Tuesday, January 1 • New Year’s Day at 1 pm
432 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508
Featuring several combined estates and collections of
500 lots offered in two sessions.
Previews: Sun & Mon, Dec 30-31, 1-5 pm
Tues, Jan 1, 10 am to sale time 1 pm
Prior previews available by appointment
4 Nakashima Greenrock Ottomans
Selection Arts & Crafts, Stickley
Inkwell by Faberge, Moscow
Grandfather clock by Tiffany
Collection of rare Japanese woodblocks & Asian, Chinese art
Charles Graham Chemical Pottery Works, Brooklyn, C.C. Benham
Bert Stern’s Marilyn Monroe, artist Proof, 1973
Extraordinary carved oak fantasy rocker with full body lions
10 feet tall 18th Century Flemish tapestry
Several early airplane propellers
Mid Century Modern Furniture & Accessories
4 Greenrock stools, Nakashima
Several Estate carpets
Large Collection Fitzhugh
Chinese Export
Allan Adler & Marie Zimmermann,
from large collection silver
From a Large Collection of Clocks
Several William Gundermann Sculptures,
Artist Estate Provemance
Several Charles Fazzino
Mixed Media
Charles Graham Chemical Pottery Paritosh Sen
Works, Brooklyn, C.C. Benham
Large gilt bronze figural clock set
Double pedestal Empire sideboard
3 piece bronze gilt clock set
Sample estate paintings
One of many quality paintings
Miniature sidelock, J. Russell
Makers, circa 1835
Emmanuel Fremiet, Barbedienne Foundry
Tantalus set
Horner quality Griffin base oak table
Palace sized needlepoint rug
Elaborate carved sofa
Lots 1-300 online and in-house with • Lots 300-500 in-house and absentee bids
Only images available on #1210
Absentee and phone bids arranged • Refreshments
Terms and info at
Office 845-831-6800 • Neil Vaughn 914-489-2399 • Theo De Haas 845-480-2381
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036