Brzostek’s Unreserved Real Estate & Contents Auction
Saturday, August 11 at 10 am
Preview: 9-10 am
4510 State Rte. 226
Rock Stream NY 14878
Directions: (On Rte. 226 North of Altay Rd. and West of Preemption Rd.)
Auctioning Antiques, Housewares/Tools, Collectibles following the sale of the Real Estate: Furniture: Antique 2 drw. stand, Leather LazyBoy, 2 loveseats, sofas & chairs, Cherry full length dropleaf table, Black Walnut sheet music cabinet, computer desk, metal desk, King size bed, 8 drw. Cherry dresser w/mirror, tall chest, Antique Oak raised panel cupboard, jewelry cabinet, 2-night stands, tall chest, 2 twin beds, Mahogany Empire tall chest w/backsplash, caned seat chairs, folding rocker, 4 Hitchcock style rush seat chairs, wooden desk & chair, sideboard w/claw feet, electric organ w/bench, player piano, upright radio, antique 2 dr. cupboard, rd. table & 3 chairs; Collectibles: Antique HP china, glassware, set of 12 Florentine china, silverplate, linens, Grandmother clock, June Savoia still life painting, Tambour mantel clock, NJ Rapalee still life painting, 2 Antique crank Oak wall telephones, Antique Atlantic White Flash gas globe, Antique Western Electric Amplifier, 6’ wooden bank airplane propeller, automatic Antique Victrola-plays ‘78’s; 78 records, 1940’s Coin operated wall telephone, Antique Cathedral radio, Atwater Kent radio, 33LP’s, Antique Edison Cylinder Phonograph w/Morning Glory horn & cylinders, Edison Thick record phonograph w/extra record, Gumball machine, Bachmann G scale train, 3 Dundee Theatre Movie Board signs, Wurlitzer 1015 clock-Stromberg Carlson, Rochester, NY; candlestick telephone, Cuckoo clock, antique radio, Airplane telephone, D.Gottlieb & Co. 4 Player Orbit Pin Ball Machine; Housewares: Corningware, pots/pans, lamps, 2 drw. file cabinets, VHS & DVD’s, Flat screen TV, Stereo equipment, washer & electric dryer, upright freezer; Woodshop/Tools Equipment: Drills, grinders, drill presses, power hand tools, vises, Lincoln 180 AM/PAC welder, Heathkit battery Eliminator AMP tester, clamps, work benches, 4″ planer, table saw, belt sander, Delta band saw, scroll saw, wire, 12″ lathe, compressor, shop vac, nuts/bolts cabinets, Miller Thunderbolt 225 AC Arc welder w/welding rod, torch set, compressor, floor jack, sm. Generator, metal cut off saw, Atlas machine lathe, gear pullers, hydraulic cylinders, creepers, Stihl chain saw, cement mixer, scrap metal, belts, pulleys & chains, land roller, garden tools, Stihl weedwacker; Auctioning @ 11 A.M.: 2005 Chevy Colorado Pickup, 4WD w/102,173 mi.; 2008 Buick LaCrosse CXL, 4DSD w/91,130 mi.; Allis Chalmers 616 Lawn Tractor 16 PM w/5’ mower deck, snow plow, sickle mower; 1965 Corvair yellow Convertible-running; 1963 Corvair Greenbrier Red & White-9 passenger Van; 12’ Tandem Axle Utility Trailer, pull behind 5’x10’ cart w/seats, Grinnel Bros. Baby Grand piano w/bench-Hope Jones Organ Co., Tonal Revision 1969; Antique Wurlitzer Juke box Coin operated, Model 1015 w/Bubble front-Serial # 1032472; plus much more!
Terms on Personal Property: Full payment due day of auction by Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover & Debit Cards. Checks w/Bank Letter of Guarantee. Ten percent buyer’s premium. All items sold in “AS IS” condition. Subject to errors and omissions. Refreshments available. Driver’s license required for bidding number. All statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Auction: #7628/18 800-562-0660
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036