Sunday, September 16, 2018
Preview 10:00 Auction 11:00
Carman & Lillian Road,
Guilderland, NY
Partial Listing: Variety of Period Furniture to include 1810 Duncan Phyfe Drop Leaf Ext. Dining Room Table, Bracket Base 4 Drawer Chest, Period Cherry Slant Lid Desk, Game Table, Early Chest of Drawers, #6 Shaker Shawl Back Rocker, Variety of Jelly Cupboards & more, Vic Marble Top Dressers & Tables, Nice Variety of Oak Ornate Hall Seat, Secretary Desk/Bookcase, Ice Box & much more, French Curio Cabinet, Small Child’s Tiger Maple Blanket Box, Mahog Large4 Door Bookcase w/Matching Office Desk, Mission Grandfather Clock and more
Collectibles: Variety of Sterling, Variety of Costume Jewelry, Pocket Watches, Early Shaker Finger Boxes, Variety of Roseville, Pr Deco Alabaster Ashtray stands, Mid Century Spudnik Chandelier, Wooden Art Deco Chandelier, Early European Map, Artwork Several Oil on Canvas Artist Signed, Several L. Icarts, Mid Century Table Lamps & War Plaques & more, Variety 1960s Toys/Dolls, Pedal Tractor, & more, 1950 ESSO CANNS, Atlas Wiper Cabinet, Vintage 1970 Guitar, 70s Fender Amp, Old Sleds, Lionel Train Set in boxes, Engine #1120 & Accessories, Early Lionel Large Gage Copy of NYC Bridge, over 300 items to choose from
Terms: Cash or Good Check – No Out of State Checks, No Credit
Cards, 10% BP
For Photos & Directions see our website at or #16751
Joe Mazzone, Jr., Licensed Auctioneer
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036