua Wilder dwarf clock
30 fine Oriental rugs
Frida Kahlo artwork
Incredible Moser pitcher
J. Wilder dwarf clock
14ct opal & diamond ring
Nautical Collection
Chinese Trade paintings
Japanese cloisonne collection
French cameo glass
Tiffany sterling trophy
Tiffany Art Glass
Fine Rose Medallion pieces
Butcher trade sign
Fine Oriental rugs
Fabulous Satsuma pieces
Huge Meissen charger
Chinese silk screen
Fine 1/2 hull models
Chinese carved ivory items
Pairpoint Puffy lamps
Group of Frida Kahlo artwork
Lin Fengmian Chinese paintings (2)
Bronze naval cannon
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036