Friday & Saturday, JANUARY 18 & 19, 2019,
starting at 10:00 am each day
On View: Thursday, January 17, 19 am to 5 pm
& each sale morning, starting at 8:45 am
1483 Route 6A, P.O. Box 796,
East Dennis, MA 02641
Over 950 lots. Paintings by: R.B. Spencer, F.J. Waugh, A.N.G. Jacobsen, B. Crane, G. Giardello, M. Cahoon, F. Rondel, W. Lansil, O.N. Chaffee, F. Tordoff, P. Moran, J.C. Wiggins, R. Loud & more. Jewelry: Piaget 18kt gold & lapis lazuli lady’s wrist watch, Cartier “Diablo” 18kt gold lady’s wrist watch, antique Belcher ring, Concord retro 14kt gold & diamond lady’s wrist watch, diamond rings, six Tiffany shirt studs, Victorian examples, Edwardian pins & rings, Bohemian gold-filled garnet demi-parure, costume lots & much more. Furniture: Eldred-Wheeler: QA-style two-part highboy, nine-drawer mule chest, tea table, lowboy & two-drawer table. Also: QA-style highboy, kettle stand, tilt-top table, mirror & armchair, rare Irish Chippendale footstool & pair of chairs, Federal drop-leaf table, Hepplewhite bureau, Sheraton two-part secretary & console table, LC4-style chaise longue, Empire-style library table, & more. Silver: lot of German coin silver flatware, Sanborns sterling silver tray, flatware sets: Reed & Barton “Francis I”, Wallace “Grand Colonial”, International “Spring Glory” & “Royal Danish”, Frank W. Smith “Pilgrim”, Oneida “Virginian”, Heirloom “Reigning Beauty”, & more. Prints by: J.L. Gray, after Pierre-Joseph Redoute, R. Dodd, G. Albee, R. Spyer, C. Lundgren, F.S. Cozzens, J. Stobart M. Dawson & more. Also: Wedgwood dark blue jasper dip Portland vase, Sevres-style porcelain service for twelve, Staffordshire, Japanese Satsuma, Copeland Spode, scrimshaw, Lalique figurines & ornaments, Steuben barware & ornaments, Sandwich & blown glass, Oriental rugs in room & scatter sizes, cased & other ship models, Chinese export porcelain items, wooden figural carvings, early 19th Century Napoleonic prisoner-of-war carved bone spinning jenny, Roulette wheel & table, several marine-related categories included, several decoys, metalware, clocks, Eskimo items, icons, textiles, weather vanes and much more: a fun and diverse sale!
20% Buyer’s Premium • Catalogs: online & in-office • On-line bidding available for this sale through “Eldred’s Live”
powered by www.invaluable.com with a 25% Buyer’s Premium • Preregistration required
508-385-3116 | MA Lic. #155 | www.eldreds.com
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036