Previews: Saturday, March 16, 10am-5pm EST,
Sunday, March 17, 9am – 12pm EST,
or by appointment
319 Peck Street, Building 2, Unit B,
New Haven, CT 06513
FOLK ART: cigar store Indian chief by Samuel Robb, portraits by John Brewster, Ammi Phillips, Jacob Maentel, Susan Paine, folk art watermelon still life, early hotel tavern sign, carved figure of a man, exceptional paintedface rag doll, exceptional Howard INDEX horse weathervane, large cow weathervane signed Harris, Large T Willis ship painting, impressive mechanical whirligig, fine indian canoe whirligig, painted wooden fish weathervane, Jesse Blackstone miniature, large ventriloquist puppet, fine paint-decorated pantry box, two fine watercolor theorems ex Barenholtz, important carved and painted bust of Wm. Seward, fine root head swan decoy. OUTSIDER ART: 2 importaint Joseph Yoakum works on paper, original Tattoo flash, Charlie Kinney work on paper. AMERICAN ANTIQUE ACCESSORIES: album quilt, rag dolls, coverlet, quantity of decorated stoneware, needlework samplers, hooked rugs, painted sleg, Liverpool pitcher, soft paste, yellow spatter, rainbow spatter. CONTEMPORARY AND MODERN ART: original Louise Nevelson sculpture purchased at Christies, 2 original Sol LeWitt Wavy Line gouaches on paper, exceptional 1983 Robert Natkin work on canvas, original Picasso Vollard Series print, Christos Capralos Bronze, George Marinko painting, Dale Nichols ephemera archive. PHOTOGRAPHY: Three importaint original Frank Hurley photographs of the Shackelton expedition, Herbert Ponting, Hillary & Tenzing. Paintings by Alice Valenstein, Leonard Davis, Charles Rosen, Paul Wescott, FW Smith, Native American; 2 fine Germantown weavings, early Kachina, NW coast carved scoop, large mid-19th century Zuni olla, large Anasazi olla, large carved
and painted totem, fine quill and beaded strike-a-lite bag. Pre-Columbian effigy figure, seated figure and others,
MID-CENTURY MODERN: Jacobsen Visor lamp, Fade bakelite radio, John Risley rocker and settee, pair of Saarinen tulip side tables, Jacobsen series 7 chair set,
Ed Wiener bracelet, 2 Barry Cohen sculptures. ASIAN: Fine earlyThangka painting, fine early Korean bottle,
pair of Chinese vases, 19th century Chinese digging staff and more. COINS: quantity American Eagle dollars, Morgan dollars, Peace dollars, large lotof 1964 Kennedy half dollars. ARTWORK: Rare 1830 Ludwig Emil Grimm etching of Paganini, John Taylor Arm etching, Bennard Lithograph, Emil Ganzo litho of Kennebunk Port, Durrie lithographs of East and West Rock, New Haven, ink drawings by Miguel Conti, Old Master painting, Leonard M Davis Alaska, Paul Wescott, FW Smith, Charles Rosen and others. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: cello P Mangenot, violin bow Fritz Gutter, early clarinet A Hopkins. TOYS: Darktown mechanical bank, Magician mechanical bank, several still banks, 2 Greiner dolls, Skookum dolls,
Martha Chase doll, early wooden Micky Mouse. JEWELRY: platinum and diamond brooch, 14K Hamilton watch.
MISC: Wallace Grand Baroque sterling flatware set, early silver snuff Caleb Shields Baltimore, Yale Wedgewood platters, Hampshire pottery lamp, Messier vases, RARE whole face Ophthalmophantome, steam engine demonstrato1 early oriental carpets, set of 6 Wallace Nutting Chippendale chairs.
Cow weathervane signed Harris
Germantown weaving
Robb cigar store Indian
203 777 7760
Louise Nevelson
Art Deco diamond brooch
Joseph Yoakum
Two original works in this sale
Original Frank Hurley Shackelton Photograph
Three Hurley Shackelton Photos in this sale
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036