Bill Spicer Auction
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 At 5 Pm
Viewing 1:00 Pm
Washington Lodge Masonic Temple
1515 Ten Rod Rd, North Kingstown, RI
For More Pictures See (auctioneer # 2954)
**Day of auction 401 265-5104**
FROM CT: Take 95 north to exit 5A (102 S). Follow 102 S, cross over Rt 3
and continue on 102 for approx 9 mi. Temple is on left.
FROM MASS: Take 95 south to exit 9 (Rt 4), follow Rt 4 to exit 3B (102 N).
Stay on 102 for ¼ mile. Temple is on right.
FURNITURE: 8pc Soborg Mobler, Denmark dining room set; modern coffee table; 4 modern chairs; Herman Miller wire chair; Grandfather clock with 6 metal tubes; 18th cent. tiger maple highboy; child’s blanket chest – old finish; Hepplewhite bureau; inlaid architect desk; French 2-door cupboard; French chest; 4-drawer stand; marble top table and commode; early Grandfather clock; carved blanket chest; oak hall tree; bench by F. R. Watkins; blanket chest; set of 6 mahogany chairs; pr of one-drawer inlaid stands; 4-post bed; dry sink; bridge table; oak bureau; mahogany china cabinet; Victorian slant front desk; wooden trunk; Empire drop leaf; early sideboard; china cupboard; 2 Princeton tiger benches; canoe; 18’ x 78” Oriental rug; other Oriental rugs; red Elephant foot rug.
MISC: Scrimshaw bone cane; excellent Oriental bronze urn; 6’ cloisonné lamp with embroidered shade; Sato cloisonné vase; 2 Oriental masks; cut glass vase; horse weathervane; sailboat weathervane; cow weathervane; 13-star flag; Tunbridge inlaid box; bronze and metal dogs; old tin boxes; shaving mirror; 2 butter churns, one old finish; 3 excellent large copper pans; 2 jugs with blue design; F. B. Norton crock; 3 trenchers/one pheasant; flax wheel; 2, 18th cent. textiles; lot of paper weights; lead animals; 3 lead Frenchmen on horses; gas & oil tins; cast iron pots; Griswold pan; 4 other lots of adv. tins; 1947 Dartmouth banner; sculpture by Beatrice Stone; C.D. Kenny & Co plate; 2 sculptures by Joan Allen; Imari dishes; Ansonia shelf clock; banjo clock; Regulator clock; Sessions school house clock; featherweight sewing machine; sundial platter; Zeiss Ikon camera; Broggi Chelmford barometer; metal eagle; pickle caster; oak wall telephone; “Oshkosh” suitcase; Cleveland trumpet; Rok-Axe guitar; 4-H sign; knife tray; Planters Peanut jar – old label; “Mclarens ice cream cone” glass jar; lot of old pewter; Flint glasses; garage gasoline signs; Bond Bread sign; “Butter Eggs” card board sign; gas station receipt box; misc car items; Dicken’s Village buildings.
STERLING/JEWELRY: Sterling flatware set; sterling & gold jewelry; turquoise belt buckle; costume jewelry; jade bracelet.
COINS: 1946-64 unc. dime set; 25pc “The Treasure Coins of the Caribbean”; 1972 & 77 Olympic coin sets; 1971 proof Eisenhower coins; 1970’s – 90 proof coin sets; 14, 1972 unc. silver dollars; 25 silver dollars; nickels, pennies; 1991 Mount Rushmore coin sets; silver ½ dollars; U.S. silver dollars.
EPHEMERA: Lot of dags, one with horse; 1893 Connecticut Atlas; 1927, 1st day covers; 1980’s, 1st day covers; 1880-1920 stamp album; 10 cent & 12 cent comics; 6 DC comics, Squadron Supreme #2 Nathaniel Dusk; German photo post card album; album of funeral parlors and deceased people; German military photo post cards; vintage German military photos; lot of photos; lots of 1980-90 baseball cards; 12 NY Yankee photos (Mantle, Berra etc); older Yankee’s cards; 1989 Topps baseball coin set; 3 playoff baseballs; Ted Williams signed poster; stamp albums.
MILITARY/TOOLS: Marlin model 336 rifle; Steven 12 gauge shotgun; London black powder rifle; WWII German visor cap; WWII German relic helmet; Japanese helmet; 2 Japanese Arasaka rifles; WWII dress bayonet; Japanese sword; WWII gas mask; British India Kuri Gurka knife; WWII Japanese flag; U.S. Air Force uniforms; Tools: Bailey #27 plane; #39¼ plane; 3 metal planes.
PAINTINGS: John J. Audubon bird engraving; portrait by John Sloan; oil/c by C. E. Parker; Maxwell Mays print; 1951 oil/c street scene “La Place” du F. Lecoadic; oil/c of fruit; oil/c floral, signed EPG.
TOYS: Buddy L aerial toy fire engine; early dump truck; lot of trains; Coleco Visson arcade game; Cast Iron horse drawn shoe.
Cash • RI or known check only • Mastercard/Visa.
15% buyer’s premium – 3% discount cash or check
276 Widow Sweets Road, Exeter, R.I. 02822
401 265-5104
Ansonia clock
Oriental bronze urn
Buddy L aerial toy fire engine
Early butter churn, old finish
Scrimshaw bone cane
6 DC comics, Squadron Supreme #2
Nathaniel Dusk 6’ cloisonné lamp w/ embroidered shade
13-star American flag
Unc. Silver dollars
Grandfather clock
Cast iron mail box w/6 metal tubes
2 Oriental masks
Herman Miller wire chair
Planters Peanut jar with label
Vintage German photo postcards
Model 336 Marlin rifle, 35 cal
8 pc Soborg Mobler Denmark dining room set
Sculpture of woman by Beatrice Stone
Oil/c street scene “La Place” Du F. LeCoadic
Tunbridge inlaid box
Gold jewelry
1980’s – 90’s proof coin sets
18th cent. tiger maple highboy China cabinet
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036