Friday & Saturday, March 8 & 9 • 10 – 4
28 Park Drive South,
Rye, N.Y.
DIRECTIONS: Hutch N to Exit 25, right on North Street,
4th left on Park Drive South.
Elegant contents include: John Thompson London grandmother clock, pr French walnut marble topped chests, pr antiq glass front tall bureau bookcases, pie crust table, inlaid music cabinet, inlaid mahog loveseat, carved gold leaf mirror, beautiful multicolored ornate carpet, double pedestal brass column glass top dining table and 8 George I beechwood dining chairs, mahog bowfront sideboard, lg amount of sterling including tea service, Baccarat, Delft, Limoges, Haviland, cloisonee, bronzes, Chinese lamp, antiq fireplace equipment, pr. tall Gueridan stands, pr carved stools, sofas,McKenzie Childs bench, dishes, and glass, jewelry, oil paintings, prints, artbooks, collection Chinese miniatures, fine linens, King sleighbed, pr mirrored dressers, Chaise, fine clothing, purses, belts, shoes, Chanel, nest rosewood tables, kitchen items, iron base glass table & 4 balloon chairs, outdoor furniture, golf clubs….and more.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036