Thomas Barrows & Sons Auction Service – Estate Auction
Wednesday January 24 at 6:30pm
Portland Firemans Grounds, Indian Hill Ave, Portland, CT ID#14542
Inspections: 12—6:3 0pm
Auction of antique furniture, glass, china, coins, jewelry, clocks, books, toys, 17’ “Old Town Canoe – Maine” and more from homes & estates in Haddam, Portland and Cromwell.
Thomas Barrows & Sons Auctioneers
Tel: (860) 342-2540 • Day of Sale: (860) 597-1215
P.O. Box 141, Portland, CT 06480
Antiques & Estates Bought or Sold on Consignment – No Lot Too Large or Too Small!!!!
Partial listing: Antique butternut chest w/bracket feet, antique double door cupboard w/old blue shelves, stack bookcase. 4 levels – Rockwell Walbash Co., tall double panel 1 door cupboard, decorated lacquered oriental cabinet, unusual commode w/2 doors & drawers inside, bookshelf w/liand pamted decorations, empire chest, long leaf/swing leg drop leaf table, oval stand w/ inlay & Lyre base, mahogany ladies’ desk, dovetail blanket box, sm. Marble top stands, Hitchcock drop leaf table w/4 chairs, sets of chairs – ladder backs, empire & single chairs, cane seat & back rocker, French style arm chairs, 2 blue & wliite garden stools, ass stands & other pieces of furniture -Mise: Hawks (“Brilliant Cut” stemware & finger bowls, hand painted china, cutglass. CUI Ross England – tea pot w/creamer & sugar. Nippon china, fiill service of Blue & Wliite – China – oriental pattern includes 3 size plates, 4 size platers, pitchers, C&S, soups, veg, gravy, Roseville jarduiieres w/ stands, pottery vase #731, pottery vase #51 & others, sandwich glass tie backs – Halls – red – bowls, tea pot, 3 pc coffee pot, Fiesta ware – orange -bowls, plates, depression glass, 1950’s juice sets, cups & saucers, Huffman oil can. “Unusual Spot” – “copper. 3 Lubriplate cans” Piske Brothers, clocks – mantle – black marble – Ansonia, Seth Thomas – chime, Ant. Banjo, OG w/minored door – Boardman 30 lirs, $ others, Books – Memorial History of Hartford – 2 vols, 8rn book the “Writmg Beatle” Jolm Lenon in his own words 1964. Qt of Reference. History, Travel etc. Records – 45’s some w/ Jackets & Albtuns. 3 bobble heads – Beatle Bailey, Sgt. Snorkel & Zero -King Feature Syndicate, Barbie – Suitcase w/clothes, Barbie dolls 1961 -up, Ken suitcase – clothes. Skipper suitcase, clothes w/label 1963, extra boxes, 1959 Hanna Barbera Knickerbocker Toy Co. Inc. New York – family of 5 stuffed Huckelberry Hound Toys, collection of Volge & foreign coiurtries dolls, velvet cloth rabbit, stuffed dog, Weeden Mfg. Co, New Belford. MA, machine, Paris Maine kids table & 4 chairs, C. I. 3 dimensional – pamted plaques, Arabians – L. Notto. metal Roman wall hanging head. CI unusual curtain rod ends w/leaf & black motif, Iron – SQ – design container w/ attached Indian on both sides, cat door stop, sets of bookend – iron, bronze – Roosevelt – Gregory Ally, metal elephants, 5 CI stand – up door stops, bull dog door stop. 2 CI black men sitting on bales of hay, pamted, metal Indian statue, metal sitting monkey & other metal figures. Coms – #5.00 & $2 ‘A gold coins, currency, quarters and dmies – silver &jewehy – some sm. Diamonds, cameo’s, rings, costume beads, pins, rings, large bottle wrapped in wicker, 2 1g vessels for garden, 1g copper vessel on metal stand – suitcase – as found – Saddle leather California 1950’s, portable TV stand, collection of shells, water color – Moore, pt on canvas JHK
SPECIAL: Canoe Made by “Old Town Canoe – USA” w/origmal paddles, seat rest. Green 17” Old Town Mame USA
15% Buyers Premium Cash or Checks • 18% Buyers Premium Credit Cards Terms: Cash, Checks with established credit, Most major credit cards accepted
See more pictures on: – ID # 14542
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036