Schillaci & Shultis The Fabulous Estate of John Ramse
of Cooperstown New York With additions
from estates from New England & New York
Saturday, June 15 @ 11.00 am
Hesse Showroom, 385 Main Street,
Otego, NY
Preview 2 hours prior day of sale
or by appointment 607-287-5320
Over 240 troy ounces Labors of Cupid sterling silver flatware, over 100 pieces of early Royal Doulton, Early portraits & other paintings, Gold & Sterling Jewelry, 100+ Silver Dollars & other coins, Folk Art, Early whale oil, camphene & kero Lighting, 18th C American Furniture, Scarce Stork Club Memorabilia, plus many great accessories all to be sold Unreserved.
Go to AuctionZip Auctioneer # 36033 for Order of Sale
Call 607-287-5320 All Sales Final 12% BP
Sale conducted by Schillaci & Shultis, Auctioneers & Appraisers
Over 240 Troy Oz. Sterling Silver:
“Labors of Cupid” Flatware
Over 100 pcs. of Early Royal Doulton
Folk Art: Otesaga Hotel Cupboard
Mayor Ed Koch Original Illustration
Over 100 lots of coins: silver dollars, etc.
Scarce Stork Club Memorabilia
Heirloom Portraits: descendants of Civil War Gen. Tecumseh Sherman / Hannah Lee Sherman
36 1/2“ Wide
Queen Ann Style 37 1/2” Wide
Folk Art: Lavern Kelley, Sulton Rogers, Bob Mahalick
Mickey Mantle, HOF ‘74
Hanna Mason sgnd. Fredrick Spencer
Chesapeake / Shannon 1814
Meissen 15 1/2”
18th C. Chippendale
Period Sheraton
Gold / Diamonds
0ver 30 pcs of early Lighting
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036