Nest Egg Made in Meriden
Saturday, June 8, 2019, 1:00 pm
Held at the Nest Egg Gallery,
758 Four Rod Road, Berlin, CT 06037
Preview Times: Thursday, June 6, 12-5;
Friday, June 7, 12-5; Saturday, June 8, 10-1
An Excellent Specialty Auction featuring the Art, Antiques and Objects made in Meriden CT. A large collection of Handel Ware Cigar, Pipe, and Tobacco Humidors, Handelware Glass and Porcelain including Dresser Boxes, Plates and Lamp Bases.
Lamps From Handel, Bradley & Hubbard and Miller. Cast Iron, Silverplate, and brass from Charles Parker and B&H, A very good selection of Handel Lamp Artists including Frederick Matzow, Gustave Reiman, John Backstrom, Arthur Watts, Ethel Paxson, and more. Many Pieces of C. F. Monroe Wave Crest, Nakara, Kelva, Meriden Cut Glass, Napier Fashion and Costume Jewelry, Manning Bowman.
Lilla Yale P.J. Handel Nakara Humidor Handel Humidor Handel P.J. Handel Handel Ware Handel Ware
Handel Humidor Handel Humidor Handel Lamp
Nakara Humidor Nakara Humidor Handel Humidor Bradley & Hubbard Bradley & Hubbard Nakara Humidor Wave Crest
Manning Bowman Handel / Limoges Handelware Matzow Castle Craig Meriden Cut Glass Meriden Silverplate
Catalog and online bidding through Live Auctioneers, Invaluable, and AuctionZip. Phone and Absentee Bids Accepted. Buyers premium: 23% online, 18% in-house, 3% Discount for cash or
check (paid in-person, day of sale). Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Wire Transfer accepted. Shipping available, call for details.
203-630-1400 •
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036