380 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Sunday, March 24, 2019 at 11am
LIVE & ONLINE in Rehoboth
PREVIEW TIMES: Thursday -Saturday 10am to 4pm
& Sunday 9-11
Over 400 lots of fresh estate merchandise! Something for everyone!
JEWELRY & SILVER: Many lots of gold & silver jewelry, some sold in groups —
Three 14k charm bracelets; Several 14k gold watches incl. Piccard, Hamilton Deco, Bucherer; 14k bracelets, necklaces, brooches & rings many set with diamonds & gems; Two 14k thimbles; Fine Navajo sterling squash blossom necklaces & buckles; Mexican 925 jewelry; Silver includes heavy .830 silver rococo tea set & serve tray; 3 sterling flatware sets incl. Tiffany “Fanueil” (64 pcs) & Gorham “Chantilly”; Pr. sterling French plateaus; Silver cups incl. Russian & other silver hollowware; Fancy cased sterling serving pcs; Kuala Lumpur silver items; 36 Presidential .925 coins; Pr. rococo s/p candelabras; Christofle French silver plate flatware, tray, 2 French silver/copper warming trays; many vintage US proof set coins; Indian peace medals; etc.
NATIVE AMERICAN: Several lots of old American Indian pcs incl. several pairs beaded moccasins & fine rifle bag; pipes, beaded pipe stem & axe heads, 82” Indian staff; 2 Indian pound knives; rare Indian Peace medals; Navajo
vintage silver jewelry & belts.
DECOYS & LAMPS: 20+ old carved wood decoys & figures including Crowell (attr); Paul Carter; Albert Koepsel (2); Steve Bryant; Jeff Demarest (2); Earl Brinton; Harry Monk shore birds (12); CSA stamped goldeneye; Masons; Martha’s Vineyard decoys; Roothead goose & 24” Canadian goose ca 1900; Primitive Brant decoy stamped Mt. Hope Farms Museum; Raven sgd. John Nelson;
LAMPS: Estate group of 25+ Sandwich Glass whale oil and kerosene lamps in various styles & patterns, to be sold in lots.
ARTWORK: Andrew Bucci abstract (8); Taro Yamamoto – abstract (8); Early American miniature portraits (6); Several early folk art portraits of children & couples; Washington family 1850 folk art window screen painting; D. Lazarus; Guardi (after); Sperry Andrews; Buzz Williams (10) – modernist; 1883 watercolors of tradesmen; S. Catalani; LK Harlow; B. Scanlon; Arnoldo Pomodoro 1968 litho; C. Allweiss; Jules Cheret poster; F. Schonmer; A. Schroder; J. Ware; Bas relief of P. Revere by Cyrus Cobb; Raoul Dufy etching; Peter Rogers. FINE KNIVES: Just in! Superb collection vintage RANDALL MADE (7+) & HARVEY DRAPER (12+) knives various sizes & styles incl. rare Draper Thunderbird bowie; rare Draper silver engraved folding knife & 16” bowie, Elmer Keith design & large toothpick knife by Draper; Fine Randall knives in several styles w/original sheaths; RL Dozier bowie; 2 RH Ruana, Montana; Pummill; Antique bowie knives; Indian pound knives; 11 folding knives by Schrade, W. Henry; Jess Horn; Combat knives by CRKT.
ANTIQUE CANES – Many incl: Folk art Civil War era carved wood cane dated 1861-1865 with flags, cannons, symbols; Sterling silver, carved bone, figural & animal head canes; Civil War parade baton; more.
FURNITURE: 40+ lots of antique, Victorian & custom furniture incl. folk art fruit-painted dome top chest; 4 pcs. antique mini furniture – rosewood cabinet, marble top table; 10 Windsor chairs by Warren Chair Works; Large antique coffee mill table; Antique desks, tables, chests, beds, secretary; country pieces, stands, chairs; more.
CHINA, GLASS & MISC: 3 fine iron coffee mills by Enterprise, No. 3 & No. 7 orig. paint; Galle French art glass vase & G. DeFeure vase; Chinese Canton & Japanese Imari pcs; Chinese cabbage leaf set; Extensive Paris porcelain gilt dinner set plus T&R Boote large stoneware set; Limoges plates; Victorian glass egg beater bowl by Hutchinson; Boulle cut glass perfume set & others; antique clocks & French figural music box by Bremond; 1900 Stereo viewer & cards; Antique dolls; Country items incl. several decorated crocks & butter churn; woven baskets, sleigh bells, American Cyamid Explosives wood crates; Rogers rare Staff. Platter Asian scene; Herbert Hoover autograph; 2 antique quilts & rocking horse; weathervanes.
Lots of Native American items Large group estate canes Lots of Native American jewelry
Sampling gold & silver
Many groups of sterling silver
Several lots of old decoys jewelry & watches
Several 14k charm bracelets
1 of 6 Indian peace medals
Abstract paintings by T. Yamamoto
Fine miniature portraits Fine Draper & Randall knives
Lots of silver incl. Russian Folk art chest
Several folk portraits
1 of 3 antique coffee mills
Antique folk art
FOR MORE INFO. ON WEBSITE: or call 508-771-1722 / 508-223-9471
Online bidding available @ & – Absentee & telephone bidding also available. FREE CATERING!
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036