Coyle’s Summer Estates Auction
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Session 1 at 3:30 Curiosities Auction (Rear Hall)
Session II at 5:30 Estates Auction (Prev 10:00 to Sale Times)
VFW Hall, 123 Holliston St.,
Medway, MA
We are pleased to offer a Two Session Exceptional Antique and Estates Auction featuring hundreds of widely diversified quality pieces to primarily inclu de selected contents of a stately Concord home together with items drawn from 2 Wellesley, Winchester, and Newport, RI homes and decorative art from a New England institution with selected additions. The August Auction will offer a fine selection of antique American, English, French and custom furniture, many fine porcelain lots, orientalia, artwork, silver, lighting, pottery, crystal, country, and much more.
Hundreds of fresh to the market offerings, items arrive daily.
6 piece floral and gilt tea set signed KPM
10” oval ruffle top gilt bowl with birds Paris, France
2 18” square Meissen platters w/ handles
Mother of pearl/papier mache antique Asian vases
12 French bird plates
2 pairs of fine porcelain bowls
Meissen porcelain bowls
Fine pair of bisque busts
Antique oyster inlaid chest
Antique bow front
French marble top console & vanity mirror
Nice selection of fine French style furniture
Unusual late 19th C mahogany bank table w/ carved relief heads on base
Pair of Baker chairside stands Florentine tray table w/ gilded trim and paw feet
Signed Joseph Gerte Boston Regency style center table w/ gold lion’s head mounts
Carved camphorwood
Carved and gilt sconce shelves
Chinese scholars Signed and unsigned artwork
4 groups of 4 Gould Hummingbird prints
Abstract painting “Peter Three Times”
Ger Lataster 1968 w/ Paris gallery label
Silver plate epergne & other silver plate & sterling
Bronze student lamp
1 of 3 pairs of nice lighting fixtures
Antique Seth Thomas pillar and scroll clock
Onyx and brass clock
Ram’s head enamel vases Handel desk lamp
Session 1 at 3:30 PM: Curiosities, Art, and Rugs Auction: 10+ oriental rugs, commercial and decorative art incl Boston prints, Nubble Lighthouse, etc (see AuctionZip for some photos and listings), several lots of leather bound antique books from Concord estate library including works by Eliot, Holmes, Carlyle Books, Memoirs, etc., some vintage clothing and paisleys, ephemera lots, interesting estate lots and more.
Session 2 at 5:30 PM: FURNITURE: Beautiful signed Joseph Gerte Regency style drum table with gold lion’s head mounts, Handsome large antique English mahogany breakfront, wonderful pair of Baker turned column chairside stands with gilded trim and paw feet, wonderful Georgian style giltwood mirror w/ 2 eglomise panels, antique mahogany bowfront chest, antique oyster inlaid chest, heavily carved paw foot swivel chair, very unusual late 19th C mahogany bank table with carved relief heads on base, antique inlaid mahogany Georgian style sofa table, fine set of 3 Baker fluted wood column pedestals with burl tops, beautiful 3 panel Adams style glass and wood screen with painted decoration, stylish French marble top console table, antique maple butterfly table, Florentine decorated tray table, good paint decorated antique one draw blanket chest, pair of French carved MT hall tables, pr of painted French twin beds with carving, 3 faux painted pedestals, beautifully upholstered pr of French armchairs, unusual pr of Empire footstools, Minton Spidell LA Charles II style leather top stool, cvd burlwood sideboard, inld vanity mirror, Federal inld extension table, bamboo style wardrobe, pine corner cabinet, Pr mah Baker end tables, pr of French MT sidetables, Dutch marquetry inld armchair, antq French firescreen, Emp. mahog dressing mirror, Vic MT BR set, old pine 6 board blanket chests, Fr. Writing desk w/leather top and ormolu, Child size Chippendale style slant lid desk, Chinese mt carved stand, mah inlaid Carlton desk, nice pr caned back paint dec French chairs, revolving bookcase, selection of nice mirrors, and much more.
