Tuesday, September 11th at 5:00pm
Preview 3:00pm
40 Jarvis Drive
Andrew Jarvis Center
Portsmouth, NH
FURNITURE Gustav Stickley model 505 chalet desk, mahogany dl table w/carved center base, Sheraton step back server, diminutive size mahogany inlaid hutch, selection of early country stands, marble top Victorian walnut wash stand, golden oak single door bookcase with mirrored top, Globe Warnicke oak barrister bookcases, English tray top table, Victorian walnut tables, carved walnut hanging cupboard, Victorian square top table w/ bulbous leg, cherry candle stand with slipper foot, hanging cupboard with dental molding, iron & oak dictionary stand, early chairs, pr of Overman swivel pod chairs, Mid century coffee table, pr of modern leather lift chairs
ARTWORK pr of Prior Hamblin school portraits of a young lady & gentleman, o/b dessert scene signed Russell White, o/c Thorbjorn Egner, o/c life size portrait of Cardinal O’Connell, o/b dog, light” Roy Wass, Vic floral o/c, signed Massimo Campigli print, selection of early prints, woodblocks, maps
ACCESSORIES Bronze cherub newel post, Boston Bigelow& Kennard Neo-classical clock, French empire bronze & ormolu figural lamp base, Ingram time & strike, several wall clocks, Louis Vinton duffel bag, collection of assorted boxes & tea caddies, mahogany knife box, walnut urn & barrel tea caddy, rosewood & mop tea caddy, box inlaid w/hearts & birds, French boule box, early sewing box w/fittings oval shaker box w/dec, writing boxes, several miniature dressers, assorted boxes, needlework, Samplers: Mary Dixon, S. Kneeler 1831, Vine & Verse 1839, Anna Domini 1787, Art Pottery Grueby vase 11”, Fulper pottery, Weller, Roseville wall pocket, Buddha & immortal carvings, Asian shrine & carving, jade, African carvings, bronze Asian umbrella stand, walking sticks & canes, Naval officers dress sword, baskets, early sextant, firkin in blue paint, wood brides basket, black duck decoys, buoys, iron quilt rack, brass scale, marbles, Simon & Halbig doll, horse pull toy, tray lots primitives, early wagon wheels, Passamaquoddy dec. birch box & arrow heads, Kiwi shoe polish adv, Mahjong game parts, refurbished cast iron Franklin stove “Sunshine #14”, Hudson Bay blankets, Victorian hardware, cast iron post, religious lots, buttons, fans, purses, Eastlake bamboo hanging desk, primitive tin floor candle stand, pr of Art Nouveau candlesticks, bicycle lamp, mid century chrome floor lamp, Trench art lamps, religious items, photography inc. Railroad, industrial, Navy yard, albums, ephemera Lowell, MA, musical instruments, Gibson electric “Blue Hawk” guitar, Manuel Rodriguez Hijos guitar, Fender Deville 12 drive Amp, CF Martin Backpackers guitar, Sterling Tiffany, serv 12 “Old Lace”, bowls, serving pcs., coin silver, 2 English boxed fish sets, dec silver plate, CS, Estate Jewelry good lots of 14K & 18k necklaces, earrings, gold charm bracelets, pins, diamond rings, sign ring, 14k & diamond bracelet, cameos, Victorian, pearls, rings, amethyst, Mexican Antonio Pineda bracelet, Native American, sterling & costume jewelry lots, pocket watches COINS commemorative gold coins, 1885 $10, 1909 $5, 1856 ¼ CA gold coins, silver lots etc.
GLASS & CHINA bottle collection, Carters ink, Fr John, apothecary, Lowell, MA crocks, majolica, ceramic tiles, German steins, Victorian glass, castor sets, copper luster, cut glass, Waterford, mid century ceramics & glass, pr of cranberry glass luster lamps, transfer ware, Herend
ORIENTAL CARPETS Persian Heriz’s 7 x 10, 9 x 13 & 10 x 13, Kashan 5 x 7, Sarouk 4 x 6, Kerman 7 x 10, Contemporary scatter & room size, 5 x 6 hooked rug, sheared hooked rug, room size braided rugs
Gustav Stickley Chalet Desk
Prior Hamblin School
TERMS: 10% Buyers Premium | Cash or Check on approval | All items
subject to error | Catered | No internet bids or phone bids |
Phone day of sale 603-498-3131 • 207-439-6641
PO Box 294, Eliot, ME |
Maureen Boyd, NH Lic. #2821, John Boyd NH Lic. #4010
DIRECTIONS: 1-95, N/S Exit 5 to Portsmouth traffic circle * Bear right
onto the rte 1 by-pass south * Take a left at the fourth set of lights
left onto Lafayette Road, then the first right onto Andrew Jarvis Drive
the hall is behind St. Nicholas Church (near Portsmouth High School).
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036