William Smith Country Americana Auction
The Historic French House
Located at 1064 RT 12A, Plainfield NH
Smith’s Gallery Complex
Friday, August 2nd 2019 at 10am
PREVIEW: Thursday 12-5pm and 8:30 am morning of sale
Featuring Early American antiques and accessories,
most in old paint and early surface,
400 lots sold unreserved, no computer bidding,
Please attend!
In Part: Queen Anne maple highboy; many early floor cupboards, step back, pewter, corner and jelly style in old color; large and smaller size 18th C. sawbuck tables; Q.A and Chippendale maple chests of drawers; early slant lid maple desk; round top hutch table in paint; multi-drawer apothecary; Windsor chairs in old color; early settle benches; Q.A. New England lowboys; early blanket chests and boxes in old paint; salmon painted cabinet and table; many early light stands in old color; early Grandfather clock complete; a great paint decorated tall clock case only; early stools and benches; sets of country dining chairs; wire planters; iron gate; selection of Windsor rockers and chairs painted by Blanche Wood, Cornish NH; and much more
Collection of early lighting; at good collection of decorated stone including many Bennington examples; selection of early redware including bird whistles; early painted and wallpaper boxes; doorstops and related; Buddy “L” large gauge train set; early hooked rugs; Oriental rugs; early peafowl spatter ware; Historical blue; collection of early miniature portraits and silhouettes; early samplers; antique trade signs; sheet metal weathervanes; early brass including fireplace related; American school 19th C. paintings, early folk art still lifes; Currier & Ives; early views of Concord, NH, landscapes, portraits and others; Shakerboxes; early checkerboards; decoys; early wall boxes and spice cabinets; early wall light and hanging lights; and much more—this is a very partial listing, 350 lots cataloged and many others to be sold at random immediately following.
William Smith, Inc
Specializing in Fine Antiques
AuctioneerS and AppraiserS
PO Box 49, Plainfield, New Hampshire 03781
Tel. 603-675-2549
NH LICENSE #2825– VT #57-702 – FL #AU-4814
Offices – Plainfield, NH – Greenwich, CT – Sarasota, FL – Phoenix, AZ
Terms: Cash-Check-Major Credit Cards:
18% Buyer’s Premium
Reduced to 15% with Cash or Check
No Sales Tax ~ Catered ~ Comfortable Seating
Auctioneers: William G. Smith and Kenneth R. Labnon
Visit our Website: www.wsmithauction.com
or email us at: info@wsmithauction.com
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036