Coyle’s Two Session Antique Estates Auction
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Session 1 at 3:30 Oriental Rugs and Curiosities
Session II at 5:30 Estates Auction (Prev 10:00-Sale Times)
VFW Hall, 123 Holliston St., Medway, MA
DIRECTIONS: Sale held at the VFW Post 1526, 123 Holliston St.,
Medway, MA (off Route 109).
We are pleased to offer a fine Two Session Antique Estates Auction
featuring hundreds of widely diversified quality pieces
including the
partial contents of Long Island home, Brookline, West Falmouth, Winchester, Newton and Dedham homes and others with selected additions. The auction will offer a fine selection of Antique American, English and French style furniture, fine porcelain, artwork, sterling silver and fine jewelry, crystal, Orientalia, lamps, and much more.
Hundreds of fresh to the market offerings, items arrive daily.
Please visit our website at and
link to Auction Zip for additional photos and information.
Session 1 at 3:30 PM: CURIOSITIES AND ORIENTAL RUGS: 12+ Oriental rugs including roomsizes, 3 runners, scatter rugs, prayer rug etc., 10+ lots antique and vintage clothing lots including wonderful beaded opera coat, dresses, etc., Hundreds of vintage and antique trade cards and advertising cards broken up into several lots from private collection, artwork, costume jewelry, lg lot fishing flies, lot of old medical bottles and adv., 8 pc Doorstop and bookend lot, 1916 Navy Commission sgnd Woodrow Wilson 1916, Royal Doulton, 2 Florence figures, interesting lots, Versace fashion books, and more.
Session 2 at 5:30 PM: FURNITURE: Handsome antique inlaid mahog tall clock with nice dial, unusual heavily inlaid Grandfather clock with fancy dial, 2 antique mahog English corner cabinets, Baltimore Federal brass inlaid dressing table, cherry Antique New England inlaid tall chest, Antique Hepplewhite bowfront server, 18th C Italian Rococo sofa, southern mahogany cellarette, 2 antique slant lid desks, good signed Wallace Nutting Windsor armchair, great assembled set of 12 Queen Ann style dining chairs all with needlepoint seats, nice Asian motif Queen Ann style sm secretary desk, Mid-Century style “lane” 4 pc stylish bedroom set, nice inld round French side table, good country 2 door cupboard, antique tea table, Wm & Mary antq dropleaf table, #3 Shaker rocker, leather tufted sofa, Danish settee w/cushions, good set of library steps, handsome mahog partner’s desk, mahog wig stand unusual Empire small secretary, lg antq corner cabinet, antique PA gateleg table, matched pr B&C wing chairs, oriental hardwood table, Chippendale sidechair, PA Queen Anne farm table, Chippendale style settee, nice Sheraton settee, Queen Anne style game table, pine antique dressing table w/ backsplash, pr tall mahog floor lamps, long Jacobean style waln sofa table, sm mah 2 dr bookcase, 2 oak stick and ball screens, antique birdcage tilt top table, early wagon older paint, English twist pedestal candlestand, mahog 2 door bookcase, pr inlaid Sheraton style armchairs, several antique stands, library steps, early Bannisterback, antq dec. cradle, Wicker Heywood Wakefield sewing stand, country chairs, and much more.
ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST: Civil War Whitney rifle with bayonet (“forbearer of Gardner Tillinghast”, Union) ACCESSORIES: Beautiful signed Tiffany and Co. Shelf clock with cupids, carved wooden eagle, Seth Thomas brass regulator clock, pr Sevres style sconces, Villeroy and Boch china lot, 13 bird plates and 2 chase plates, Mother of pearl inlaid clock, place setting for 12+ Old Ivory “Romance” china, flow blue, Historical bowl and underplate, porcelain tea set, Steuben vase, Royal Crown Derby “Bali” pattern 50+ pc china set, Daum Nancy Decanter, small Galle art glass bowl, 2 shore birds, Bronze lamp with art glass shade, Mercury and Venus 27” figures, cranberry enameled glass, ovoid slip jug, Wedgwood dinner set “Jamestown” pattern, pr whale oil lamps, pr of heavy brass wall lights w/ frosted shades, etc.
STERLING: 2 sterling flatware sets “Chelsea” and “ 70 pc Strasbourg”, 40 pc Chinese silver banquet set (68.8 ozT), Tiffany gold bracelet, sterling Waltham pocket watch, several sterling bag lots, coin silver spoons, sterling demitasse, 2 boxed sets of Franklin Mint sterling ingots, etc.
ARTWORK: Andre Gisson American Impressionist “By the Shore” oil on canvas (12×15), Lg. Isle of Shoals Maine oil painting (46 ½ x 52 ½), Paul Weber oil on canvas (36×30 ½”) landscape with donkey and man, Sporting print by Pleisner, Frank Hill Smith o/c landscape with pond (12×20), miniature portraits,Venice scene Ruel Crompton Tuttle w/c (15 ½ x 22 ½), L. Paul Branson charcoal dog and woodchuck, 2 Animal drawings by Danila Devins, K.G. Dawson streetscape with barn and trees, w/c Maine Barn scene Robert Courjon, watercolors Birdsey, D. Thornton, etc., DB Berhlol oil of boy framed, London engravings, J. Clinton Spencer o/c still life, Cecilio Guzman de Rojas drawing 12 ½ x 16 1/2, G.B. Mitchell drawing of Asian man, and more.
PRINTS: AUDOBON prints (sizes sight in frames), Snow Goose 24×37, Sooty Tern 14×21, Cayenne Tern 14 ¼ x 20, and Mus Aureolus 20 ½ x 26 ½, 5 sm Gould parrot prints, 3 sporting prints by Wm. Hollywood, 2 sporting prints (Robert Abbott & Leon Danchin), Carroll Tyson bird print, etc.
TERMS: M. Coyle Auction Lic 2369,
15% Buyer’s Premium – Cash/check/MC&Visa 508-733-6868,
Catered. Please feel free to bring boxes and paper for wrapping –
Isle of Shoals Maine oil painting
Porcelain Sevres style wall sconces (46 ½ x 52 ½)
Miniature portraits on porcelain 27” Venus and Miniature portraits Mercury
Royal Crown Derby “Bali” pattern 50+ pc china set
Historical blue and Danish settee underplate
Enameled cranberry glass lot and other art glass
Cayenne Tern (Sight size in frame 14 ¼ x 20)
Session 1 at 3:30 Curiosities and Oriental rug Auction
Antique Hepplewhite bowfront server Desk lamp with art glass shade
18th C Italian Rococo sofa Chippendale style settee 40 pc Chinese silver banquet set
Sterling 70 pc flatware set (Strasbourg)
Cherry Antique New England inlaid tall chest
Southern mahogany cellarette
Baltimore Federal brass inlaid dressing table
Paul Weber oil on canvas (36×30 ½”) landscape with donkey and man
Winter scene painting signed Francois
Snow Goose Audubon print (Sight in frame 24×37)
Session 1 at 3:30 Curiosities Galle art glass bowl and Oriental rugs
Set of 12 Queen Anne chairs with needlepoint seats
Signed Tiffany and Co. 19” Sporting print signed Pleisner shelf clock with cupids
Frank Hill Smith o/c landscape with pond (12×20)
Andre Gisson American Impressionist “By the Shore” oil on canvas (12×15)
Handsome antique inlaid mahog tall clock with nice dial
Civil War Whitney rifle with bayonet (bears family tag “forbearer of Gardner Tillinghast”) Union (E. Whitney N.Haven 1854)
2 groups of Sporting prints including Wm Hollywood, R. Abbot and L.Danchin
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036