Cherry Tree Interesting Collectibles & Antiques Auction!
SATURDAY, June 1 at 5pm
Previews: Friday 1-5 and Saturday at 1 pm
SALE HELD AT: The Washington County Fairgrounds
on Rte 29 East between Schuylerville & Greenwich, NY;
12 miles East of Saratoga Springs (Exit 15 off I-87
Adirondack Northway, about 1 hour north of Albany).
The actual address – for MapQuest, Google Maps is –
392 Old Schuylerville Road, Greenwich, NY 12834.
Mike Smith & Friends – Professionals Since 1976
Tel: 518-798-4289
We DO NOT accept absentee/telephone bids
Children are NOT allowed.
Please visit our website ~ ~ for 300+ good PHOTOS & fuller listing (done by 5/29)
Join our Email list! As always, an Absolutely Unreserved Sale. ALL SALES FINAL!
An interesting sale featuring Tools, Fishing, Sporting, and Guy Stuff from a West Arlington VT Estate. ALSO American Indian, Country Store, collection 300+
Victorian brass doorknobs. Good Victorian Furniture from a Glens Falls NY Estate. Art, Currier & Ives prints, & 19thC pencil drawings from the Saratoga hoard
of Art we’ve been selling over the last year, & MORE! Come & Have Fun!
GOOD VICTORIAN incl: carved column carved claw foot split pedestal base 59” diameter mahogany dining table w/4 leaves (opens to 9’5”); good 5’4” oak file cabinet w/tambour roll front; exc signed
Weller 35” jardinière & pedestal w/mask lions head handles; Gutsy 60” x 41” oak library table w/carved lion’s heads & carved dolphin feet; oak Globe Wernecke 5 section stack bookcase; raised panel “S” curve golden oak 50” roll top desk; good set 8 carved mahogany pierced splat ball & claw foot Chippendale dining chairs (2 Arm), oh… and a “Kidillac” pedal car.
11 antique country store counter top showcases incl curved glass, various heights & widths.
Good 1849 Colt Pocket Model 31 cal 5 shot revolver ser #103811. 5 shot, 4” barrel, all num300+
different patterns include scarce/rare images. Matching Sets of doorknobs incl sets of 28, 18, 17, groups of 4 and 3 matching, & MANY pairs!
Dated 1827 Powder Horn. 15½”. Inscribed “Haven Brown Jr, Born 1802, … in
Portsmouth 1827” w/images of fish, winged bird, alphabet, Masonic symbol,
heart, & other designs.
Quantity American Indian incl 1851 Vols 1 & 2 “Indian Tribes of The United States” by Schoolcraft (inscribed & dated 1852 by publisher J.B. Lippicott). Baskets. Beadwork incl leggings, knife sheath, etal. 20” Squash Blossom necklace. 11½” carved stone bear figure. Saddle (?) blankets. Pottery. Archeologically dug stone tools, arrowheads, & more.
QUANTITY TOOLS (about 45 lots) to incl Champion No 400 Blower & Forge, lg Champion drill press, Champion No 1 Blower & Forge, hand forged 19thC 58” trident. ALSO block & rabbit planes, axes, fire hose nozzles, hand wrought eel spear, lg early 18th/19thC European gate lock(?), neat “Tank-O-Scope” by Automotive Service Co, draw shaves, wooden wheelbarrow in old red paint & more tools/agricultural artifacts. QUANTITY OLD FLY FISHING RELATED MATERIAL!
And MODERN to incl: “Coleman Powermate Vantage 5000” generator, Troy-Bilt “Super Tomahawk” wood chipper/shredder, nice12’ Old Town fiberglass canoe, etal.
AUCTIONEER: Michael S. Smith – Tel: 518-798-4289 (evenings)
~~~ NOTE: Positive ID required to obtain bidding number ~~~
TERMS: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Traveler’s Checks, Personal Checks with prior approval, unless known to us.
ABSOLUTELY NO MINIMUM PRICES! Sorry, No absentee or telephone bids. All Sales Final!
13% Buyer’s Premium (3% discount for payment by cash or good check)
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036