Litchfield CT GRAND ESTATE SALE by Open Door
Friday, Saturday & Sunday •
May 17, 18 & 19 • 9:00a – 4:00p daily
114 North Street, Litchfield, CT 06759
CASH & CHECKS ONLY – some photos at:
Collectors, dealers & everyday shoppers: this sale has a wide range of antiques, collectibles, tabletop,
kitchen, outdoor & everyday items.
Contents include: Antique oak Welsh dresser, Wm & Mary style upholstered benches.
Double pedestal Chippendale style mahogany dining table & 8 chairs.
Antique carved oak corner cabinet Early 19th C American mahogany server.
Pr 19th C mahogany demi lune tables w inlay. Gothic style coffee table. Pr Chinese corner chairs, Hopkins & Lewis/Litchfi eld tall
case clock. Asian wedding bed, French style silk upholstered chaise lounge, Louis XV style needlepoint chair,
Elizabethan style carved upholstered sofa.
Baroque style repousse, rococo gilt wood & other mirrors. Upholstered chairs & couches.
Pembroke, gate leg & occasional tables. Meissen, Tiffany & Staffordshire china. Splatterware & other pottery. Asian, porcelain,
brass & more lamps. French country collectibles, garden & outdoor furniture.
Stacks of leather bound & pristine coffee table books, fi ne linens,
& a packed garage with bargains galore.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036