Legare Auctions – Estate Auction
Sat March 1 at 5pm
Historic Saltbox, Webster-Sawyer-Smiley House, Haverhill, MA Containing Several Generations of Fine Antiques
Furniture highlights include: two Chippendale chest on chests, two Federal mahogany sofas with inlay, Federal wing chair, three Federal secretaries, two Queen Ann drop-leaf tables, Chippendale drop-leaf table, Queen Ann cherry tea table, tap tables, Set of 6 cherry Chippendale chairs, many odd Chippendale side chairs, end tables, English mahogany lowboy, Centennial Queen Ann highboy with claw and ball feet, bell flower inlay and figured maple drawer fronts with mahogany banding, Two chair tables, hanging shelves, two bow-backWindsor arm chairs, many Windsor side chairs, ladderback arm chair with turned feet, diminutive Queen Ann cherry candle stand, Abel and Levi Hutchins tall case clock, sawbuck table, three blanket chests, sea chests, primitive child’s high chair, Federal mahogany spinet desk, many foot stools, Chippendale mirrors, Federal mirrors, early double rush seat wagon seat, paint decorated Windsor rocker, several child’s chairs
Miscellaneous: Large collection Horn of Plenty pattern glass, other pattern glass includes ribbed ivy, bellflower and later patterns, several pattern glass lamps, rare pair footed 3 mold blown decanters, set six 3 mold blown tumblers, large collection copper luster, blue spatter plates, colored fluid lamps, Wedgwood pitchers, small lot flow blue, collection “Forget Me Not” mugs, two demi-john bottles, Royal Bayreuth creamers, Rockingham Toby’s, mercury glass, blue and white ironstone teapot, paperweights, large pewter collection, whale oil lanterns, post lantern still kerosene, 2 pierced tin candle lanterns, daguerreotypes and tintypes, brass candle sticks, early hooked rugs, andirons, fireplace and hearth andirons, fenders and tools, early boxed dancing girl toy, paint decorated miniature boxes, early hooked rugs, oriental rugs, ship model, decorated crocks, blue hobnail hanging lamp shade, foot warmers, dolls furniture and child’s furniture, sleigh bells, redware milk bowls, chopping bowls, firkins, early hardware, mortar and pestles, rare 3 wick whale oil burners, powder flasks, wooden pitcher, swing handle brass buckets, sterling bowl, and more.
1728 Webster-Sawyer-Smiley house will be on the market soon, Ed Mahoney Real Estate 978-373-6033
1733 Tape Loom
Dancing Girl Toy
Colored Fluid Lamps
Sawbuck Table
Elsa Horne Voss Bronze
Queen Ann Table
Pewter Lot
Copper Luster
Decorated Ironstone
Child’s Chest
Blue spatterware
Sleigh Bells
Ship Model
Dug-out and Tankard
Horn of Plenty
Three Mold Blown
Knucklearm Windsor
Levi and Abel Hutchins
Chest on Chest
Centennial Highboy
Hooked Rug
Hepplewhite Secretary
Chair Table
TIMED ONLINE ONLY AUCTION WITH LIVEAUCTIONEERS, 20% BP • www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/361023_estate-auction PREVIEW AND PICK UP Call or text for appointment 603-325-7270 • PREVIEW: Feb. 24,25 and 26, 9am-4pm . PICK UP: March 3,4, and 5, 9am-4pm Leo P. Legare, Auctioneer • NH license #2528, MA # 149 • Office hard line 603-595-9625 • Cell phone 603-325-7270 • Email: llegareauctions@gmail.com
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036