400+ lots!
380 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth MA 02769
Sun, Oct. 20, 2019 at 11am •
Preview: Thurs/Fri/Sat. 10/17-19 from 10-4
& Sun 9-11am & by Appt.
ONLINE & LIVE in Rehoboth
Cigar Store Indian attr. Robb
1750 Boston Needlepoint
Fine Oriental rugs
Stickley settee
Argand Lamps
Chinese Export paintings
Fine period maple chest
Period Boston block front
Rare Long Island highboy
Gen. Winfield Scott dag
Antique swords
Antique guns
German WWII items
Antique firefighting items
Lots of silver flatware
PAINTINGS: R. Swain Gifford – Nonquitt, MA; Darius Cobb ’75; 4 Chinese Export oils of ships in harbor incl. USS Asheville in Whampoa; China Exp. harbor w/Nam Ting label; C. Harry Eaton ’89; CH Gifford; JJ Hughes “Bridgnorth on the Severn”; Johan Namiann; Leon Guipon – Fallsburgh NY; GM Hathaway Maine lighthouse; CH Gifford; HB Johnson – Nantucket; Francis Ferryman; H. Dolph – cats; John Berkey; Breslau Germany oil; FE Roberts; Van Vreeland; more.
FIRE COLLECTIBLES: Fresh to market, many related to fireman & Senator Edward Mott of Taunton MA incl: 1860 Anderson & Jones fire helmet (w/photo of Mott in uniform) plus 2 leather belts & FD parade bib & fire ephemera; Presentation fire trumpet to Chief Engineer Mott 1869; 1872 presentation Patek Philippe silver pocket watch to Mott from Taunton Locomotive Mfg Co; Presentation 14k gold State Fire Assoc. medal to Sen. Mott 1892; Two 19th C. silver plated presentation fire trumpets, one Franklin Co from Chester (PA) & other engraved w/ firefighting implements; Franklin Co. belt; 1891 Salem fire helmet; 2 brass fire trumpets; Weathervane of antique pumper wagon; Antique fire grenades.
MILITARIA: Large collection authentic WWII German collectibles – About 8 Luftwaffe & officer’s daggers, some signed; Luftwaffe & Hitler Youth & naval daggers, 1 Horster; Red Cross & SA dagger sgd RZM; Dress bayonets by Eichorn & Packe; Several Nazi belt buckles incl. Luftwaffe, RAD, DAF, SA & Hitler Youth; Panzer, Submariner & Minesweeper badges etc; Many epaulets, collar tabs, patches & pins; Army helmet w/decal; Pith helmet pins; Police shako badge; Officer’s frog; SS Death’s head pins & pennant; 1940 Narvik badge; Kriegsmarine shirt patches; Luftwaffe & Air Raid Protection armbands; German FLAGS incl. rare large RAD Women’s Labor flag ca 1935; very rare Nazi NSFK car pennant w/Icarus; Nazi party flags & banners; Military passes; Busch desert flak binoculars 10×80; German field gear; US WWII & later military patches 300+; US Naval regalia; WWII US army hats, pins, medals, etc.; English, Russian & E. Germ. military items; 5 USN WWII silver plated trays, purportedly recovered from USS Arizona; 7 ft. balsa model of British Spitfire. US WWI trunk with uniforms, papers, field gear, trench sketches, pins, photos & training books for George Abbott, 301st Infantry 1st Lt AEF; WWI US toy soldiers; Civil War items incl. enamel 4th, 5th corps & 19th corps badges; Eagle breast plate; Rare CW marine shako & Indian Wars cap; 2 Marine CW hat badges; Rock Island Arsenal sword belt; ½ plate daguerreotype of Gen. Winfield Scott; ½ plate Dag of soldier after ptg. & others; Lg. albumen photo of soldiers by Vail Bros. ‘96; Nine rare patriotic CW envelopes – Jeff Davis, slaves, etc; 1862 Texas Confed. letter; 2 post CW militia uniforms; 17th c. bronze SE Asian 30” cannon; Antique Swords & Guns – 3 US CW naval swords; Two M1850 officer’s swords; G. Roby 1863; 2 early 1800’s eagle pommel; M1840 Artillery; WWII signed Katana & 2 Jap. Wakizashi swords & Jap flags; 19th c. silver Indian Dah sword; Fine English engraved sword cane w/vermeil mounts; Rare M1865 Spencer carbine; Charleville musket, Springfield & Kentucky rifle sgd Rogers; 4 Percussion pistols inc. Remington Naval rolling block & Continental; Stevens Favorite rifle; 3 Mid East inlaid camel rifles. 17th C. large German inlaid wheel lock rampart gun; 17th C. carved oak crossbow.
WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER & COINS: Patek Philippe cased silver pocket watch #39195 pres’d to Sen. Ed Mott 1892; 14k gold Omega Automatic & Seamaster wristwatches; Am.Waltham 14k pocket watch; Chas. Hovsham silver fusee p/watch; Ernest Borel “Cocktail” desk clock; Fine niello & gilt sterling jewel cask w/ Medieval portrait sgd. A. Kolar, Vienna; Pr. gilt sterling muffineers by Odiot Paris; Pr. antique Portugese fancy candlesticks; Wallace “Grand Baroque” silver bowl; 19th c. 14k gold eyeglasses; 14K & 18K gold rings, bracelets, necklaces, pins; Africa-American Sorority gold & diamond bracelet; 2 Lapis & gold necklaces; 2 Gorham sterling flatware sets & 1 Birks; Sterling tea set & tray;
COINS: Four 2.5 dollar 1908-1915 gold coins; 4 Carson City silver dollars, uncirc; 10 graded silver dollars from 1880s, most MS-63.
RUGS: Old Navajo rugs & blankets (10); 19th c. Aubusson scenic tapestry; 30 lots of old / antique Oriental rugs incl. superb Heriz 10 x 12; Fine Oushak 10 x 13; Ferraghan Sarouk; Caucasians; Agra; Sarouk; Hamadans; etc.
FURNITURE: Rare mid-century Milo Baughman for Murray Furn. maple desk; 20 pcs. high quality modern Allermuir Furn. incl. Jax cross bench, office pod, upholstered & office chairs, stools; 2 Stickley A&C settles & armchair; A&C bookstands; 6 Danish modern chairs attr. Erik Buch; Wallace Nutting chairs, tables, Pilgrim blanket chest; Two CG Adams tiger maple tavern tables. Period furniture – Rare Long Island QA mah. Highboy; 18th C. Boston block front chest; Am. Federal small chest/ desk; 2 tiger maple chests; Walter Archer Eng. tall clock; Eng. Highboy w/chinoiserie; Hepplewhite serpentine chest; 18th C. William & Mary chinoiserie highboy & 2 English chests; 18 C. Hepplewhite sideboard & card table.
MISC: Rare c.1750 Boston Fishing Lady School Embroidered Picture, superb condition (ex. Senator Pell RI collect); Antique poly chromed wood Cigar Store Indian Princess attr. Samuel Robb NY; (3) 18th c. Liverpool jugs – Ship Caroline & 1792 scenic; 1780 Chinese Export cider jug; (3) 18th c. mirrors, 1 sgd. Lothrop Boston; Meissen snake urn; 6 fine Vict. silvered bronze cherub candlesticks; Tortoise tea caddy; Pr. Hepplewhite knife boxes; 19th c. Police buckle; Trunk old Masonic KT items for Burton Taylor RI; 13 star US flag ca 1875 & others; 2 Bronze Age ax heads – Luristan & Canaanite; Eskimo whale bone mask; 4 scrimshaw whale teeth incl. American Eagle; scrimshaw busk; Sailor made inlaid box, stool, & yardstick; Whale bone whale sculpture & weathervane; 3 harpoons, one from John R. Manta whaler; Pr. ship’s brass lanterns; bronze ballerina sgd. Bouchard ’69; Maple & Co. A&C jewel box; Old Native American pcs – Catlanite pipes; Carved wood Pipe stems inc. Plains beaded; Early effigy bowl & Toad Gorget ca 1100AD; Also: Antique Peace Medals; Antique G. Washington medals & rare GW Daguerreotype Whig Party gold pin; 1728 Slave neck tag; Antique tiebacks, 10 w/ships; Large metal sign w/Indian “Hand Made Pipes & Tobacco”; Landers, Frary & Clark small coffee mill; Large Enterprise mill; Antique rooster & ship weathervanes; D. White transit & tripod; Shaker boxes; Lg. wood fish sign; Walrus tusk; African ivory mask; Large iron architectural eagle; Pisgah Pottery vase w/ cameo western scene.
Please see our website for more information or call 508-771-1722 or 508-223-9471
Items will be offered online via &
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036