Sat, June 8, at 10 AM
Viewing: Fri, 2 pm to 6 pm
& Sat, 8 am to 9:30 am
LOCATION: Music Hall,
164 Front St, Marion, MA
NATIVE AMERICAN: Tlingit, effigy bowl, Western Great Lakes saddle, Flathead beaded martingale, 19th c Sioux blanket strip, Cree jacket, Plains quill vest, Crow saddle blanket, Navajo Yeibichai mask, 19th c Cheyenne, Apache Olla, Plains scull cracker, Seminole men’s shirt, Yei rug, Eskimo dagger, PAINTINGS, PRINTS & SCULPTURES: Alexander Calder, A Kauffmann, WP Stubbs, L Sylvia, M Marcus, P Bursa, Metcalf, V Vallarino, G. Hays, Menso Onnes, C Drew, G Harrington, AC Goodwin, JW Stock(attrib), B Coole WA Walker, M Escher, A Blagden, important miniature portraits, FURNITURE: 18th c highboy, tall chest, English marquetry chest, mini painted blanket chest, Windsor chair, inlaid Fed chests, Hunzinger game table, 18th c corner cupboard, inlaid Fed candlestand, Kyoto dressing screen, CLOCKS: Timby clock with globe of world, 18th c Samuel Lawson tall clock, brass crystal regulator, WHALING & NAUTICAL: painted sea chest, portraits of Capt Levi Doty & wife, ship telegraph, ships wheel, scrimshaw teeth, whalebone plaque, pie crimper, azimuth, Lifeboat compass, octant, stick barometer, submarine models, TEXTILES: exceptional 19th c samplers, STERLING & COIN SILVER: monumental Tiffany loving cup, Gorham golf trophy, Russian candlesticks, tea sets, wine trolley, CERAMICS & GLASS: Chinese export, 18th c Delft William of Orange, Staffordshire cut glass & silver pcs, Crown Derby urn, New England Pineapple collection, Libbey-Nash Symphony stemware, Dedham lobster & crab plates, Ancient Roman glass, DECORATIVE ARTS: Edouart silhouette, KPM plaque, Swiss music box, classical bronze bust, Handel lamps, 19th c shell collection, 18th c fireback, Tartan, Mauchline, Papal bronze plaque & medals, INSTRUMENTS: Leonardi De Spoleto viola, Roth Herman violins, DOLLS & TOYS: Jumeau fashion doll, Kley & Hahn doll, Steiff bears, dollhouses, Buddy L fire truck, SPORTS: Red Sox, Celtics, football, BOOKS, PRINTS & EPHEMERA: Abe Lincoln ferrotype, illust Indenture document, Hemingway letters, Jackie O letter, Kobashi woodblock, Zajac etching, Iwo Jima pilots chart, Ben Shan litho, Hnizdovsky woodcuts, L Fontana signed, N Rockwell, Picasso, Benson, Maurits Escher litho, lithos of Presidents, leather books, whaling books & prints, Scottish books, Onset & Wareham postcards, GOLD & SILVER COINS: Ancient Roman coins, gold & silver coin lots, JEWELRY: Argy-Rousseau Pate-De-Verre pendant, Navajo silver & turquoise, 14kt. pin, 18kt. pin w/ pearls & diamonds MILITARY: Fowler musket 1841, CW swords, WWI destroyer ship models, Ming dynasty sword, MISC: Mastodon tooth, arrowheads. This is only a partial list.
Signed “AS 62”
Alexander Calder
Miniature Collection
19th C
Arthur Rackham
Nantucket Whaler Swallow
Timby Solar Clock
19th C
14KT & Turquoise
Buddy L
Capt. Levi Doty & Wife
19th C Winnebago
Sale conducted by Marion Antique Auctions.
Frank McNamee, Manager, C. David Glynn,
Auctioneer, MA lic#583,
tel. 508-748-3606 or 508-498-7136.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036