Preview 2 pm
Elks Lodge, Rte. 108,
Dover, NH
Items selected from a Salem MA home, a Historical institution, a single owner coin collection,
collection early American and Continental silver and several pickers combined for a diversified
evening auction. Coins will be sold in the first hour.
Items of interest: Early American silver includes Jacob Hurd teapot engraved with the Sewell and Walley coat of arms, Joseph Loring creamer, Porringer marked R. Humphrey, tea caddy marked John Sayre, numbered set 6 Samuel Drowne large spoons, Samuel Drowne ladle, waste bowl by W. Thompson, covered sugar by T. Warner, several signed ladles by Martin Parry, David Tyler, John Fellows, E. Watson, two casters marked S.E. and T.T., two hallmarked, footed cans 18th Cent candle sticks Hallmarked, pistol grip knife and fork marked I.S., silver and wood ladle marked A.T., signed marrow spoon, rat tail spoons by Benjamin Burt, D. Rogers, Thomas Clark and more, Continental silver includes large embossed English coffee urn, pitcher by Chas Aldridge, candle tray and trimmer, very heavy figural ladle, scent containers, swing handle bowl, silver buckles, engraved button, tea scoops, snuff box, valuables box heavily embossed, Early American silver hilt sword, Continental silver hilt sword, early Ames sword with Cabotville mark 1837-1848 period with owner’s name, his epaulettes, powder flask and belt with eagle buckle, folk painted fireboard with stop-fluted columns, pinwheels urns and carved crest (spectacular), large carved and painted eagle and shield plaque, small carved and painted dove with arrows and torch plaque, 7 Jesse Blackstone miniature birds include spotted sandpiper, collection early wood planes includes unique W. Raymond possibly the largest cornice plane in existence (noted in Emil and Martyl Pollak’s book), Indian rugs, Oriental rugs, Kilm, gold and silver jewelry, costume jewelry, sterling silver lots include bowls, tea set, tray flatware very heavy chalice, paintings; large pair early portraits in mint gold leaf frames, clipper ship Dreadnaught by Frank Thurlo, portrait by Margaret Fitzhugh Brown, Battleship by Frederick J. Hoertz, Mountain scene water color by F. Hopkinson Smith, portrait on board by Fedor Encke Paris, Frank Benson etching, signed violins by Francois Salzard, Antony Posch, Joan Carol Kluz, several very early European candle sticks include Scandinavian pair very heavy cast brass with angel faces dating 1644, Sonumbra lamp base electrified, large pair claw and ball foot andirons with urn top, penny foot blade andirons with flame finial, serpentine fireplace screen with brass finials, early fireback with Goddess of fortune, stump-work table mat by Lavinia Jones, selection signed American pewter, signed A. Dobbie flag telescope, coconut ladle with ivory fittings, compass, whale bone crimper, wrought iron kettle tilter, wrought iron bird spit, 7 foot exterior sign “Clark”, Barber Shop porcelain sign, Old Dutch Cleanser porcelain sign, Texaco porcelain sign, Coca cola sign, decorative metal wall sconces, early tin wall sconces, baskets include signed Harry M. Stevens inventor of the hot dog foot vender basket used in ball park, hooked rugs, clocks, watches, large cast iron eagle dated 1911, cast and tin toys, early golf games, geometric leaded shade unsigned, hanging acid etched shade, stick barometer by B. Martin London, banjo barometer by A. Hood, clocks include pillar and scroll, Seth Thomas wall regulator #1 special, large East Lake walnut wall clock, porcelain clocks, crystal regulators mantle clocks etc., quilts, samplers, water color family record, school girl artwork, Prints include large folio Currier and Ives “Phalas”, large folio Gloucester from Rocky Neck1876 by G. Douglas, large folio Swampscott from Red Rock Lynn, two large British military prints, large bronze bust Roman soldier, contemporary bronze man hoisting anchor, medals, tole tray painted with lighthouse and sailboats, eel spears, treen plate, carved in shape of a book with lid CW pencil writing box by L. Hayward, Danvers MA Co I, 14 Regiment, early straw bonnets, marble bust, photo albums, stereo views, percussion cap pistols, hitney navy revolver, champlevé lamps, small sewing machine, ship diorama, parade lamp
