Saturday, November 24, 2018; 11:00 am
Sunday, November 25, 2018; 11:00 am
Viewing: Friday, November 23; 10 am-8 pm
and mornings of the auction from 9: am
755 Church Rd, Elgin, IL
SATURDAY AUCTION • Pre-Columbian, Native American, Mexican, and African
Large collections of Pre-Columbian, Native American, African, and Mexican Folk Art including pottery, stone, baskets, rugs, textiles, blankets, sculptures, masks, headdress, art, beadwork, jewelry, books, kachinas, cradle dolls; military posters, etc.
SUNDAY AUCTION • Decorative Arts and Fine Art
2016 Lincoln MKZ sedan with approximate odometer reading 10,000; sterling silver; Teco, Roseville, Rookwood, Gouda, and Fulper art pottery; Steuben, Orrefors, and Lalique glass; Orientalia; Minton, Franciscanware, and Mottahedeh dinnerware; Disc and cylinder music boxes; Higgins art glass jewelry; German long case clock, French bracket & figural clock; Royal Doulton, Lladro, Royal Copenhagen, Hummel nativity set, and Boehm porcelain; Regimental and Mettlach steins; coin-operated scales; furniture including Elizabethan style sideboard; early Victorian bookcase, Victorian marble top parlor tables, etagere, parlor & side chairs, lap desks; iron gates, butcher block table, pieces by Baker and Willett, Poul Hundevad Guldhoj folding stool; Oriental rugs; cameras; carved & painted bird decoys; Krugerrands; art by Norman Rockwell, James Everett Stuart, Saul Tepper, Art Sinsabaugh, Emerson Woelffer, Emile Zoir, Franz Altschuler, Louis Kurz, Leszek Piasecki, Marianne MacDonald, Grace Spongberg, Gschossmann, Salvador Dali, Georges Braque, Stephen Edlich, Walter Parke, Colette Pope Heldner, James Whistler, Alfred Pollentine, G.H. Bogert, Leonardo Nierman, and much more.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Cash or Check with prior approval. 20% buyer’s premium.
A portion of this auction will be offered on the internet with a 25% buyer’s premium. www.bunteauction.com
DIRECTIONS: I-90 to Elgin, Exit Rt. 31 North, at first stoplight turn left on Tollgate Rd. at Church Rd. turn right.
Auction Calendar: December 15 & 16, 19th-21st Century Antiques & Collectibles
Arredoluce Lamp
George Henry Bogert
James Everett Stuart
Native American
Norman Rockwell
Paul Frankl Table
Unknown Artist Saul Tepper
Pre-Columbian Collections
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036