Nicholas Auctions
Wed, September 25 at 5:30 pm
Whitehall, NY
Held at 175 Buckley Road
We have several nice partial estates for this auction
with choice additions. We hope you can make it.
NOTABLE ITEMS: Danner stacking bookcase w/sliding doors; mounted cub bear; pier mirror; carousel-style horse; oak bonnet chest; Heywood Wakefield wicker desk & chair; Josiah Cummings theatrical trunk; 18th C 2-drawer blanket chest; 18th C table; 3 oak ice chests; Florence sewing machine; 19th C Oriental backpack; Federal game table; inlaid starburst table; 2 pc Victorian bedroom set; Kittinger stand w/pullout leaves; tilt top table; fireplace mantel; architectural columns; stained glass windows; concrete statuary; commodes; d/l tables; youth chairs; hall trees; trunks; wicker tea cart; Harley Davidson 1964 golf cart; walnut pulpit; mirrors; Adirondack stool; oak parlor stove; gold coins; Fugio cent; sterling silver lots; vintage luggage set; 14K jewelry; costume jewelry; military sword; Masons uniform & accessories; pocket watches; wristwatches; grouping of old photographs & journals; Bacon & Stickney Co’s pepper container; Victorian doorknob sets; E. Lietz microscope; Oriental 10 foot runner; room-size Oriental rug; prayer rug; 1980s signed SW Native Am. Pottery; marquetry boxes; bits of Rosenthal, Minton, Canton, Copeland, Spode, Stangl, Lenox, Weller, Flow Blue, Royal Copenhagen & other china; eel spear; treenware; celluloid; oil lamps; cameras; crocks & jugs; Oxford trumpet; linens; NYP&L lantern; vintage purses to include French, Gucci; mantel clocks; reverse painted checkerboard; English cash box; wall clock; pond boats; tools; air compressor.
ARTWORK: O/c painting by D.C. Lithgow; o/c painting of farm scene w/sheep; w/c’s by Dr Stade; John Knudson painting; o/c sgnd Winn; Fred Jaeger paintings; dozens of framed prints (Oriental, European & American) a large amount of artwork in the auction and paintings by Barbara Chiantia.
We have several nice partial estates for this auction with choice additions. We hope you can make it.
Directions: We are located at the Southeast corner of the
Adirondacks, the Southern tip of Lake Champlain, just off Rt 4.
Turn at RR tracks onto Buckley Rd, 1st farm.
10% Buyer’s Premium, cash & checks – 13% credit cards
Absentee & phone bids accepted. Home cooking.
Preview: Tuesday, noon until 5 pm &
Wednesday, noon until auction.
Call 518-499-0303 or 518-222-3857
Nicholas Deutsch Auctioneer
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5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036