Skinner Inc Early English Books
An Important California Collection
Friday, July 20 at Noon
63 Park Plaza, Boston
Previews: July 18, 12-5PM;
July 19, 12-7PM;
July 20, 9AM-12PM
The July 20th Skinner book sale will be a rare opportunity to see 200 examples of early English printing in Boston. An English incunabula edition of Higden’s Polychronicon is included, along with a selection of rare Elizabethan literature including a Shakespeare Fourth Folio and Shakespeare source material published during the bard’s lifetime. Also in the sale are several early books on the education of children, and a selection of practical works on swimming, worms, the evils of long hair, surveying, fowling, painting sundials, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, and a group of early compendia of folk remedies and recipes.
For buyers, consignors, and the passionately curious
Find Worth At
1 Higden, Polychronicon, 1495. $40,000-50,000
2 Coryate’s Crudities, first edition, 1611. $12,000-15,000
3 William Shakespeare, Fourth Folio, 1685. $65,000-80,000
4 Giles Fletcher, The Russe Commonwealth, 1591. $15,000-25,000
5 John Donne, Pseudo-Martyr, first edition, 1610. $25,000-35,000
6 Gabelkover, The Boock of Physicke, 1599. $12,000-15,000
7 Thomas More, Utopia, second edition, 1556. $40,000-60,000
8 The Great Herball Newly Corrected, 1539. $25,000-35,000
9 Brathwaite, Nature’s Embassie, first edition, 1621. $10,000-12,000
MA LIC. 2304
Contact: Devon Eastland 508.970.3293 SKINNERLIVE ! |
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036