Stamford, CT Estate Sale by JEANETTE VARTULI
Friday, November 2, 9:30-4pm
Saturday, November 3, 8:30-4pm
Directions: Merritt, Exit 35, High Ridge Road, go North, left at Scofieldtown Road, (at Museum, Jane Road to 85 Katydid Lane, Stamford, CT)
Stamford, CT
Entire contents: unusual mix of fine natl wood furn, decorations etc. Serve your holiday feast on this dining rm tble w/set of chairs, china cab & server. Grandma’s ador vint enam top tble, set of china & stemware, fish set, 4 pce deco coffee set, darling early French marble top tble, porc clock, sm trunk, forties flr lamp, pr of stools, sleep sofa, a room size designer carp, Kerman scatter, grand sect sofa, parlor chrs, coffee side & sofa tbles, fine bdrm sets, patio set, bedding sets, ladies & gents clothing & access, office desks & chrs & equip, cabinets, armoires, phone seat, all kitchenware, bric a brac, T.V’s, exerc equip, Act 1 fitness mach, 750R True, tough bench press & wghts, Odyssey 5 + other machines, pwer wash 2500 gpm, Echo back blower, Stihl chainsaw, hand pwr tools, shelving, wheel barrow, ladders, hedge clippers, & everything in between. A Hardy Sale!
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036