Skinner August Americana
featuring The Arthur & Sybil Kern Collection of American Folk Art, Part I
featuring The Collection of Gail & Don Piatt
Sunday & Monday, August 12 & 13 aT 10AM
274 Cedar Hill Street, Marlborough, MA
Previews: August 9, 12–5PM;
August 10, 12–5PM;
August 11, 12–7PM; August 12, 9–10AM
KERN COLLECTION: 1 Benjamin Greenleaf (Massachusetts/New Hampshire, 1769-1821), Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Safford (partial)
2 Jane A. Davis (Connecticut/Rhode Island, 1821-1855), Mrs. Almariah Arnold January 25th 1848
3 Jane A. Davis (Connecticut/Rhode Island, 1821-1855), Portrait of James Arnold
4 Rufus Porter (Connecticut/Massachusetts, 1792-1884), Portrait of a New England Gentleman, Unsigned
5 Polychrome Watercolor Fraktur Birth Record for Mary Tyson, John Van Minian, Pennsylvania, 1814
6 American School, 19th Century, Portrait of Charles Richardson Jr.
7 After Amos Doolittle (Connecticut, 1754-1832), Bonaparte in Trouble
8 George Washington Memorial Needlework, Sarah Ballou, Mary Balch School, Providence, c. 1800
9 James Osborne (act. Scarborough, Maine, Early 19th Century), Boxer and Enterprize
10 Watercolor Memorial for Hannah Gott, William Saville, Gloucester, Massachusetts, 1800
11 Fritz G. Vogt (New York, 1842-1900), Residence of Mrs. Mary E. Failing. Fort Plain, N.Y.
17 Erastus Salisbury Field (Massachusetts/New York, c. 1805-1900), Portrait of Deacon Harlow Pease
PIATT COLLECTION: 13 Molded Sheet Copper Eagle Weathervane, possibly A.L. Jewell, Waltham, Massachusetts, early 1850s 14 Fine Polychrome Double-sided Parcheesi/Checkers Board, America, 19th century
15 Abigail Scott Duniway Oregon Equal Suffrage Association Silk Banner, Portland, 1912
16 Yarn-sewn Tiger Rug, 19th century
17 Carved Handled Burl Bowl, America, late 18th/early 19th century
18 Group of Smalls
19 Rare Early Red-painted Pine Hanging Cupboard with Glazed Watch Window and Silver Pocket Watch, 18th century
20 Painted Wood and Sheet Iron “Inn” Sign with Sailboat, America, early 20th century
21 Slip-decorated Pearlware Pitcher and Bowl Set, England, c. 1830
22 Polychrome Carved Shadow Box Diorama of the Lilian, America, late 19th century
23 Pieced and Appliqued Quadruple Pinwheel Quilt in Green and Red, late 19th century
24 Red-brown and Polychrome Decorated Pine Lift-top Box, New England or New York, c. 1830
25 Black-painted
Windsor Fan-back Armchair, Nantucket, late 18th century
Contact: 508.970.3200 MA LIC. 2304 SKINNERLIVE ! |
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