Hyde Park Country Auctions
SEPTEMPBER 28, 2019 – 2:30PM
– Estate Remainders Sale –
Part of the Millbrook Home Show
To Take Place at
3327 Franklin Avenue, Millbrook, NY
Preview starting at 12:30 date of sale.
For more information on the Millbrook Home Show
& exhibitors visit https://finehomesource.com/
17th/18th century Sample of collectibles
Stained glass window
Sample of garden items
Sample of artwork
Sample of architectural
We have cleared out our storage areas and moved the
partial contents of several local estates to the village of
Millbrook NY to be part of the MILLBROOK HOME SHOW.
To include affordable Country, Victorian, Modern, Garden, Quilts, Oriental, Artwork, Books, Ephemera, Textiles, Tools, etc. 18th through 20th century. Many group lots. You must be present to bid – No absentee bids, No phone bids, No online bidding. Approximately 350 lots sold under tent in walk-around fashion.
Come early and enjoy the festivities of the Home Show
starting at 10:00AM – the auction starts at 2:30 and sale
should be completed by 5:30PM.
900 Duchess Turnpike
Poughkeepsie, NY
For more information on the auction,
visit www.hpcountryauctions.com
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036