William Smith Great Summer Estate Auction!
Antique, Art, Asian, Silver and Jewelry
Friday, June 29th at 10:00am
Smith’s Auction Gallery,
1064 Route 12A
Plainfield NH
Preview: Thursday from 12-5pm
& 8:30 morning of sale on Friday
Our summer auction season kicks-off with pre-July 4th holiday auction.
This year’s roster of goods to be sold, are from many NH and VT estates along
with a Darien CT estate. Over 400 lots sold at a fast pace and
unreserved to the highest bidder,
In Part: Federal grandfather clock, inlaid mahogany case brass works signed “Simon Willard Roxbury”; 2 other fine period grandfather clocks; 2 Queen Anne New England highboys; 2 Chippendale 6 drawer tall chests maple and cherry examples; Chippendale PA walnut 4 dr. chest with quarter columns; other Federal 4 drawer New England chests including 2 bow front examples; Chippendale New England slant lid desk with double step interior; fine Hepplewhite Pembroke tables including bowed end examples; flame birch NE secretary; several 18th and 19th C. candle stands; various country floor cupboards including setback open top examples; pairs of period Chippendale chairs; small Southern Federal 3 dr. chest; Chippendale dower chests including Southern example; Chippendale slant lid desk with satin wood interior; 2 part Federal banquet table with reeded legs; Federal cherry 2 part corner cupboard; Southern corner cupboard; Q.A table from South Carolina; Federal card table, Attrib. to Joseph Connolly; NYC Classical chairs; exceptional cobblers bench; 6 step down Windsor chairs Fine set of 8 Chippendale style dining chairs; set of 6 English dining chairs; 3 part inlaid Hepplewhite dining table; other 3 pedestal base dining table; inlaid Federal style sideboard and server; Empire Gothic armoire; antique tester bed converted to king size; Federal acanthus carved post canopy bed with similar chest; good set of 8 pillow back chairs, 2 arms; good country tavern table, tapered legs; country dry sinks; early Windsor chairs; inlaid North Shore school sofa; stretcher base tavern tables and more
European: Nice French Louis XV fruitwood armoire; Early child’s size Dutch bombe cylinder desk, other similar Dutch child’s desk with mirror; 17th/18th C. walnut parquetry valuables travel chest; good English Welsh dresser; small English cupboard; Small English mahogany bachelors chest with brush slide; Swedish grandfather clock; Louis XVI settee; 1764 European trunk; period French fruitwood commode; period country French farm table; and more
Asian: from a VT attic- Bronze Buddha figures; carved and gilt wood Buddha’s; Asian dolls; Chinese cinnabar; carved Asian elements; Asian lacquerware; selection of Rose Medallion, punch bowl and garden seat; Chinese famille rose porcelain; Chinese celadon plates; early Chinese bronze bowl; Chinese pigskin trunk; old Asian paintings rolled up canvases (un-stretched); early Spanish Colonial oil painting rolled, (un-stretched); Satsuma vases and lamps; several Japanese and Chinese paintings; 3 Japanese Samurai swords; 18th C. Chinese woodblock; mahjong sets; several early netsukes; shimayama ivory panels; 2 Chinese Altar tables; Chinese coffee table and Arm chairs; etc.
Misc: Mocha pitcher; crystal hurricane lights; early Delft ceramics polychrome and blue and white; 19th C. apothecary jars; Ironstone china; Orrefors crystal bowl with color; set of Copeland Spode “Tower”; Doulton Puzzle jug; lot of Dedham pottery; large set of transferware china; selection of early blue and white and polychrome Delft, etc.