ACCESSORIES: Wonderful extensive selection of porcelain and other fine smalls to include KPM 6 pc floral porcelain tea set with tray, 10” oval ruffle top French gilt bowl with birds, 12 Sevres bird plates, many sets of plates and serving pieces by Dresden, Minton, Meissen, KPM, Limoges, Paris Porcelain, etc., Pair of French porcelain figures, Lovely 19th/20th C 25” French porcelain urn with cover signed Dapoigny with ram’s head ormolu handles, pr oval Fr. Plates with hand painted scenes, 24” Japanese 2 handle porcelain vase with village and figures, pr Asian form 28” figural lamps w/crackle glaze and foo dog handles, 2 nice Handel desk lamps, 3 pc bronze Tiffany inkwells and pen, Seth Thomas pillar and scroll clock, antique onyx and brass clock, Aaron Willard reproduction shelf clock, gilt mirror w/ladies heads, pr 16” Orrefors color glass ewers, Asian chargers, pair of elephant vases, 16 – 12” and 7¼” Royale Limoges “Hadrian” plates, bronze tole student lamp, majolica lots, pr lg Staffordshire dogs, pr antq cvd camphorwood carvings of scholars, pr of mother of pearl/ papier mache antique Asian vases, 40 piece set of Waterford crystal stemware, lg Heinrich dinner set, oak tantalus, pr. iron fixtures, pr Holland Freyer vases, pr palace size Rose Medallion style palace jars, Foster Campos reproduct banjo clock, pr Ram’s head blue enamel glass vases, English Asian motif foot bath, pr gilt figural sconces, Cybis figure, pr gilt carved wall sconce shelves, relief plaques, several nice brass fireplace andirons, chenets etc., nice pr Jenny Lind wall sconces, lg pr porcelain vases with snakes, good pair of etched wall sconces, hanging bronze fixture, signed Tiffany lamp base, Amer Belleek and Limoges vases, Asian pottery and ceramics, Whimsical animal carved dressing mirror, old pantry box w/ heart, Spode dinner set, pr of blue decorative urns, pr Garden seats, antq barometer, and much more.
STERLING and JEWELRY: Sterling flatware sets, sterling serving pieces, silver bag lots, Silver plate epergne with sphinx, 3 pc tea set, silver plate, some jewelry.
ARTWORK: Abstract painting Peter Three TimesGer Lataster 1968 w/ Paris gallery label, Herring Cove Provincetown 1982 o/c 29×77 by Janice Biala, JN Marble o/c The Playful Sea, miniature oval portrait, 4 sets of 4Gould Hummingbird prints, 3 Conley Harris o/c, oil/paper The Spout Tenant Harbor by Wendy Prellwitz, 20th C Asian painted wall paper panel framed, 50×52 o/c Jan Wunderman Red Flag Day 2, Oil/mixed media over monotype Miklos Pogany Jasper’s Jump, Nancy Lawton graphite on paper flowers, Takako Yamaguchi etching exhibition proof with gold highlights 30×30, Bradford 1964 Desert Flora 40/75 Bradford, Sterling Mulbry Santa Maria Novelle oil, Max Gunther Blue Moon 1962 artist proof litho, 1962 NY litho, C. Harris w/c, E. Nunn Miller o/c snow mountains, Janvier Lang seriograph “cut flags”, and more.
M. Coyle Auction MA Lic 2369, 15% Buyer’s Premium Cash/check/MC&Visa 508-733-6868, Catered, Please feel free to bring boxes and paper for wrapping –
DIRECTIONS: Sale held at the VFW Post 1526,
123 Holliston St., Medway, MA (off Route 109).
Please visit our website at for additional photos and information.
Pair of fine porcelain figures
Tiffany bronze desk pieces
Handel desk lamp
Georgian style giltwood mirror w/ 2 eglomise panels
Pair of oval French porcelain bowls
Crossed swords cobalt & gold plates
19th/20th C 25” French porcelain urn signed Dapoigny w/ ram’s head ormolu handles
Inlaid mahogany Carlton style desk Set of 3 Baker fluted wood column pedestals w/ burl tops
16” Orrefors ewers American Belleek and Limoges 12 KPM dinner plates Herend porcelain lot
Adams style glass and wood screen w/ painted scenes
Antique English mahogany breakfront
Pair of floral paint decorated armchairs Carved paw foot swivel chair Session 1 at 3:30
Curiosities & Rugs Auction
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036