Furniture includes Cherry French foot secretary desk with glazed doors, 34 inch four drawer chest, adjustable wood floor candle stand for two candles, shoe foot chair table has some rot on base, French walnut fall front Ladies desk, carved mahogany Federal card table, pair formal mahogany Chippendale slip seat chairs from a Newport family one has broken splat, English Regency inlaid card table, cherry inlaid Pembroke table with string inlay and drawer, bow front chest with French feet and curly maple top, panel front blanket chest, inlaid rosewood English Regency card table, high end walnut Victorian sewing table with burl top, birds eye maple drawer interiors, fold out work section and mirror, whale end hanging shelves, hanging shelves with pierced cast iron sides and crest, blanket boxes, sea chest, Queen Ann candle stands, diminutive tapered leg table with drawer, Duck foot corner chair, button foot tavern table has drawer restoration, Sheraton canopy bed, pencil post canopy bed in old paint, large and small Queen Ann mirrors, Gilt Sheraton mirror with Boston label, diminutive mahogany drop leaf table, cast iron and bronze garden chair signed Snow Boston 1929, grain painted pine box, tapered leg stand, hanging pine wall cupboard with two glazed doors, Centennial maple butterfly table with drawer, country Chippendale side chairs, walnut Victorian secretary, East Lake cherry spoon carved 6 drawer chest, child’s pressed back rocker
Glass and China; Tiffany art glass vase, collection over 150 pattern glass goblets to be sold in large lots, cut lusters, Bohemian enameled lusters, German hand painted porcelain portrait plaque, free blown Sandwich clambroth bowl with rolled edges, bottles and flasks, blown wines includes cotton twist, earthworm mocha bowl, redware pitcher as is, Staffordshire transfer plate with East India trade ship, arts and crafts pottery, Rose medallion, 9 Royal Doulton Toby Mugs, paperweights, Limoges dinner set, pair excelsior whale oil lamps and more.
Just received a fine Boston Federal card table, oil on canvas still life by L. Bazarnti, a German steam toy train set and a Steiff Teddy bear.
Preview: 2 pm
Terms: Cash, check or credit card;
18% buyer’s premium discounted to 15% for cash or check
Sale to be held at Dover Elks, 282 Durham Rd. Dover NH 03820
Leo P. Legare, Auctioneer
Licensed in NH #2528 and MA #149
Tel: 603 595-9625 • Day of sale: 603-325-7270
Catered by Emily
From RTE I-95 North, take EXIT 4, RTE 16 North (Spaulding Turnpike)
to RTE 108 South (EXIT 7). Auction Hall is 1.7 miles on the left.
also on www.auctionzip.com 3526
Silver hilt sword
Selection of coins
Folk Painted fireboard
Porringer by R. Humphrey
Pierce carved and painted dove
Seth Thomas regulator # 1
Country furniture
Currier and Ives large folio
Hepplewhite secretary
Capped Bust Five dollar gold coin
Ames Hilt
Pair metal sconces
Porringer R. Humphrey
Silver hilt sword
Ivory figure
Barometer Pair portraits
Antony Posch
Indian rug Oriental rug
Sampler 1833
Jacob Hurd teapot
Painted fire screen
Victorian sewing table
Folk painted fireboard
German porcelain plaque
Tiffany vase
W. Raymond molding plane
F. Hopkinton Smith water color
Frank Thurlow water color
J. Blackstone miniature
Sandwich Star
Serpentine fireplace fender
Period andirons
Button foot tavern table
Carved and painted eagle
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036