WEDNESDAY June 26, 2019 at 5 pm
FOR MORE PICTURES SEE (auctioneer # 2954)
**Day of auction 401 265-5104**
FROM CT: take 95 north to exit 5A (102 S). Follow 102 S, cross over Rt 3
and continue on 102 for approx 9 mi. Temple is on left.
FROM MASS: Take 95 south to exit 9 (Rt 4), follow Rt 4 to exit 3B (102 N).
Stay on 102 for ¼ mile. Temple is on right.
FURNITURE: Large multi-drawer oak file cabinet; 13-drawer cabinet; Dovetailed sea captains lap desk; candle stand; one-drawer stand; period flip top card table; oak side board; 4-panel carved room divider; oak 2-drawer stand; English corner cupboard; sewing stand; 3-drawer cabinet; 2 room size Chinese rugs; 10’x5’ Kazak rug
MISC: Yoshiiku lantern wood lock, signed; excellent set of Crown Fairshire dishes; early basket; Arizona pottery; cast iron pans; large cut glass bowl; Royal Doulton figurines; pr 1850 Foo dogs; signed Galle vase; green pottery lamp; Weller & Roseville bowls; Mostique Roseville vase; Zeed Halli Burton case; over 80 Hummels; 10 cent Drink Coca Cola machine; Pepsi metal sign; crow decoy; Heron decoy; 2 decoys by Byron and Breffee; shore bird by J.J. Diam; decoy by A. L. White; 7 goose decoys; 2 duck decoys; Ojibay birch bark toy canoe; metal bird weathervane; lot thimbles; lot of buttons; National Brass cash register; Firestone fire chief wagon; 2 candlestick telephones; 3 Western Electric telephones; 2 wooden telephone boxes; Edison Fireside phonograph; Miracle 6 Emerson radio #UV4-485892; 2 G.E. fans; Hanley’s Ale dog sign; wooden bowl; 2 Peltier birds; 6 pc Schalcher dishes; butter churn; 2 pantry boxes; crocks & jugs; jug w/ blue design; checker board; spice tin; quilts; 3 boat models; over 90 RI milk bottles; 1953 Road Master bike; Beaufort Saxophone #P22838
STERLING/JEWELRY/COINS: Designer jewelry by Channel and Leiber; 2 watches; 1997 Franklin D. Roosevelt $5 proof coin; 8 silver dollars; foreign coins and paper money; Canadian coins; 1857-1909 small cents booklet; 10 Barber ½ dollars; coin booklets inc: dimes, nickels, quarters, ½ dollars; 1992 gold coin; 16 proof sets of coins; 6, 1990’s black revolutionary war coins; American eagle silver dollars; Buffalo & silver nickels; 2 sterling candlesticks
EPHEMERA: 4 albums of fire patches; 3 albums of post cards; 1830’s Providence Daily Journal newspaper; book press; book for tools and reference; 2 military photo albums; 1861 “Plat of the Mansion Estate, Prov”
MILITARY/TOOLS: Box of WWII army ordinance flags; bayonet; 2 German helmets; 2 German flags; Hopkins & Allen pistol; Smith & Wesson pistol; 3 boxes of tools; box of Stanley planes; 7500E General generator PAINTINGS: 3 oils/board by N. Cady, 1916; 2 oils/canvas sailboats signed; oil/canvas bird S. Cai China, 1948, by Ben S. Wu; oil/c by Vincent D. Bree; water/c seascape by F. Matzow; water/c landscape by S. R. Chaffee; oil/b by Kaian; o/c by Winter, 57; oil of angel and child; oil/c sailboat by Peter Marcus; 2 paintings by Hodgkin Dixon; oil/c church by John Dale; picture of girl by Degas; 2 watercolors by Olive MacIver; 2 w/c’s by R. Oesterlet TOYS: Porcelain head doll; #3530 3d, excellent; CI horse drawn wagon; CI steam roller; 2, 1934 Chicago World’s Fair trucks in boxes; CI Arcade ice truck; 1933 Arcade #3210 Greyhound bus; #1660 Arcade Yellow Cab Co vehicle (box); 2 boxes Lincoln log figures; 1939 World’s Fair tractor train (box); Jager toy cement mixer; photo & paper lot; over 50 Italian post war car models; Italian sport car models; 6 boxes of Matchbox cars; 2 cases of Star War toys, excellent; Solido & Corg, toy vehicles; toy tanks; Peter Rabbit chick mobile by Lionel; Tonka tanker; 1967 Lincoln model car; 2 wind-up 1st batt. siren fire chief car; Kiddy cyclist, unique art toy; Marx Baulky mule toy; Silver Town Heinz Pickle truck; Buddy L city dray truck; 2 Buddy L sand
& gravel trucks; early toy dump truck; Lumar fire engine; J Chein roller coaster toy; over 50 1960s games; #282 American flyer train set; other lots of trains; Odyssey 300 By Magnavox toy; Paglivso racing car; Marx A
Copter in box; toy cars and track; Mattel shooter shell target games; Roy
Rogers chuck wagon and jeep; flying wing game,” Awesome Crime” game
and Race car game; Remco Johnny Reb cannon; Sears tin garage; Trik Trak
Road Rally game; Mattel V-Room race in box; 9 Little Orphan Annie Books;
Bat-Em, Catch-Em game; many board games form the 60s
Cash • RI or known check only • Mastercard/Visa
15% buyer’s premium – 3% discount cash or check
276 Widow Sweets Road, Exeter, R.I. 02822
401 265-5104
National cash register
jug with blue design
2 German helmets
10 cent Drink Coca Galle vase
Cola machine
Henry N. Cady seascape
multidrawer oak file cabinet
Yoshiiku wood bloc
Edison fireside phonograph
painting by Hodgkin Dixon
#1660 Arcade yellow cab in box Western Electric telephones
2 boxes of excellent Star War figures
Beaufort American Chicago saxophone Roy Rogers chuck wagon & jeep
excellent jewelry lot Italian toy sport cars
American flyer train set #282 Heron decoy
collection of coins
watercolor by S. R. chaffee
#3520 Arcade cast iron toy vehicles candlestick telephone
German flag
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036