Sarasota Estate Auctions – Monumental 2-Day Fine Art, Chinese & Antiques Auction
March 23rd & 24th at 11am est
522 S. Pineapple Ave, Sarasota FL 34236
Over 1200 Lots to Offer!
Featuring a Watercolor titled “Lake Superior”from Arthur Lismer, a Large 19th Century American Landscape, and Milton Avery Etchings. Other notable artists are James Hope, Orville Bulman, Dave McGary, Jorge Blanco, lean-Baptiste Grueze, Charles Leader, Antoine Blanchard, Jules Eugene Pages, Julius Shulman,Tadashi Nakayama. Kiyoshi Saito, Darrell Crisp, and Salvador Dali. Also featuring a Rare Hevajra Tantra Gilt Bronze Tibetan Sculpture, Important Maps, Kieselstein Cord 18k Jewelry, Antique Telescopes, a Chinese Wang Hing Sterling Dragon Bowl – 20 ozt, Oriental Rugs, and a Large Collection of Estate Sterling. There will also be Art Glass Sculptures, a Knoll
Plattner Table, Italian Pietra Dura Leather Boxes, Lalique Glass, a Collection of Hellenistic Greek and Etruscan Antiquities, 4-6 BC, an 18th Century Russian Icon, 19th Century French Portraits, Fantastic Estate Jewelry, and so much more! Bidding will take place both in person and online where you can bid directly with us on 3 other platforms including LiveAuctioneers, Invaluable, and BidSquare. Our catalog will be up by March 8th!
Chinese Wang Hing Sterling Dragon Bowl, 20 OZT
Springfield Model 1863 Rifle Musket
18th C. Russian Icon
Pair Rare Qing Dynasty Carved Rainbow Jade Plaques
19th Century American School
Antique Kazak Oriental Rug
Schoenhut Humpty Dumpty Circus Large Scale Tent with Animals and Figures
F Diehl, American ‘Seated Pug’
Udo Zembok (B. 1951) German, ‘Horizon 1’Art Glass Sculpture
2 Pair Antique Fithing Cock English School Paintings, Oil on Panel
Map of Belgium 1747 ‘Belgian Catholic League’
Rare Hevajra Tantra Gilt Bronze Tibetan Sculpture
Platinum & Synthetic Sapphire Pin, 6.6g
Henry Moore (1898-1986) UK, Color Lithograph
Pair of Important Qing Imperial Green Jade Vases
Orville Bulman (1904-1978) American, Oil on Canvas
Platinum, Diamond & Synthetic Sapphire Brooch, 13.85g
Dave McGary (1958-2013) USA, Bronze Bust of Horse
Eric Sloane (1905-1985) USA, Oil on Masonite
Eric Sloane (1905-1985) USA, Oil on Masonite
Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805) French, Portrait
Arthur Lismer (1885-1969) Canada, Ink Drawing (Above) & Watercolor (Below)
Attr. John Hodson (B. 1945) British, Oil on Canvas
Lundberg Studio Glass Vase
Collection of Hellenistic Greek & Etruscan Antiqes, 4-6 BC
Antique Telescope, Husbands & -Clarke, C. 1870
Antoine Blanchard (c 1910-1988) French
Attributed to Duncan McFarlane (1834-1871) American, Oil on Canvas
Italian Pietra Dura Leather Boxes
Jiri Karel (B. 1952) Czech, Glass Sculpture
Orville Bulman (1904-1978) USA, Oil on Board
Todd Warner (1945-2022) USA, Giraffe Sculpture
Manner of Jules Frederic Ballavoine, Painting on Porcelain
Robert Crowder (20th C) USA, Hand Painted 4 Panel Screen
Collection of Rare Glass Eyed Animals
John Cage ‘Extended Lullaby’ Twelve 36-note Reuge Music Box Mechanisms
Large Collection of Estate Sterling
Circa 1870 Tabletop Victorian Brass Telescope
Yayoi Kusama & (B.1929) Japanese, Soft Sculpture
Kieselstein Cord 18K Bracelet, Ring and Pendant
Knoll Plattner Table
Milton Clark Avery (1885-1965) American, Etchings
Large Chinese Rose Quartz Planter with Beasts
For more information, visit our website:
Email: or call (941) 359-8700 (941) 706-3910 • AU #4555 AB #3375
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036