Tag Along Estate Sales – Bonnie Crest Tudor
Fri & Sat June 14 & 15 10-4
35 Broadfield Rd., New Rochelle, N.Y.
Pair of Bernhardt high back chairs, Tibetan rug, glass top coffee table, roll armed sofa, daybed, chair & ottoman, dictionary stand, library step stool, standing lamps, sideboard with brass top, dining table & 6 chairs, FELT carpet, lift coffee table, tufted sofa (becomes bed), 4 poster iron bed, chaise, lamps, small mahogany desk.
Portuguese china, Lenox ironstone, glass, silver, lots of jewelry, Social Security & Fiorella Laguardia memorabilia, Chagall lithos, other lithos, men’s and ladies clothing, exercise equipment, outdoor table, weights, flatscreen TV, electronics.
DIRECTIONS: From North, Hutch S to exit 9C left on Wilmot Rd., right on Broadfield Rd.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036