4957 Rte. 7 in HOOSICK, NY
We will be selling the personal property of Two very Prominent Southern Vermont Family Estates Consisting of Period Furnishings, Oil Paintings, Sterling Silver, Decorated Stoneware, Small Collectibles and Country Store Items. Auction held outside, under tents at
our Auction Hall, located at 4957 Rte. 7 in HOOSICK, NY. Approx. 8 mi west of Bennington, VT & 25 miles east of Troy, NY.
1800’s Andrew Meneely compass in original wooden case; early glass front Post Office Box with pigeon holes; excellent small grain painted 6 board blanket chest; other small painted boxes; small Shaker Style workv bench; Set of 6 Chippendale style paw foot dining chairs; early 4 drawer Hepplewhite chest; 2 Vermont country chest of drawers; Stickley single bed; child’s cupboard; fancy flame mahogany side board with chimney back; 1813 hand drawn survey of Union College; Waterman’s Pen display case; large selection of early tobacco and coffee tins; old pewter; JP Coats spool cabinet; Clark’s spool cabinet; large Deacon bench in old paint; old cast iron garden bench; Excellent Sterling Silver including, 4 pc. tea set, serving pcs., bowls, candelabras, candlesticks and 53 pc. Lunt Sterling flatware set; selection of antique jewelry; oil paintings to include, portrait of Jefferson Winslow signed Malcolm Frager, large oil painting of a forest in fancy gold frame, country farmhouse scene, 2 Hudson River style paintings, 2 Ed Levin paintings; autumn scene by Rockport Artist A. Ruben; fancy Vict. oak wall clock; Seth Thomas wall clock; Tiffany Elliot shelf clock; ornate Beehive shelf clock; over one dozen decorated stoneware crocks & jugs with blue including Bennington, Troy and Fort Edward; Knights of Columbus sword and hats in original small trunk; old Lionel O gauge train; early diving helmet; Starrett No.99 F transit; spongeware mixing bowls & pitchers; interesting old pottery; 2 old postcard albums; interesting tintypes; selection of Quilts including applique, log cabin and homespuns; jack knives; hunting knives; old fountain pens; Atco pocket barometer in case; old baskets; Railroad lanterns; old doorstops; small hooked rugs with dog and cat; 1879 Battle of Bennington & Vermont Centennial book; antique wicker settee and chair; old lighting; old bottles; old signs; old machinist toolbox; Check (#4138) for Photos.
TERMS: Cash or Previously Approved Check.
No Absentee Bids. No Buyer’s Fee. Items Sold Upon Request.
Auctioneers: RON SEIFERT, VICKI WYSOCKI & KYLE SEIFERT • 518-686-9375
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036