Saturday, March 31
438 NY Route 20,
New Lebanon, NY
Preview: 9am • Start: 12noon
We have been commissioned to sell the estate of the late Ann Johnston consisting of approx. 1000 cabinet size dolls to be sold over three or four auctions. This auction consists of items from Ann’s collection as well as some other local collectors.
Parisienne Dolls to Inc: 18” Tete Jumeau; 17” French Fashion; 14½” FG Fashion Doll; 14” Etienne Denamur Mold E5D Closed Mouth on Antique French Body; 15½” French Fashion; 12½” French Fashion; 11½” French Fashion; 12” French Fashion; 5¼” Slender Body All Bisque Mignonette; 5¼” Mignonette Doll, etc. Millener’s Models to Inc: 7” Milliner’s Model w/Exposed Ears & Coiled Bun; 8” Milliner’s Model w/Side Curls; 9” Millener’s Model; 9½” Apollo Knot Milliner’s Model, etc. Early & Wood Dolls to Inc: 13” Circa 1800 Wooden Queen Anne Type; 10 ½” Wooden Tuck Comb w/Jtd Wooden Body; 11” Wooden Doll; 11½” Mason & Taylor; 16” French Fashion Type; 19” Schoenhut; 19” Gesso Over Wood Ptd Eye Madonna w/Child on 5” Gold Ptd. Pedestal, etc. Papier-Mache, Wax & Wax-Over to Inc: 9½” Early Papier-Mache; 20” Wax Over Papier-Mache Lady with O/C Pupiless Black Eyes; 16” Reinforced Wax Shoulderhead; 7¾” Wax Papier-Mache Motchman Baby; 9” Papier-Mache Motchman Baby; 14½” Papier Mache Shoulderhead; 13” Wax Shoulderhead; 13”
Wax Over Papier-Mache Blonde w/Alice Hairdo, Sleep Eyes in Orig Costume Under Glass Dome, etc. German Dolls to Inc: 14½” S & H Mold 1469 Bisque Head Flapper Lady; 17” Lady Shoulderhead Marked 7 (likely Kestner); 12” Unmarked Bisque Shoulderhead w/Dome Head; 7” Unmarked Bisque Belton Flat Neck Socket Head; 11½” Tinted Bisque Turned Shoulderhead; 5” Mold 183-10 Bisque Shoulder head on Cloth Body; 13” Simon & Halbig K*R; 14½’ Heubach Bisque Shoulder head on Kid Body; 9” Bisque Flat Neck Swivel Head; 9½” Bisque Belton; 9¼” Solid Dome Bisque Head Flat Neck on Jtd. Compo Body; 10” Gibson Girl; 9” Belton Bisque 186 Socket Head; 9” Heubach Socket Head; 11¾” Belton Socket Head; 15” Flirty Eye S&H 1039; 11” Heubach Mold 77602 Baby; 10½” Mold 151 Bisque Head Baby; 7” Bisque Head Baby Mold 64.9/0; 17½” American School Boy; S & H, ABG, Kestner, Handwerk, 12” Bisque Head w/Pouty Face Marked 7 w/Marked Jumeau Torso and Straight Wrists, etc. China Heads & Parians to Inc: 6½” Brown Eyed China Head; 7 “ Pink Tint Brown Haired China Shoulder head; 12” Bald Head China w/Ptd Black Pate; 5½” Pink Tint China; 10¾” China Shoulder head w/Brush Mark Hair & Gold Snood; 13” Covered Wagon China Head w/Slight Pink Tint; 15” Pink Tint China w/Molded Braided Bun; Blonde Haired Parian w/ Fancy Hairdo w/Applied & Molded Forget Me Nots & Decorative Shoulder plate Only; 12½” Blonde Parian w/Fancy Hairdo and Earring Holes; 12” Empress Eugenie w/Pink Lustre & Gold Snood; 12½” Fancy Molded Plate Parian w/Jeweled Shoulder plate, etc. All Bisques to Inc: (2) All Bisque Happy Fats Character Dolls; 5½” All Bisque Wrestler w/4 Strap Molded Shoes; 4 7/8” All Bisque Baby Bo-Kaye; 4” Pr. of All Bisque Stiff Necks; 6¼” All Bisque Bonnie Babe; 6½” Bisque Ptd Eye Googly; 6 3/8” Bisque Head Ptd Eye Googly; 3½” All Bisque Glass Googly Eyed Doll Mold #330; 5 ¾” All Bisque Mold 1; 6” All Bisque Mold 203 7 with Yellow Bootines; & many, many more
!!!! Cloth, Composition, Hard Plastic & Collectible to Inc: 16 ½” 19 ½” & 20 ½” Chase Boys; Pr. of 12” Compo on Cloth Campbell Kids; 14” Effanbee Suzanne Compo; 13” Compo Shirley Temple; Selection of 1940’s Fashion Mannequins; Pr of 9 ½” Molded Stockinette made in France; Selection of Ethnic Dolls from Around the World; 1950-56 Ginny’s to Inc: Dawn, Tina, Pat, Skier, Roller Skater w/Orig Labeled Box, Frolicking Fables; Angela Debutante; Donna, Pinky, June, Wanda, Talon Zipper PM, Merry Moppet, Stormy Weather, Margie, Ballerina, & Doll Trunk w/Vogue Suitcase & Additional Clothing & Accessories; Queen Elizabeth Doll by I & R Ottenberg 65/150 Ltd Ed; Pr of 15” Hungarian Cloth Dolls w/Delicately Embroidered Costumes & Finely Detailed Faces; Nancy Ann Storybook Dolls, etc. Others to Inc: 12½” Steiff Farmer w/1911 Ear Button; Steiff “Froggy” w/Orig Tag; 1952 Steiff 16” Mohair Jtd. Bear w/Working Growler; Antique & Vintage Doll Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry; 4 Large Doll Houses to Inc: 1870’s Mansard House; 4’ Open Front Wooden Doll House ; Selection of Doll House Furniture; Selection of Modern Dolls in Orig Boxes etc.
Everything sold as is where w/absolutely no returns is Cash**Check**MC/VISA**14% BP—2% disc for Ca/Ck | (518) 766 5002***
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Subject to Errors & Omissions Accepting Quality Consignments for Future | Auction Absentee & Qualified Phone Bids Accepted
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036