14 Terrace St. Marlborough, NH 03455
Sun, March 18, 11am
Preview: Sun. March 18, 9:30 am till
Auction start or by appointment
Antique Books: Harpers School Geography 1896, Sesame and Lilies signed and numbered by Joh Ruskin, Poe’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination Illustrated by Arthur Rackham signed and numbered No 180 of 450 from 1935, Discoverie of Witchcraft 1930 Limited edition 1136 of 1275 from 1930, Romula George Elliot Vol 1 and 2 Limited edition No 67 of 250 from 1890,Currier and Ives America 1952 Colin Simkin, A trip to Nassau Frank Merrill Art and Photography original 1932, Vampires and Vampirism, French Costumes Lepage- Medvey 1939, Double Exposure Roddy McDowell 1966, Little Journeys Great Musicians signed limited edition Elbert Hubbard and Many more.
Contemporary and Vintage: Dean Kootz, Neil Gaimen, Jim Butcher, James L Brooks, Charles Burns, Clive Cussler, William Nolan, Edward Streeter, Ann McCaffrey, Stephen King, Mickey Spillane, Ralph Nader, John Updike, Isaac Asimov, Neil Simon, Tom Clancy, Joe Hill, John Irving, Laurell Hamiliton, Orson Scott Card, George R.R. Martin, Preston and Child, JK Rowling, Graig Johnson, Ursula Le Guinn, Ray Bradbury Ann Rice, Robert Sawyer, and Many more all signed by author’s and First editions, over 250 lots.
Please go to
or our website,
for more details and pictures.
Go to the auction schedule tab and look for ‘Bid On Line’ button for pictures of each lot. This does not actually cast a bid.
Left and Phone Bids accepted. We accept MC, Visa, cash and approved check. Auction subject to errors and omissions. Statements made on day of auction take precedence over previously written materials. There will be a lot list available, and feel free to bring your lunch.
Brandt W. Onorato – Auctioneer NH #6052 | Christine Becotte – Manager
Call for info 603-494-5964 | (auctioneer ID 31260)
Always accepting quality consignments, one piece or estates
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036