will hold its next sale on
Friday, April 12, 2019
at the South Congregational Church
located at 949 Main Street in
South Glastonbury, CT 06073
The preview inspection begins at 1:30 pm
with the auction starting at 6 pm
Our auction typically lasts for two hours.
This auction consists of 200 lots of leather, history, ephemera, children’s literature, theatre, science and fiction. We have a nice collection of Thomas Edison material, photography and art volumes. Visit to download the listing of the lots to be offered. Of Note – For those with an interest in the paranormal, we have an 1861 to 1864 journal titled “Spirit Messages” kept by A. Underhill who visited “Mediums” to communicate with his deceased wife. This journal records those events.
We are accepting consignments for future “list” and “shelf” auction sales to be held in 2019. Call Tom at 1-860-908-8067 or e-mail him at to discuss your books, maps, paper and prints and whether selling them at auction makes sense. We strongly urge all potential consigners to first read the section A Primer on Bookselling on our website to understand the present
state of the book selling
business. Not responsible for
errors and omissions.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036