Art: from a VT attic- Abstract oil by Angel Botello; 2 Mid Century oils by Jorge Damiani; 1957 abstract w/c signed Bandeira; mixed media abstract signed J C Perinetti 61; oil Cubist style portrait signed Vitalis 57; abstract oil signed Daniel Heide; abstract oil T. Webb; Paul Aizpiri litho. city scene; Other-oil sailing ship signed Charles Vickery; oil signed B. Eggelston early oil on board Indian baby; 4 w/’s by Marion Kummel, Hanover NH artist; sepia of the Jethro Coffin House Nantucket; oil by Gerrit Beneker; local art by Corliss Blakely; Mary Fox and Suzanne Kowalski; Grumbo w/c Spirit of Spring; antique w/c signed A. Penley; oil signed Gustave Weigand; oil summer cottage signed S. Griggs; B. Champney oil painting, oil signed S. L. Gerry; oil signed John Ross Key; marine oil “The Vanora” by S. Colacicco; oil summer landscape G. Glenn Newell; winter scene oil Hans Barma; w/c sail boat signed Yngve Soderberg; charcoal signed Everett Shinn; w/c seascape signed AT Britcher; oil signed Theresa Bernstein
Prints: Old master etchings; many early engravings; early maps of NH, VT and ME, Chart of the FLstream, 1804 by J. Gold; etching by R. Beal of ship; etching “moose caller” Frank Benson; many Bishop duck prints; C. Ettinger litho.; several old Japanese woodblock prints; John Stobbart New Orleans print; Audubon bird prints; 2 Inuit paintings; litho by Michael Robinson; wood cut by Irving Amen; lithos by Chagall, Goya, Picasso and others
Sophisticated: 3 early icons; unusual tribal weavings and spreads; ornately carved and gilt wood mirrors; European leaded and stained glass windows; collection of very early European engravings some dating back 300 years; trunk with early European outfits; Bradly and Hubbard crushed acorn student lamp other good lamps; Venetian glass mirror; early barometer with inlay; and more
Folk: Several Early American folk portraits both pairs and singles; lot of antique cake boards; early wall paper stencils; pr. of iron dolphin andirons; Enterprise coffee mill; various decoys including Jess Blackstone bird and J. Franco geese; collection of early school girl samplers; Northwest Coast art; Native American basket and pot; early red toleware tray and other with a sailor; ship model; ships diorama; pond boat; 19th C. child’s size birdseye maple chest; Confederate and other flags; old sword; military hat by JR Pettis; percussion pistol; several good Federal mirrors; early Federal bullseye mirror; good gilt over mantle mirror; many good early boxes including tantalus with bottles; carriage clocks; Chelsea ships clocks; early banjo and pillar and scroll clock; 19th c. map or chart chest other nautical; antique wire bird cage in green; pewter collection; carved pipes; and much more
Jewelry: Approx. 50 lots of estate jewelry including a 7 ct. diamond tennis bracelet set in platinum; sapphire and diamond bracelet set in yellow gold; diamond pin Cartier; other Cartier; antique diamond and pearl pin; large amethyst and yellow gold bracelet with similar earrings; antique 18K yellow gold enameled diamond earrings; several antique platinum and diamond rings; antique opal necklace and ring; antique gold cufflinks and stud sets; ruby ring surrounded with diamonds; 2 ct. sapphire and diamond ring; antique gold cameo jewelry; carved green jade pendant other jade; 18k gold “Marina B” earrings; various gold chains and bracelets and much more
Sterling: good sets of sterling flatware; Hall marked silver tray; 3 piece French 800 tea set; other sterling tea sets; Georg Jensen sterling gravy; sterling bowls and vases; sterling water pitcher Hammered; Cartier sherry glasses; and mush more, approx. 30 lots
Oddities: Lg. blue marlin mount; zebra hide rug other hide rugs; Vintage pot belly stove; antique dental cabinet; Keuffel and Esser “American Eagle” drafting table, c. 1900, etc.
Modern: good large round 7’ diameter inlaid dining table and 8 upholstered dining chairs by Henredon; pair of crimson leather wing chairs; leather settee; pair of Heritage bachelors chests; Howard Miller grandfather clock; outdoor synthetic wicker furniture; wine refrigerator; and much more!
Good selection of Oriental rugs room size and scatters.
Terms: Cash-Check-Major Credit Cards:
18% Buyer’s Premium Reduced to 15% with Cash or Check
No Sales Tax • Catered • Comfortable Seating
Auctioneers: William G. Smith and Kenneth R. Labnon
Visit our Website:
or email us at: info@wsmithauction.com
PLAINFIELD, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03781 – 603-675-2549
NH LICENSE #2825 – VT #57-702 – FL#AU-4814
Offices: Plainfield, NH – Greenwich, CT –
Sarasota, FL– Phoenix, AZ
please attend.
William Smith, Inc
Specializing in Fine Antiques
Plainfield, New Hampshire 03781 • Tel. 603-675-2549
NH License #2825 – VT #57-702 – FL#AU-4814
S. Griggs
Cartier French signed Emerald & sapphire Diamonds & pearls
Vitalis Asian cinnabar
Jensen and other silver
Icons Asian A. Botello E. Shinn
Maple ca.1780 Boston ca.1770 English ca.1820 Willard Cherry ca.1760
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036