Gateway Gallery Public Auction
Vintage & Antiques, Modern Furniture, Collectibles & Personal Property
Will sell for several local estates and downsizes at Gateway Gallery auc-tion,
located at 643 Kriner Road, Chambersburg, PA
Monday – July 11, 10:00 AM
FURNITURE: Slant front desk; mahogany BR suite (bed, dresser, night stand); drop leaf table; oak file; chairs; DR table/chairs; bookcases; high case/dressers; wash stand; cherry stand; tea cart; office chair; marble top & other coffee table; side chairs; side board; night stands; porcelain cabinet; hutch cupboards; blanket chests; claw foot & other end stands; dry sink w/copper insert; Victorian sofa; bar stools; recliners; corner cupboard; breakfront; tall bookcase; DR chairs; DR table; drop leaf tables; buffet; BR suite; curios cabinet; grandfather clock; couch; rockers; oriental rugs; love seat; china cupboard; rocking chairs; wing back chair; 1 drawer stands; Kling BR suite (dresser, high case, (2) night stands, bookcase bed); sofa; barrel back chair; & more.
VINTAGE/COLLECTIBLES/DECORATOR ITEMS: Musical instruments (guitar, auto harp, drums, organs, Boy Scout bugle, violin); games; artwork (O/C, prints, watercolors, 1950s Remington prints); LPs; clipper ship; books; Star Trek clock; christening clothes & vintage children’s clothing; quilts; coverlet; Russian nesting dolls; Hall & other pottery; silverplate; brass; paperweights; 1927 aeroplane; cameras (Yashica, Konica); china sets; Rogers flatware; coke bottles; typewriter; advert. boxes; Christmas village; toys (Fisher Price, Hess, tractors, dollhouse, trucks); wooden bowls; Lionel train; Longaberger baskets; modern sword collection; kerosene lights; glassware (candy dishes, Heisey bowl, Heisey berry set, Cathedral window, moon/ star, cracker jars,); mud figurines; English lantern; braided rugs; alabaster & other bookends; Royal Copley; humi-dor/pipes; CI; advert. buttons; A&P memorabilia; flo-blue; pink lustre; milk can; linens/needlework; lamps; collection of Bradford Exchange drag-ons; & more.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: Power scooter; concrete Buddha; vintage kitchen utensils; fishing rods; lateral file; cooler; pyrex; general household dishes/ pots/pans/small appliances; aluminum ladder; garden tools; Troybilt 5550 watt generator; bicycle; AC; power tools; side mount mirrors; jack stands; hydraulic jack; sewing machine; Troybilt weed eater; air compressor; sweeper; luggage; ice cream freezer; wood commode; file cabinets; bedding/ linens/knotted comforts; gas stove; washer; dryer; wringer washer; shampooer; dog crate; garden tools; spreader; bicycles; sleds; ladders; hoses; dehumidifiers; card table/chairs; kerosene heater; massage table; more.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Another auction extravaganza! By popular demand – we are resuming our 10 AM auction schedule. Auction begins at 10 AM in Back Gallery. Main gallery showcased items at approx. 1:15 PM. Furniture begins at 6 PM.
Always See Website for Updates
Preview Sunday, July 10 from 1–3 PM and Sale Day from 8 AM
TERMS: Cash. Visa/MC/Discover accepted. 13% buyer’s premium discounted
3% for cash or approved check. Statements made day of sale take precedence.
Our Service is the Difference
Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265, AH002001, AY002190
Auctioneer John F. Kohler, Jr. AU000507L
Auctioneer Heather R. Kohler AU005651
Apprentice Auctioneer Tye Schwartz AA019486
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036