Sat., January 5, 2019
Preview: Jan 2 – 12 (closed Sunday)
2220 East Allegheny Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Sat., January 12, 2019 – Unreserved Collection of Richard and Linda Scott
Featuring: 100 Automobile Mascots, Over 50 WPA Lithographs and
a Cretors Model C Popcorn Wagon
www.kamelotauctions.com ♦ info@kamelotauctions.com
T: 215.438.6990 ♦ F: 215.438.6992
Manner of Jules Leleu Plaster Over Wood Mid Century
Circa 1960 Jules Cayette Emmanuel Zurini Trophies Circa 1970
Signed French Deco Desk Italian Tito Angoli Deco Dining Set Herman Miller
Cretors Model C Horse Drawn Manner of Line Vautrin French Mirror Venitian Mirror French Wood Iron Sconces
Popcorn Wagon Circa 1910
Manner of Sornay Thomas Hart Benton (1 of 3) Robert Riggs (1 of 2) Signed Bergman Bronze Charles-Joseph Artus French Deco Console
Circa 1930 Jan and Joel Martel Lalique Mascots Circa 1920 Jacques Cartier Casimir Brau George Charles Coudray
American Lithograph Robert Falcucci Louis Lozowick Alexander Archipenko Alexander Jules Cheret French Lithograph
Archipenko (Attr.)
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036